About Gypsies and Pixies

Why does anyone decide to write a blog? Some people are absolutely brilliant at blogging, with a stellar backstory and everything, while others were just bored one day.
What type of introvert would I be if I didn't fall into the latter category? I was lying on my bed reading, listening to music, and seeing if there were any new Youtube videos for me to watch - not exactly productive. I was contemplating what to do because the book I was reading wasn't very entertaining, and I thought about finishing my own book I'd started writing. One problem: writers block. So, next best thing, I very randomly started a blog. It's a pretty boring story, right? Sorry about that, but I promise the actual content of my blog is much better than it's backstory (I might be a little biased).
As for me, I'm not too interesting. I could make up a few dazzling stories about travelling the world and swapping places with an Italian singer because of a young man's plot to be rich and famous (Lizzie McQuire, anyone?), but who's got time for that?

I am an aspiring author, with many many unfinished books. If I had magical powers, I'd control the elements (earth, air, fire & water) because that would be hella cool. I was able to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious at the age of seven, and I am still very proud of myself for being able to do so. I'm an avid reader, you could definitely call me a bookworm. I also have an unhealthy obsession with TV and movies, but what can you do?
Poke around my blog, my Pinterest, email me and join the Gypsies & Pixies community. I'd kind of love to be a little pixie, if I'm being honest. We can all be little pixies together :)

*Go to my "Contact Me" page for links to any social media*

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, "g***y" is a racial slur for Romani. Romani activists like Qristina Cummings, Ian Hancock, & Jessica Reidy have written a great deal on how this word is harmful & encourages antiziganist violence.
