Friday 4 December 2015


1) Which holiday do you celebrate?
If you read my 2014 Blogmas posts you'll know I don't exactly 'celebrate' Christmas. (I'm not very into celebrating holidays.) Technically, though, I suppose I do celebrate Christmas. Don't be fooled by my seemingly Grinch-y attitude towards Christmas, though, I do enjoy it!

2) What are you doing for the holidays this year?

My family and I do the same thing for the holidays every year, and I must say I really appreciate it. Depending on scheduling, we spend Christmas Eve or the morning of Christmas Day with my dad's side of the family. Then we spend nearly all of Christmas Day with my mum's family. This ritual gives me something to really look forward to; it's our tradition. 

3) What's your favourite holiday drink?

Um...water? I'm not a fan of seasonal drinks like Eggnog (do we even have that in Australia?).

4) Candy canes or gingerbread men?

What sort of question is this? Obviously gingerbread men! How could someone choose candy canes when there're gingerbread men on the menu?

5) What's your favourite holiday/Christmas song?

It's a tie between 'Last Christmas' by WHAM! and the Jimmy Barnes & Never Shout Never covers of 'Happy Xmas (War is Over)'. These are incredible songs, and I highly recommend you give 'em a listen. 

6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received?

To be honest, I can't think of a really weird gift I've received for Christmas. I'm so picky that people usually ask me what I want, if I want anything at all. 

7) Have you ever made a snowman?

Well, considering I live in Australia and it never snows in most states and territories, no. The last time snow settled in Canberra was, I believe, 2002. Ugh. 

8) What is your favourite winter summer fragrance?

I modified this question so I could talk about summer (seeing as Christmas is in summer in the southern hemisphere). My favourite summer fragrance would have to be The Body Shop Indian Night Jasmine. It's a very rich, warm, almost spicy floral. Love it!

9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas?

Well, you can click here to read about my beauty wish list, but to be honest there's nothing that I'm really hoping to receive this year. Except maybe some Lord of the Rings merch - you can never have too much. 

10) What is most important to you about the holidays?

See, I could give a typical answer about spending time with my family so you all think I'm a really good person, but I won't do that. Why should I make more of an effort to spend time with my family during this specific time of year? My family are always important to me, so just because it's Christmas I'm not going to rank them higher on my priority list. The most important thing, to me, about the holidays is the atmosphere. Everything feels happier, even when you're stressing out about last minute shopping. Everything feels Christmas-y, and I love it. 

So, that's my Holiday tag! Feel free to answer these questions in the comments below! I'll be back tomorrow with more Blogmas.

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