Sunday 16 June 2013

Vintage Charm

Hi everyone, guess who!
Yeah... You don't have to guess, it's okay...
So, I was looking through all my blogposts and I came across the "Bohemian Decorating" post. I mentioned briefly that I might do a post about my room and a few random things in it and today's the perfect opportunity (even though I should be writing an article for school right now). 

This is where I keep my earrings and bracelets.

My chalk-board... I can't remember where my mum bought this, sorry!

Three of my favourite books – LOTR!

A little butterfly charm that hangs on my bookshelf

It's a panda!  

My lantern from Tree Of Life*

Two of the many candles in my room. I buy them cheap from My Value.

My bunny! Actually, it's my mum's from when she was little:)

I think I got this from Target... A while ago...

My mum bought this from Typo* for me.
A close-up of my Typo heart! <3

I know this post isn't exactly long, but it gave me a chance to work on my photography/editing skills which was fun! I hope you all liked it too, if you have any queries about making over a room email me (go to my "Contact Me" page)! You can go to my Pinterest* and check out the Gypsies and Pixies board for bohemian pins, and the Bloggy Things board for photos from my blog.

~Au Revoir!~


Contact Me Page

My Pinterest (littlepixie88)

Bohemian Decorating post


Saturday 15 June 2013

Morganville Vampires - Exciting News!

Hello everyone!
I'm finding it very hard to breath right now. I can't even cope, I'm just that excited because...
(drum roll!)
Morganville Vampires is being made into a web series! (insert cheer here) I'm absolutely through the roof, I can't explain how happy I am. It's like when my dad told me the next time Evanescence comes to Canberra he'd make sure myself and a friend got to see them play.
Only I'm a tad more excited because this is set in stone! Rachel Caine talked about making Morganville into a web series on her Morganville blog* and also there was an official press release! Amber Benson will play Amelie, so yeah... I'm pretty damn excited.
Can you imagine, 6 episodes to be filmed this spring (or autumn if you live in the northern hemisphere)? Tuning in every week to watch Morganville come to life, to watch Claire, Eve, Michael and Shane kick vampire ass? And then watch Shane as he tries not to kick Michael's ass when he turns into a vampire? Or actually get to see Eve's freaking amazing outfits – because that's the part that I've been desperate to see ever since I found out about this huge project.

There's a small problem though, to actually make this web series, they need $75,000 to get everything done. e.g. paying the cast & crew, writing original music for the show, props and set etc. So Rachel Caine and her team need our help to reach that goal of $75,000. To watch the video talking about this mondo-fabulous web series or pledge money to the cause, go HERE. If you can, please pledge even $1! I'm not sure of the exact rules of all this, but if you can... pledge... And bring the Morganville Vampires series to life! I can't pledge any money, but Rachel Caine says that even showing your support might be enough to help out.

Oh, and one more thing:
Welcome to Morganville, you'll never want to leave!

~Au Revoir!~

Thursday 13 June 2013

May Favourites - sorry it's late!

Hello everyone!
Before I get on with the actual subject of the post, I thought I'd point out that it's been really hard for me to post weekly or twice a week like I'd originally planned. School has taken a tole and I'm only just starting to get a break from all the crazy work we've got. So for a while at least, I'll probably write a bunch of blogpost within a 2 - 3 day period and just put them up so at least I don't go months without posting. Does that make sense? Also, one more thing, instead of typing "link below" after everything that has a link I'm just going to put an astrix (*) next to it!

I was actually quite reluctant to write this particular blogpost, I'm not sure why, I just wasn't feeling it - but oh well! Just as I uploaded my previous post (link below), I decided, why not.

Favourite Movie
Mean Girls*: I was never a fan of this movie before, but during May a friend slept over at my house and made me watch a lot of moves - one of which being Mean Girls. I've kind of fallen in love with it! The character of Cady Heron gets sucked into girl world, and has a hard time pulling herself back out.

Favourite Band/Artist
For this particular option, I was torn. There are so many great bands out there that I really wanted to pick all of them, but I couldn't. Evanescence will always be my favourite band, but a group that I've been obsessing over last month is Stitched Up Heart*. I absolutely love their music, although it might not be for everyone because it's quite dark and "screamo" if you will. I really hate that label, but oh well. I've had a lot of trouble finding all their music on iTunes, but Youtube is my second home after all!

Favourite Song
Trampoline* by NeverShoutNever*, of course! It's an adorable song, and I just love it to death. This indie pop band plays music that I usually despise, but this band... this band is an exception! Trampoline is a great song, and I thoroughly encourage that you give it a listen.

Favourite TV Show
I don't really watch a lot of TV to be honest, I prefer re-watching DVD's and listening to music, oh and going on Youtube. But of course, my favourite TV show for May has to be Gilmore Girls*. I don't even go a fortnight without watching it! Although, while re-watching the series for the hundredth time I've kind of fallen out of love with Rory... Is that a bad thing? 

Favourite Food/Drink
I'm a big fan of food, and yes I know we need it to survive. But I'm a huge fan, so it's more or less impossible to pick just one favourite food and drink item. However my favourite drink has got to be iced coffee - it's delicious! My favourite food? Tricky... But I'm going to go with cheese. I don't know why, but during May I ate a lot of grated cheese. And of course I loooove Chinese food!

Favourite makeup/skincare product
I'm not one for makeup, I just don't have the time for it and can't really be bothered. There's also the fact that I have no skill with makeup whatsoever, but that's a minuscule detail! My favourite skincare product is the Vaseline Total Moisture Aloe Fresh 24 hr Nourishing Lotion. It smells absolutely delicious, a cucumber and mint smell or something... It's just one of those gorgeous green smells that I love! It is also very moisturising, which is great for me particularly as it's getting colder here in Australia. 

Favourite Scent
The Impulse Maybe... Daily Fragrance in raspberry & jasmine. Oh my gosh, is all I could say when I first bought it because it smells so delicious. Raspberries are possibly my favourite scent when it comes to scented things (that didn't sound repetitive or anything). 

Favourite Book(s)
I managed to narrow it down to one favourite band, but there is no way that I could narrow down my Favourite Book of May to just one... So here's the list!
- The Morganville Vampires Series*
- Jane Eyre*
- Downside Ghosts*
I've read them all multiple times, but you can't ever read a book too many times can you?

Favourite Item of Clothing
Why not add this in? My favourite item of clothing has to be my combat boots*, and yes I do realise that they are shoes not clothing! They're just amazing and I love 'em. I bought them off Ebay in December, and thought that I'd buy another pair after a few months but guess what? Although the seller is going to keep them listed and just keep restocking the item, they never have my size. 

That's all for my monthly favourites! Sorry it's a week late, but better late than never. Also, the actual Favourites might vary slightly. For example, if I don't have a favourite book for June, that section won't be included in the June Favourites etc etc. I hope you liked reading about my favourite things, but I'd also love to read about yours! Leave them in the comments!

~Au Revoir!~


An update, and a few embarrassing moments!

Well, hi there!
I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting for a few weeks. But the seven assignments I had, two tests, and the fact that I've been a bit under the weather will hopefully be good enough excuses. Speaking of the weather, it really hasn't been that great lately - I love it though! Don't ask me why, I've got always loved the rain and the cold. Must have something to do with having such a cold and dark personality... 
Kidding! Wow, I'm already talking about the weather, but don't worry, I'm definitely not bored with you. 

Alright, so I've been struggling with coming up with ideas for a blogpost, but this evening while on Youtube I got an idea. While watching a Sprinkleofglitter video (link below), where Louise talked about a very embarrassing moment I thought I'd write a blogpost on the same topic. Enjoy!

Some of my embarrassing moments... Some... Well, to be honest I've done a lot of embarrassing things in my years. For example, the time I had a hole in my pants but had NO idea, so I walked around school all day with people laughing at my butt. Or the time I thought some guy liked me, so I confronted him at school and had quite a few people smirking when said guy mentioned that it wasn't me he had a thing for - ha, just like on Gilmore Girls when Rory confronts some guy in the cafeteria. 

Let's start with something that happened to me when I was twelve, shall we?
Picture this, you're in assembly with basically all the kids in your school (I go to a school with kids from K - 10, assemblies just have 6 - 10) when whoever's hosting the assembly asks all year sixes to stand up and head outside where you will discuss what electives you'd like to be in for this semester. Little Jesse was off with the pixies thinking about doing art as her elective, when another girl called out to her and said "Jesse! Are you doing the sport elective too?" Little Jesse immediately stood up, because sport was not her cup of tea and bolted for the door. Little Jesse dashed a mere two metres from her spot on the floor when she tripped over her much-too-long navy blue pants... 
And fell flat on her face..
Limbs flailing...
Looking like a circus freak, or a fish out of water, or something to that effect...
Once Jesse was done making my spectacular fail, she looked around and for a second thought  Yes! No one noticed! But no, of course everyone noticed, Jesse was informed of this when she turned around to see everyone around me dying of laughter, while everyone else was smirking and grinning. It was quite a traumatic experience, I must say.

The last embarrassing moment has something to do with my  favourite band ever, Evanescence. In class, I was listening to my iPod when Taking Over Me came on. I got a bit excited and started to hum along to the lyrics. That shouldn't be a problem right? Well, my earphones are noise reducing so you can't hear anything around you, so I couldn't hear myself. At first Billy (a good friend) just nudged me telling me to be quiet. 
I was. 
For about a minute and then Tourniquet started playing. I couldn't not sing along, because it's one of my favourite songs ever, so I was singing along all happy and just in a pretty good mood. Remember how I said my earphones are noise reducing? Yeah, they work really well, because apparently I was singing so loud and not-so-great that my maths teacher was giving me very dirty looks (she doesn't like me much...). I was oblivious so I kept on singing, basically having the time of my life, while everyone was also having a pretty good time laughing at me. I honestly don't know how I didn't realise I was singing loudly, or that everyone was laughing. What I did notice, however, was my best friend dumping a full & open packet of chips on my head, and a little bit of water. 
Just to shut me up... Rude much? 
It was funny, wet, and gross all at the same time. I got in trouble for disturbing the class, and my friend got detention for... well... dumping food on my head. That was not fun, because I couldn't get it all out of my hair and was basically walking around with gross, sticky hair for the rest of the day. 

I think I've left you with enough embarrassing moments for now, I was bright red just typing them... I'm not sure why, but reliving those moments over wasn't a big thrill. If you'd like, please leave a comment and tell your most embarrassing stories so we can feel embarrassed together. (Does anyone remember when in Fall of Night by Rachel Caine, Shane sends Claire a video message and says "We'll be lonely together?" OMG!)

~Au Revoir!~
P.S I'll be adding a new page to my blog with photos soon... eventually... Just as soon as I find some good pictures, sort of like a timeline. Any big events will also be documented on my photo page as well!
