Wednesday 31 December 2014


I've been a little unsure of where I stand with my blog lately, and I've had a serious case of writer's block. I guess that comes from forcing out all those blogmas posts. That might not sound very impressive to someone who writes twice that in a month, but I'm beat. It was fun, and it gave me a chance to really embrace this creative outlet & remember why I love it so much. I just don't know what to do right now. 

I've been feeling a lot of different emotions this past month or so; sometimes all at once, other times I don't feel anything at all. I'm being bombarded by all of these ridiculous emotions, these thoughts and ideas, life, just everything. There's so much I want to do and say, but it all gets to be too much, or I can't sort through what I'm thinking and feeling. It's almost like if I were to have millions of books in the shelves in my mind, but they're all over the floor and flying around as well. As much as I try to pinch a certain book from the air, it evades my touch and flies away. As much as I try to bring some form of organisation to these books of memories, thoughts, life, I just can't. 

While I'm grounded, and while I like to think I understand the world quite well, I don't know how well I'm getting by. Sometimes I feel lost in my head, and as I try to make progress on this long-ass journey, I keep veering off the path. I don't even mean to veer off this path, it's like I'm pushed away from my goals by anxiety and depression and angsty teenagers. All this stuff is just too much for one little human alone. I want someone to help me, but how could they? That messy library with flying books has a lock, and there's only one key which is in my possession. I could give the key to someone else, but I'm too afraid that they would lock me out of my own head. I can't lose control, not now.

I should have friends helping me, maybe a boyfriend, or even my parents (I kid, that wouldn't go down well), but instead I'm quite alone. I want their help, but at the same time I can't part with this independence I cling so strongly to. What if they do it wrong? At least if I make a mistake, it's at my own hand, but what am I supposed to do when someone else makes a mistake with my life? What if someone I love pushes me off the path? 

I don't want to feel guilty about others mistakes, about constantly thinking about them doing something wrong. I don't want to feel guilty if I ask for help and become any sort of dependent on them because they haven't made a mistake. I don't want to lose that independence I have, if I can even call it that. It's more-so my stubborn need to prove that I don't need anyone's help, that I don't want any hand outs. I can't take those hand outs. I can't think about giving my key to my library to someone else so they can help sort through and organise my books. I can't think about falling off the path into a ditch, and seeing someone else's pitying smile as they offer a helping hand. 

When you hold onto all of these emotions, thoughts, wants, you become heavy. Do you remember in Little Red Riding Hood, when Little Red Riding Hood is cut out of the wolf's stomach by a man, so they and her grandmother fill the wolf's stomach with stones so the wolf still thinks he's full up on people? That's how I feel when I hold onto things. I feel like I've swallowed too many emotions, too much pain and confusion, and I just want to lie there knowing full well I've not swallowed anything that would sustain or help me. 

Or you might feel like you're ever so slowly sinking. You sink until you reach the bottom of the ocean, but it isn't dark and scary like people would think. There's still light from the sun surrounding you, and it brings with it an illusion of happiness or relief from the world. You think everything is fine, even when you know it isn't. The reality is simply too much to bare, so you go on piling more and more books in your library, you dawdle away from your path while stealing glances at it. 

I no longer with to feel this heavy all the time, not that I did before. This heavy feeling seems to always accompany my desperate refusals of any help, from anyone. That independence I strive for in some parts of my life, I have no time for in others. The heavy feeling goes away when I escape into a library that isn't my own, but was built for me to make it so. These contradictions, the changes I need in my life, possibilities, everything I dream about, they're in my head. My library full of books, the ocean I'm sinking in, the path I try to follow, they're in my head. 

I still want to have these things, I don't want them erased from my head or let out to run wild somewhere else too far for my mind & imagination to follow, I want them with me. I want them with me because I need their comfort, I need their reminder that while chances seem to be floating or running past me, I can run and float too. I can free myself from the locked library and open the door, I can swim up to the surface of the ocean, I can widen the path in the forest and explore the beauty it has to offer. I don't have to run, I don't have to hide, I don't have to refuse. I can simply be. I forget that sometimes, but I don't want to forget anymore. I want to remember, to always know, that I can be anything and everything.

Tuesday 30 December 2014


Anyone who says you can have only one OTP is lying to themselves and needs to get their head out of their ass. I have a trillion OTPs, all of which I love and will ship even after I take my last breath. I honestly can't imagine living without these fictional characters who are very real to me, whom I love more dearly than most people in my life who are made of flesh and blood.

I'd list my all my OTPs in this post, but I'm genuinely scared that this post would get way too long if I did that. So I'm going to turn this into a series; unscheduled and very random, but every now and again I'll obsess over a particular OTP of mine. Sounds fantastic – brilliant, even – right?

Rose and the Doctor, of Doctor Who, are probably the two characters that are on my mind the most (except maybe any Drake Chronicles character). I don't know how to explain my love for this pairing and their story, but I can try. Rose Tyler has always been my favourite companion, ever since I started watching Doctor Who all those years ago, despite my irrational aversion to female main characters with blonde hair (better left unexplained). Chris Eccleston is also my favourite Doctor (David Tennant isn't far behind, promise), so it seems fitting that I'd ship Rose and the Doctor as hard as I do.

When Rose was unceremoniously torn away from us at the end of series 2, then again near the end of series 4, I couldn't imagine being happy again. I never wanted her story to end, and I desperately wish we'd gotten a more conclusive (and happier!) ending to her story. I know the ending we got was perfect, especially because trapping her in an alternative universe with the Meta-Crisis Doctor was literally the only way to stop Rose getting back to her Doctor - that doesn't mean I have to like it. 

There is one event in Who history that pacifies my arguments a little bit, one specific episode that makes me giddy to think about; The Day of the Doctor. If you've seen it, you know the Moment takes Rose's (well, Bad Wolf's) form to try and convince the Doctor to do the right thing. If you haven't seen it, sorry, this is about to get hella confusing and spoiler-y. I love that the Moment took Rose's form; out of everyone the Doctor has met and ever will meet, it's always Rose. Rose Marion Tyler made the biggest impact on the Doctor, she's the girl he fell in love, the girl who eviscerated the Daleks with a simple thought, the girl who traveled from a different universe to get back to him. 

It was Rose Tyler, not Wilf, not Amy, not Sarah Jane, who helped the Doctor that day. The Moment chose Rose in the Doctor's most desperate time of need, and by doing so, immortalised Rose (and Billie Piper) in Who history forever.

I just...I l–

Monday 29 December 2014

NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturiser | Review

I never thought I'd ever do a review of a NARS product, let alone own one. It seemed too far fetched a dream, mainly due to the hefty price tag that accompanies NARS products. Well, I was a very lucky girl this Christmas as my mum bought this for me as an early Christmas present. 

Let's take a moment to admire the beautiful, classic, NARS packaging. It's stunning, right? Or am I just thinking that because there's still some of that holy shit I own something from NARS glow left over? This tube is very hygienic as there's no sticking your fingers into a pot, or exposing the product to all the nasty germs. It's also very travel friendly - when you shut that cap, it is closed, my friends. There ain't gonna be any spillage! This can be a small downside because when I'm in a rush trying to apply my makeup, that damn cap just doesn't want to open. 

Onto the actual product, now. Can you tell I've not written a beauty review in a while? I don't know what I'm saying, god. Anyway, the shade range is awesome. When it comes to tinted moisturisers, even expensive ones, we're usually only given three at the most. I've never been able to find a tinted moisturiser or BB cream that matches my skin tone because of that very reason; the shades are rubbish. That's not the case with NARS' tinted moisturiser, thank god, as the shade Finland is a near perfect match for me. It has a neutral balance of pink and yellow undertones. I am quite pale, and literally all pale bases I've seen have pink undertones – what the fuck is up with that?!

This is a tinted moisturiser, so I wasn't expecting amazing coverage. I just wanted something to blur all the issues my face had going on, and hope for the best. I've always been one to have low expectations in life, beauty products being no exception, but oh my god this stuff is awesome! The coverage is exceptional, especially for a tinted moisturiser. When I apply this, I have barely any redness and discolouration, no more dark spots, and I in general have quite a flawless complexion. Of course, it's not going to cover up actual pimples very well, but with layering of the product (barely any risk of caking!) and some concealer, I don't have to worry.

The staying power is also quite impressive, although not absolutely amazing. On my skin, even with primer and powder, products seem to disappear after 3-4 hours. This tinted moisturiser will last 5-6 hours on my skin before I need to reapply & powder.

I love the look this stuff gives my face - it's as if my skin is glowing from the inside! I'm not a fan of very glowy/dewy finishes, preferring a matte finish, so I do powder everywhere except my cheeks. This way, I keep the natural glow where I need it most, and don't have to worry about looking oily anywhere else. Despite the Rimmel Stay Matte powder I use, you still get that glowing from the inside look. I don't know how else to describe it, so you really have to try it out for yourself.

I'm so impressed and happy with this product, and have used it religiously for the past two weeks. Bonus points; it doesn't wreak havoc with my skin! My skin is sensitive as fuck, so finding makeup that doesn't give me an allergic reaction is a blessing. It just sucks that I won't be able to use this in winter/autumn, as I do get extremely pale from staying inside most of the day. Other than that, this is a rave review! 

Well done, NARS, you kick ass in the beauty department. I got a Mecca Cosmetica gift card for Christmas, and have already ordered a few more NARS products. I couldn't be happier with this tinted moisturiser – my hunt for the perfect base is finally over. 

Saturday 27 December 2014

THE NEW YEAR | Blogmas Day 20

Yes! I've done it! It's the final day of blogmas, and although I've skipped one or two days here and there, I've always made up for them. I'm genuinely surprised and very pleased with myself for actually completing blogmas 2014. Anyway, onto today's post.

I've always made New Years Resolutions, ever since I can remember. I'd pull out one of my many notebooks and flip to a clean page, and write. Who knows how much effort I put into making resolutions every year, or how much paper I've wasted. Truth be told, I don't think I've ever stuck to these dumb resolutions, and I hardly believe I'd be able to if I gave it another go.

What's the point of New Years Resolutions, anyway? The new year isn't even a big deal in itself, merely marking the end of a 12 month cycle (heh) and the cycle yet again repeating itself. There's literally nothing special about this, and yet we all make such a big deal about this one moment. That one moment when the clocks' will tick over to midnight. We party and celebrate until we simply can't do so any longer, we bring in the new year with fireworks and cheers. 

Why? Why do we insist on making so much out of such a little moment? As humans, do we really need another excuse to celebrate another supposedly insignificant moment, or is it something more? Is this silly idea of New Years Eve so important to us because it gives us a chance to not only look back on the year just gone, but also to give ourselves a clean slate? Maybe. I know I need a clean slate (although certainly more often than once a year), because I desperately want to start over. 

Starting over represents new challenges and joys. It might be terrifying to some, but it's also a breath of fresh air. Almost like you've been slowly suffocating, and you simply want to be released from this dank, dark prison into a new light. Somewhere with a dazzlingly bright sun, blue skies, and fields of prosperity and chances. 

I guess we do need that, and that's what makes New Years Eve, New Years Resolutions, and the act of bringing on the new year so special. You might not make resolutions, you might not care for partying on New Years Eve, or the aftermath on New Years Day - but we all need this ceremony of 'The New Year.' That breath of fresh air you take once the clock strikes midnight, the new eyes you see everything with, they are what makes the tiresome new year rituals so worth it. Even if it's only for a moment, we should savour that moment. Look behind you, see that cold place where you couldn't breathe, and then turn around. Face the beautiful stars, the sun and moon, rolling hills and joyous sounds–and embrace the new year. 

Thursday 25 December 2014

Sooo, it's Christmas Day | Blogmas Day 19

Soooo, it's Christmas Day. That's a thing. Unless you're in a different timezone in which case it's probably Christmas Eve. 

This is a quality blogpost right here, I'm afraid there's gonna be a tonne of famous authors out there who will tremble at the thought of my stunning writing. Or something along those lines. Anyway, I just thought I'd wish you all a Merry Christmas. Unless you don't celebrate Christmas, or you don't really care about Christmas (like myself).

I don't know where I'm going with this, so I'll leave you with this–
–and I will talk to you tomorrow. I promise it will be an actual post. 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

SANTA'S GONNA GET YOU! | Blogmas Day 18

"He sees you when you're sleeping"

Santa Clause held his breath, although it wasn't really necessary. Gone are the tiresome days of checking in on each individual child - now he simply presses a button on his fancy new computer and can observe his precious children sleeping. He absentmindedly reaches out to the screen, the sleeves on his bright red suit riding up ever so slightly, and strokes the image of a little red headed girl. She's a pretty one, he thinks. 

"He knows when you're awake"

The red head - Cherry - tossed and turned as she slept. Eventually the little girl simply couldn't continue with this ridiculous idea of sleep; it was Christmas Eve and she desperately wanted a glimpse of the jolly man in the red suit. Last year Cherry came close, but Santa heard the stairs creak under foot and she had to hide from view. By the time Cherry was sure she was safe from being found out, Santa was gone. 

Santa observes the girl get out of bed, and wonders what sort of self control she possesses. Most children would've given up by now and snuck down to shake their presents, trying to gauge what special gifts had been left to them that year. Cherry impresses him, he decides. He is enamoured - in a way - by this young girl. But she's awake now, and that's certainly not a good thing. Cherry must be punished.

"He knows if you've been bad or good"

Cherry finally let go of her self control and pulled on a dressing gown to keep the nightly chill at bay. Silently (she'd been practising walking quietly for this very moment), she slipped out of her room and crept towards the Christmas tree. Cherry desperately wanted a new doll and some pretty clothes for it, but had she been good? Oh, to think coal might end up in her stocking! Why, she'd be simply distraught, even thinking about it made her shiver. Have I been a good girl? Cherry wondered. What would Santa do if she hadn't been good?!

"So be good for goodness sake!"

Santa shakes his head as he continues to watch the screen. Just like last year and the years before that, Cherry gave up trying to wait for Christmas morning and went downstairs. Honestly, why can't there be just one child who behaves on Christmas Eve? He's not known very many children to stay in their beds all night, and can count them all on one hand! The other hand he saves for using his computer, monitoring all the children he's expected to deliver presents to. That practise ended long ago, as Santa now preferred to send his elves and or a robotic Santa in his stead. Much more efficient, and it gave him a chance to admire all the sleeping forms (and the should be sleeping forms!) on his screen. 

Cherry is a favourite, so Santa pays more attention to her than any other children in Australia. She was also being awfully naughty trying to figure out the gifts that Robot Santa had left her. Oh well, it's simply too late to take her off the nice list. Santa would have to punish her in another, way. 
"Ho ho, ho," Santa Clause mumbled, "Merry Christmas, Cherry."

Tuesday 23 December 2014

FORESIGHT IS KEY | Blogmas Day 17

I had a tonne of ideas for this post, but I just got back from Minnamurra (I lie, I've been back for like 5 hours) so I'm too fucking tired to type out a good quality blogpost. I'm sorry, but you're stuck with a really half-assed post today. One of my stream of consciousness, whatever the fuck comes to mind posts. Click away now if you're easily bored, offended, annoyed, or confused. 

You guys know I went to Minnamurra for six days, right? Well, I didn't have any swimmers because I live in Canberra - at least two hours away from any beaches. Sure, we've got pools, but I just don't go swimming. So for the past three years or so I've not had any bathers, this holiday being no exception. I could've bought some while we were there, but when I went out shopping with my mum I couldn't find the ones I wanted. I'm a specific, picky little shit, and I refused to settle for second best. 

That doesn't sound too bad, and it really wasn't. It's merely the principal of the thing; I went to the coast where there's beaches and didn't bring fucking swimmers. Who am I?!? Although, it's not like I was going to go swimming anyway - I'm not extremely self conscious about my body because I know how to dress for my shape and I have quite a few tips 'n' tricks up my sleeve. But what am I supposed to do when I'm wearing a bikini swimming? Seriously. There's no point wearing a rashy or coverup in the water, because they cling to your body and show off all the sins I try to hide. I ain't comfortable wearing anything tight (hello muffin top) or revealing in the chest area (hello, boobs).

You know what else sucks (smooth transition)? Periods. I got mine yesterday, so I got to spend a four hour car trip sitting, completely unmoving, and praying to every fucking nonexistent god/goddess out there for happen. Nothing happened, don't be alarmed, but I was suffering awful cramps. I couldn't even do anything about it because I hadn't the foresight to grab some, and my little brother & his friend (who came with us, bleh) were in the car. That would've just been awkward, and I am anything but awkward. 

So, to recap, foresight is seriously key when going on holiday. If you're going somewhere with water, bring something appropriate to swim in. If you're worried about being on your period when trying to enjoy a holiday, keep all methods of pain relief on your person at all times. Hell will ensue if you don't, trust me. Anyway, Merry Christmas and all that jazz!

Monday 22 December 2014

I FEEL LIKE SHIT | Blogmas Day 16

In June, I made a promise to myself to start being healthier; you know, eating better, actually exercising and not just lying about it (I can't be the only person who does that, right?). I decided to do this because I got disgustingly ill – to say the least – in June and spent 2 days throwing up, and another 5 being too sick to eat or drinking anything. Yuck. 

Anyway, I failed miserably, and now I'm having a pity party because I failed. Being healthy and losing weight is just so fucking hard, and I can't do it. I can do lots of things, but doing that whole health kick thing? Hell to the no. I do actually enjoy eating healthy food & going for runs/walks or doing yoga, but I can't be bothered. I'd rather lie down on my back in that double chin position with the laptop on my boobs. 

As satisfying as that is, the whole ritual makes me feel like total shit. I want to be healthy, I just really can't be bothered. Therefore, I end up feeling like complete shit as apposed to just shit. I've said shit a lot in this blogpost, haven't I? Oh, well. 

I don't know where I'm going with this blogpost, I just wanted to share how awful I was feeling with you guys because that's literally all my blog is for. So, I'm going to make a promise to myself and everyone reading this. It's online, I won't ever edit this out, and you may punish me viscously if I do that or if I fail. The changes I'm making to my life, the lifestyle changes that shall occur, the things I'm changing to make my life better, the healthy alternatives that will replace my previous unhealthy ways–

–are as follows:

I will not touch any junk food. This excludes donuts, Belvita chocolate biscuits, and chocolate cake, because I have some self-preservational skills and will surely lose my shit if I don't have some form of baked goods available to me. This exception, however, is not an excuse to just eat donuts and cake all the time, and I will regulate my intake of deliciousness very strictly (debatable).

I have to drink at least 3 bottles of water a day. Water intake is important as all hell in the whole getting healthy process (and just life... water is love, water is life), so I want to keep up that water intake. This is going to be totally easy, though, I drink waaay too much water. 

Try doing some form of workout every other day. Whether it's yoga, Pilates, Zumba, sit ups (I actually love them, sue me) etc. This has to get done, and I have to do said workout for at least twenty minutes. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I'm not very committed to exercise, to say the least. This whole workout thing doesn't include walking/running because I actually enjoy those things a lot. 

Stop eating so much, you fat pig. Ha, whoever said positive affirmations are the key to staying healthy & happy probably hates me. But seriously, I'm a fatty, and I eat way too much. I eat when I'm sad, when I'm bored, when I'm angry, I just eat too much. It's not even unhealthy foods, sometimes I pig out on cucumber, tomato & capsicum. Other times, it's Blue Ribbon ice cream, same thing. 

So, that's been my pity party/drastic attempt at a lifestyle change/me fucking around. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this shitty, slightly depressing, not so uplifting instalment of blogmas. My last post was really positive, so I felt like I should balance it out. Comment below, spread the word about Gypsies & Pixies and make our community bigger, share this post, you know the drill. I love you all, and I'll talk to you tomorrow (I promise I won't say shit too many times). 

Friday 19 December 2014

That Giddy, Goofy, Smile | Blogmas Day 15

I love things like blogmas, just any time I post on Gypsies and Pixies daily for an extended amount of time, really. I love the prospect of being focused on this one thing, trying my hardest at making my blog all it can be, because it's really goddamn fun.

When I do things like blogmas, it really reminds me how much my blog means to me and I remember why I started blogging in the first place, why I love it so much. I've put so much effort into blogmas, or tho past August (blogust?) when I posted every week day. When that effort pays up and I look back at these compilations of posts that I focuses a ridiculous amount of energy on, I smile. A giddy, goofy, smile. Why? Because it just shows me how fucking capable I am, and makes me feel that much more positive towards everything that I can and will do. Granted, this blog is small scale, but who knows where it might lead? Only time will tell.

The potential Gypsies & Pixies has always becomes the most evident to me when I do Blogmas, Blogust, etc. because I see that I can actually do this thing. I can actually make something out of this little blog, make my little corner of the internet something more. As I finish this post, that giddy, goofy, smile has returned and I know that I can do fucking anything – online, at least.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Storm Born by Richelle Mead | Review | Blogmas Day 14

A fair warning: I've put this review together from notes I wrote while reading the book at about 2am in the morning. I am sorry if I become incoherent at times, or if I say stupid shit, or if I can't back up my points. That'll teach me to write when I'm obviously delirious with tiredness. Anyway, onto this shamble of a review (or maybe it's not a total shamble, who knows).

Storm Born was ultimately just a fun, easy, quick read for me. More so just a bit of fun, than me being totally invested in the book and dying to buy the next in the series. I initially was going to, but now I doubt I will, because I just don't want to, and was let down by the book. 

I feel like the story line is a bit jumbled and haphazard. The way I was thrown into this world made me momentarily dazed and confused (insert Doctor Who reference here). It definitely felt as if there was a lot missing from this book, like it was thrown together without concern for making things flow nice a smoothly - or, more accurately, like this was more of a sequel to a book than the first in a series. To some people, this isn't a big deal, and a lot of readers might not notice this, but it was the first thing I noticed (other than the disturbing amount of sex/sexual tension) while reading Storm Born. No one likes disjointed and messy transitions, Richelle Mead!

Another issue with timing and flow of the book was the Storm King's daughter storyline. I don't want to give much away, so this bit might sound a little confusing. Basically, our protagonist finds out she's the daughter of a fearsome king who was slain by her stepdad after her mum was raped and forced to bare said king's child. You following? Good. This child turns out to be Eugenie, our protagonist, and she's therefore heir to the thrown back in fairy land (well, technically the otherworld, but I've dubbed it fairy land). Anyway, the way this storyline was written was just so poor, I can't put it more plainly than that. For timing purposes, I guess Eugenie was suddenly thrown into it all in the first book to create more opportunities for the following books, but it's too much for one book. It definitely needed to be spread out over two books, to maybe give some build up, instead of having all this information thrust upon a reader who doesn't really care. Who needs to read the rest of the series if you can guess (quite accurately) what will happen? 

Despite the storyline being annoying and disappointing, there's nothing else that really stands out as bad. I didn't find Eugenie too frustrating as a protagonist, which is very rare for me, and I liked the character development and personal journey she seemed to take throughout the book. Supporting characters were well written, too, although I feel like they were quite predictable. However, I think I'm absolutely done with Richelle Mead's books. I have concluded, after reading most of her books, that I am definitely not a fan. She's just not that great. I'm really sorry if you love her, but her writing style and characters sure as hell aren't for me (excluding Succubus Blues, of course, because that series was fucking brilliant).

In my notes I wrote "thoroughly enjoying. Prob get next book. Really cool!" While I did thoroughly enjoy the book overall, it's definitely not for me. It's still a fun read, and the series has a solid fan base which shows that while it's not for some, Storm Born is definitely for others. If I could describe the book in one sentence, it would be this quote, "Score one for bondage fetishes."

Wednesday 17 December 2014


So, you guys know how much I fucking love reading, right? Well, you do now. Anyway, I'm going to Minnamurra for a real shitty time lovely family holiday (with one of my brothers friends, yay) before Christmas. I am actually excited, because I love Minnamurra. I'm not so excited at the prospect of spending my holiday with one of my little brother's obnoxious friends, and probably being forced to do stuff I really don't want to do by the ever frustrating parental units.

To cope with this awful misery that I will endure, I'm bringing some books. We'll be on holiday for five days (I think?), so I've narrowed my list down to eight. Let's be honest, though; I'll probably finish these books within the first two or three days and then be extremely bored. I'm kidding, I won't be bored. Between the daily visits to the corner ice cream shop, reading, getting my tan on (I'm insanely pale, holy shit), and eating mass amounts of junk food, how could one be bored? Oh! And the ice cream shop in Kiama has the best ice cream I've ever tried. 

Am I exaggerating? I am surely not. I've tried a lot of ice cream in my time, but the highlight of my life will always be grabbing a double scoop from that lil ice cream place. Oh, and the cafe with the orange poppyseed cake & nachos! Notice how I don't call any of these places by name? Yeah, that's because I pay no fucking attention to anything. 

This post was supposed to be me talking about the books I'll be reading, and now I'm off with the goddamn pixies. Then again, I've posted some pictures, what else am I supposed to say? I can't very well describe books I've not read (well, I've read To Kill a Mockingbird, but who can explain that book?), so you guys got a fun little ramble-y post instead! 

P.S. Wanna see photos of my trip to Minnamurra? No? Too bad, you'll be getting them anyway! 

P.P.S. I'm pretty sure there's free internet where we'll be staying, so I'll be able to continue with Blogmas. But if there's not I pinky promise I'll catch up!

RECEIVING GIFTS?! Oh, the Horror! | Blogmas Bonus Post

I enjoy receiving gifts. Shock horror. Don't give me shit for saying that, because I know you do too. I so also enjoy giving gifts, you know. Probably more than I do receiving them. Anyway, that's not precisely what this bonus post is about. 

You should definitely feel lucky and grateful if you've got a good life. If you've got the money to buy gifts for loved ones, or vice versa. But feeling grateful doesn't mean you have to show it by feeling guilty as fuck all the time because kids in Africa don't have the same luxuries we do. If you can, of course you should spare some change, time, or even a though for those in need, but don't forget that you should be enjoying your own life too. Enjoy the fuck out of Christmas, and the little spark of joy you feel when you see a gift under the tree with your name on it. It's not taboo, it's totally okay to be happy about gifts as long as you don't put that way above giving, and don't turn into a dick (there's a weird visual for you). Why should we feel guilty and upset over giving and receiving gifts when others can not? That's not fair, it's not someone's fault that they can afford to buy a loved one something for Christmas (or any time of the year, for that matter). We should be able to enjoy this whole idea of giving and receiving without feeling hollow and guilty. So do just that, simply enjoy it.

WHY I HATE CHRISTMAS (or something to that effect...) | Blogmas Day 13

Growing up, I loved Christmas. It was such a magical time of year, when my family would get together to celebrate and enjoy each other's company. Gifts were passed around, too much food was eaten, and there was always the one member of my family who got way too drunk and ended the night throwing up. There was also, of course, the subtle magic in the air that followed me everywhere I went. No matter who I was with or what I was doing, during the festive season all I thought about was Christmas this & Christmas that. Now, not so much. So, I bring to you my top five reasons why I hate Christmas (hate is a strong word). 

#1. Gifts: I get that gift giving does have roots in various religions during certain times of the year, like around Christmas. I get that sometimes you just want to show how much you love or appreciate someone by giving them a homemade gift, or something that they have really wanted for ages. What I don't get is the whole gift giving thing, and how it's turned into absolute mayhem. Since when was it normal to have kids (and adults!) moaning about what they want, writing absurdly long lists that have no base in reality (you want an iPhone 6, an iPad, a pony, and diamond necklace? Sure!)? Gift giving shouldn't be like this, but it is. It pisses me off, and I'm quite sick of it. It's unrealistic and selfish to just assume that you could give your parents a list of 20 expensive presents and have them readily delivered to your door by Christmas. The fuck?

#2. Christmas Carols: I don't mind some Christmas music. I know that a lot of people love the whole musical shebang and go all out, buying copious amounts of new CDs and all that, but it's certainly not for me. There are a few Christmas songs that I really enjoy, but I fucking loath carols. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-no. They get stuck in my head, and always only one line so I'm singing that one line of that one annoying Christmas carol for weeks on end. It's abominable. 

#3. Money, money, money: I'm a big fan of the whole 'don't postpone joy' thing. If something makes you happy, do it, and stop worrying. However, when that something relates to spending hundreds (and probably thousands) of dollars on presents and decorations and food for one day, I seriously question if it's all worth the joy of just one day. I know that my parents are struggling at the moment with money, and as much as I think about what it'd be like to have a lot of money, I know that idea is silly. Good for you if you don't have to worry about spending a fuck-tonne of money during this festive season, and I wish you all the best. But my god, why do we spend so much money?! It's ridiculous! Does no one realise that you're spending all that cash on just one day that's supposed to give us an opportunity to just be together in festive cheer or whatever? We spend too much money on Christmas. Too goddamn much.

#4. I feel lonely on Christmas: This one isn't me ranting at the world, it's solely my fault. I feel very lonely during the festive season, despite having a family who loves me. The whole Christmas thing just drives home the fact that I do not enjoy the touchy-feely-friendly-loving thing. I don't like hugs, I don't like sharing my feelings with people (go figure, that's exactly what my blog is for 90% of the time), and I hate being in a room full of people who keep asking me what the hell I'm doing with my life. I've grown out of most of the friendships I had, and I'm just not a very family-orientated person. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but I'm not in the mood to play happy families. Apparently, that's what Christmas is supposed to be about, so it's like being punched in the gut. 

#5. Guilty Eating: This is such a bullshit, copout reason because I love eating. Although I prefer non-Christmas foods, I do thoroughly enjoying stuffing my face with turkey and trifle until I go into a food coma that I won't wake up from for several days. After that I immediately feel guilty about how much fucking food I ate, because my body absolutely hates me for it. In turn, I hate my body because it looks like a blubbery mess and I have to work off that Christmas gut. Having confessed that, I should also confess that I never work out and I'm almost always a blubbery mess. I don't know why I always expect to start a health kick after Christmas, but I do know that I'm always utterly disappointed. Poor me, please feel sorry for me.

Okay, this post started out like a way for me to vent my frustrations about the festive season, but now it's just me fucking around and feeling sorry for myself. Then again, that is pretty much what Christmas is; just fucking around and feeling sorry for myself. Heh (I'm kidding...mostly).

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Christmas Tag #2 | Blogmas Day 12

Oh, what's this? Another tag? 

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
Okay, I'll be honest. Sometimes I can be a bit of a Grinch around Christmas time and find it very hard to think of anything about it that I like. However, this year I'm trying to get excited about it (granted, I'm not trying very hard). My favourite thing about Christmas would be all the decorations and the atmosphere. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Oh, crap, was I supposed to say spending time with friends & family? 

Seafood or traditional Christmas meal?
Seeing as Christmas is in Summer for us Aussies, seafood is extremely popular. I personally detest seafood. It's absolutely disgusting, so I prefer the traditional Christmas lunch even if it's boiling hot. 

Christmas carols, love or loath them?
We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas– I swear to god if I hear another Christmas carol I'm going to punch someone. I like Christmas-y songs, but not stupid carols. They suck and get stuck in my head and I just do not like them. Nope. 

If you like them, what is your favourite?
Why am I even including this question? Okay, I'll tell you my favourite Christmas song instead. It's definitely a tie between Last Christmas and Happy Christmas (War is Over). I like the versions of Happy Christmas by Never Shout Never & Jimmy Barnes. 

Do you wish it snowed here during Christmas time or do you like it hot?
I actually thought long and hard about this question. I don't really know. Sure, I'd love to see snow during Christmas time, but I also love our hot Christmases. 

What nail polish do you plan to wear on Christmas day?
I despise painting my nails, so I probably won't wear any. I'm not spending three hours painting them, only to touch something another three hours later and realise my nails aren't dry. Also, nail polish chips in no more than a day. So, no thank you!

Do you put the tree up on December 1st?
Yes! Sometimes it goes up on the closest weekend, though, because it's too annoying to put it up during the week when we're so busy. 

What is your favourite Christmas memory?
To be honest, I don't have a favourite Christmas memory. I've kind of repressed most Christmas memories, and I don't even know why. I do remember going to my aunty's place for Christmas Eve dinner when I was nine or ten and having a hilarious water fight with my two cousins & brother. 

What is on your Christmas wish list this year?
I don't know, maybe a fancy knife to make committing animal sacrifice more glamorous (I'm kidding, kind of).

I hope you all enjoyed this tag, I know I had a lot of fun doing it. It's not an original tag, and yet again I can't seem to trace it back to the original source. Feel free to do this tag yourself, however, and link it in the comments so I can see your answers! I love you, little pixies, and will see you tomorrow for more Blogmas!

Monday 15 December 2014

The Wrong Girl by Zoe Foster | Review | Blogmas Day 11

Lily is a producer on a successful cooking segment for a daily morning show. The new chef has just arrived on set and he is drop dead gorgeous. And despite everything - the sabbatical that Lily and her flatmate Simone are taking from men, the fact that Jack is a work colleague - Lily falls head over heels for him. 

And while Lily battles her feelings, her flatmate Simone breaks their pact and starts dating some guy from her whole foods shop. That guy turns out to be Jack. Up close, Lily bravely watches on as romance blossoms between Simone and Jack. Or does it? They don't seem to have much in common, apart from their striking good looks. And Lily and Jack just seem to get each other. Is that the same thing as falling in love? And could she ever dream of betraying a friendship? Lily has to make some difficult decisions about work and home, and realises that if she doesn't take life by the scruff of the neck, she is the one who'll be picked up, shaken, and dumped.

I was hesitant to pick up this book when I saw it in the second hand shop a few weeks ago, but it was only $2 and I couldn't resist the bargain. I'd read about the author, Zoe Foster, as well as this specific book and had wanted to check out said book for a while, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It's just so chick-lit-y and there's an unnecessary usage of "literally" and "ohmygod" and a halva lot of caps. Definitely not my style, but I conceded and bought it anyway. Let's get down to the review.

The protagonist, Lily, was very annoying and utterly childish. I'm sorry to start off the review on this negative point, but you can deal with it. I felt like I was reading about a bunch of teenage girls who were bitchy, hypocritical, and downright annoying at times. I found it difficult to finish the book and had to put it down every few chapters because Lily really got on my nerves. She was such a flawed character (and not the good kind of flaws that make you respect a character or enjoy them), instantly hating people for wearing too much makeup or different clothing or for being very liberal with text-speak. Basically, if someone wasn't exactly what she wanted, or wasn't up to her standards, she'd be constantly bagging them out. That inner monologue was always repeating the same things; her constant adamance that she's a good person, thus deserving or good things, she's not a both, she respects everyone, has values, and yet she continues to bitch people out (internally, of course, she'd never say something to their faces!) for no reason. It was distasteful and I felt like she was a 14 year old. Bleh.

Another problem I have with the characters is that they're either under-written (eg. Dale), complete stereotypes (again, Dale), or not based in reality. Or, in Lily's case, poorly written. Dale, an assistant who works at Lily's TV job, was cast as the stereotypical quiet & nervous boy, with zero character development. We also had the incompetent boss who is, in Lily's mind, an airhead who takes credit for other people's work. And we (of course) had to have tacky girls who use text-speak out loud, wear too much makeup, and are frighteningly obsessed with celebrities and all that crap. Oh, and did I mention the blonde hair-blue eyes country boy, or the model with a drug addiction? I'm just so disappointed that nothing any of the characters (not even eccentric, 25 year old Alice with the funky hair) could surprise me. Almost like they all just fit predetermined roles of all chick-lit books that seem to pop up in every book from the genre. DISAPPOINTED!

The world building and writing itself was quite lacklustre, and while I liked the plot, that was the only thing I can firmly say positive things about. While it was predictable, I enjoyed the road Zoe Foster took with the book and felt like it wasn't so ridiculous it delved further into the realms of fiction than chick-lit should. It was kind of comforting, too. The fact that our protagonist works behind the scenes in TV was cool, as we rarely get books about that aspect of TV, authors preferring to focus on the talent. Other than that, and I can't stress this enough, the writing wasn't very good and the voices attributed to the characters were bloody annoying. I know I've already said this enough, but I felt like I was in a 14 year old's head. It just got to the point when I wanted to stop reading altogether, but by that point I'd already snuck a read of the last page and I was fond of the ending. I had to see it through.

As annoying and childish (and she is surely that) our protagonist, Lily, is, and as much as it seems like you're reading about a bunch of 14 year old girls for the majority of the book, I don't regret reading it. Towards the end, there's a turnaround and I started to not hate (or hate a little less) the characters. Finally, when everything falls into place for Lily,we see some character development. It's small, but definitely there and I actually started to respect her more. I'm glad that Lily got her happy ending and turned out to be just the right girl. I recommend this book as a good summer read, maybe for when you're on holiday and just want some easy chick-let to settle down with.

Friday 12 December 2014

IT IS I, SUPER GIRL! | Blogmas Day 10

So, yesterday I spent a good six hours tidying & cleaning the house. I've been done with school for roughly two weeks now, and mum has been nagging me to pull my weight around the house seeing as everyone else is out at work/school all day. Normally, I'm all about the cleanin', obnoxiously so. I'm that one friend who's always going around cleaning other peoples' houses just because I can. However, I really haven't helped out around the house in for-fucking-ever. 

I have decided that I am Super Girl. I didn't give myself a break during the whole cleaning process, and I'm just very pleased with myself. Super Girl did a kick ass job of cleaning this house, and Super Girl is now sitting on the (very clean) floor against her bed doing that weird double chin position we internet people often do. Super Girl also treated herself to two bowls of delicious spaghetti & meat balls after her very long day. 

Why am I so happy about this whole cleaning thing, you ask? Because now I get to sloth around eating chocolate biscuits, reading, and watching Doctor Who for the rest of the holidays. And no one can say anything about it. I mean, my mum can, because if she asks me to clean or tidy the house I kind of have to. Other than that, though, I'm a free bird. Super Girl is no longer chained to the menial life she once led, her only obligation is to the people. The people she will save!

I legitimately have forgotten the point of this blogpost now. Shit. I wanted to be Super Girl, right? Yes, good, I'm making progress. Super Girl, as of yesterday, is my alter-ego. When I am Super Girl, I can do anything, be anyone (well, not anyone, I'm Super Girl). Super Girl has no fears, she is invincible, and will conquer the world with only her fierce (possibly sexy) glare and a hair twirl.

Well, this has been fun. I suppose I just wanted to let you guys know that I am now Super Girl and will eventually rule the world and/or own all the chocolate in the world. I'm not very sure about my priorities right now, but I feel like that chocolate thing is definitely less realistic. Seeing as I am the soon to be Queen of Earth, you shall all bow down to your Queen and worship Super Girl, saviour of all life on this planet. Anyway–

Oh, okay. 

Thursday 11 December 2014

The Best Christmas Movies | Blogmas Day 9

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The Santa Clause: A classic, and a Christmas movie that I absolutely adored when I was younger, The Santa Clause still remains one of my favourite festive movies. I used to beg my parents to borrow it literally every time we went to Video Ezy (oh the good ol' days). It's not even the most amazing Christmas movie ever, I just know that I'll never want to part with it because it brings back so many memories.

The Santa Clause 2: Of course, I can't just have the first Santa Clause movie on my list, so here's the second one. I do love this one a little bit more than the first, because it was my favourite Christmas movie when I was little. I just bloody love it.

The Santa Clause 3: If I had the first two Santa Clause movies on my list, then deh this one is going on here too. I fucking love Jack Frost, and I think I might have had a little crush on him when I was little. He was just so sneaky, and icy, and awesome, and misunderstood, and it's no wonder I've fallen in love with Loki as well, huh? 

The Grinch: My most loved Christmas movie of all time has to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I don't know anyone who actually calls it that, as most people just shorten it to The Grinch. Who has time for long ass movie titles? Anyway, The Grinch has been my favourite festive film for the longest time, and I don't think that will ever change. It's got such a beautiful message, but don't we all watch it because we secretly want to live in Whoville (there's a Doctor Who reference in there somewhere)?

The Polar Express: Aw man, this movie is magical as fuck. That's probably the weirdest description I've used to express how much I love this movie, but hey. When I was younger, my family burned the Polar Express DVD after renting it, because we couldn't actually afford to buy it. Either way, who would burn a DVD for free instead of paying twenty bucks for it? Yes, I'm a cheapskate. Anyway, that really was pointless information, but it's just one of the many memories I have of watching this movie over and over again until I fell asleep.

I am no means the biggest fan of Christmas, in fact I tend to resent it for most of the year & festive season, but I have a soft spot for these five movies. I adore them because they're magical and capture everything that is Christmas (to me) in five movies. After writing this post, I really want to start singing the hot chocolate song from The Polar Express, so I think I'll go do that now. I'll see you all tomorrow with another blogpost - it's probably going to be something ridiculous tbh. Cya!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Positive Post #3 (Christmas Edition) | Blogmas Day 8

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I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas (says the girl who's doing blogmas), but I always want to make the most of Christmas by trying my best to be happy during the season. I might not always succeed, but trying to be happy and make others happy is one of the beautiful things about Christmas. 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

My Letter to Santa | Blogmas Day 7

Dear Santa, 
You know that naughty or nice list you have? Oh, who am I kidding, of course you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I just want to let you know that I know I'm for sure on the naughty list and I really don't mind. I bet you've got little kids begging to be put on the nice list so you'll give them presents, but I found out the truth about you a long time ago.

Nevertheless, it was a nice tradition, and I wish you were real. I loved setting biscuits and milk out on the table for you, and I loved it even more when on Christmas morning the biscuits had been eaten & the milk was all gone. It was magical, to think that you'd be traveling all over the world to deliver presents on such a tight schedule, and yet you always found time for biscuits & milk. I really like where your priorities are at, by the way. 

I'm just wondering how many red suits you have? You must have quite a few, because I can't imagine you only having one and having to wash it all the time. Or do you only break out your jolly red suit for special occasions? That would make more sense, I guess. But how do you deal with the heat in the southern hemisphere? I know that delivering presents to children trumps comfort, but you must get awfully warm during our summer Christmases. Should I leave some cooler clothes out for you when you come visit this year? Maybe some ice creams for you and the reindeer, too.

How are your reindeer, by the way? I always forgot to ask about them in my letters, and I feel bad. I hope Rudolf isn't causing anymore trouble or making a statement of himself, I know he has low self esteem. If any of the others are giving him trouble, you could always threaten to not let them ride with you on Christmas Eve, I'm sure that would set them straight. Although that is very mean, and I wouldn't want to even think about your lovely reindeer getting upset. Do they get upset? I've only seen reindeer in Christmas movies, and they all seem to be able to communicate very well with people (and elves!). 

I just know that the North Pole will be decorated in colourful lights and decorations by now, as you guys are very into the festive time of year. We put our decorations up on the weekend closest to the 1st of December, but you already knew that. I'm not looking forward to Christmas this year, Santa. I'm not in the Christmas spirit, and I'm worried that as I get older it will only get worse. I used to love Christmas, but now I find myself avoiding everything to do with it. If you could, would you please send me a little extra Christmas cheer this year? Please, Santa? A sparkle, a sign, anything. You are loved and believed in by so many, and I'd really like to be one of those many once more.

Love, Jesse.

Monday 8 December 2014

Holly Jolly Holiday Tag | Blogmas Day 6

I do love myself a little tag, so it's no surprise that I'm coming at you with another Christmas-y one! Today's tag is (as you can already tell) the Holly Jolly tag, so lets get to it! 

Are you on the Naughty or Nice list?
The Naughty list, obviously. 

Show us an embarrassing Christmas card photo!
That's assuming anyone I know ever does Christmas cards with photos, which is a frightening concept. My family doesn't give out cards, let alone ones with hella embarrassing photos. 

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I live in Australia, what do you think?

Where do you usually spend your holiday?
At home, stuffing my face with food. We do also try to go away for a few night during the Christmas holidays, too. 

Play or sing your favourite Christmas song!
My favourite Christmas song is Last Christmas by WHAM! but I'm not singing it. You can play it for yourself.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
I'm not even going to try. 

What holiday tradition are you looking forward to the most this year?
Is eating a tradition? Because I really like eating, and I think it's definitely a type of tradition.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake! Why on earth would we buy a tree that's only going to die, and leave thistles all over the floor? Real Christmas trees seem like a total waste to me. And don't even get me started on Christmas tree farms.

Be honest; do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts?
I'll be honest, I like both; but of course I enjoy giving gifts way more than receiving them. It is nice to   receive gifts, though!

Show us your tackiest Christmas attire!
You're assuming that I have ever actually dressed up for Christmas, which I haven't. My parents never dressed me up in hideous festive outfits, and I'm very grateful. 

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
I don't have anywhere I'd want to visit, really. I like spending Christmas at home!

Does your family have a sepcial holiday recipe you like to help make?
Dude, I burn water, and that's saying something seeing as you can't actually burn water. I tend to stay far away from the kitchen.

Most memorable Holiday moment?
I actually don't know. Most Christmases are just a total blur to me, and nothing really stands out! I only ever remember spending time with my family, awkwardly talking to my two cousins I see once a year at Christmas, and eating amazing food cooked by my grandma and mum.

What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I don't remember exactly when or how I found out Santa wasn't real, but I do remember being totally okay with it. I then tried to ruin it for my little brother. Of course, my parents weren't on board with that, so I made a compromise and told him the Easter bunny wasn't real instead. I'm a really nice big sister, right?

Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I usually make a whole notebook full of resolutions every year, and usually break them. For some reason, it never occurs to me to not make any resolutions. Every year I break them, every year I feel miserable about not sticking to the resolutions, and yet I still haven't given up yet.

I hope you guys enjoyed this tag, but yet again I haven't been able to trace the original source. I'm annoyed with me too. Anyway, I'll talk to you all tomorrow! Love you, little pixies.  

Saturday 6 December 2014

OMEGLE ISN'T JUST FOR PERVERTS! (it's still 90% perverts though) | Blogmas Bonus Post

Guys, guys, guys! I went on omegle text last night (yes, I know that was a fucking terrible idea, but I was bored out of my skull) and typed in 'music' as my interest. Anyway, I spoke to this guy who introduced me to pirate metal music, which is just as weird as it sounds. However, I then spent twenty minutes listening to some pirate metal music and actually enjoyed it. Props to whoever came up with the concept for pirate metal music!

This same guy introduced me to kawaii metal (I'm not kidding, look it up), specifically the band Babymetal. I honestly do not know what to think, just that I thoroughly enjoyed the music and desperately want to learn the choreography for their music videos. I've tried really hard to gain some context to their songs through the music videos up on Youtube, but I was beyond confused 99% of the time. I do know that their song, Megitsune, has something to do with kitsunes, but other than that I've got nothing bar the dodgy translations on their website. 

I tried to introduce these uninformed, ignorant beings, to Scarlett Seven and Versaemerge, but the only responses I got were "who the fuck are they?" and "eh". It's sad that they wouldn't even try listening to their songs, but hey, those poor souls don't deserve to hear the ear sex that is Blake Harnage. I didn't actually mention the ear sex to anyone on omegle, because otherwise I'd fall unto the 'pervert' category that most people on omegle seem to fall under.

I'm starting to realise that this blogpost is literally pointless and not at all worth it's "bonus post" status. Whatever, it can be whatever it wants to be. It has a dream. A dream to be the eagerly anticipated, golden blogpost that everyone has inappropriate lustful dreams of. Are you going to be the one to tell this poor post that it's nothing but a sham, a failure, an utter disappointment? I thought not. I've already done that for you.

Friday 5 December 2014


So, today my mother sent me to yet another psychologist to try and talk about my feelings and anxiety and depression and god knows what else she thinks is wrong with her child. I've seen this particular psychologist once before, and it was fine, although she's pretty damn frustrating. Today, it was less fine, and just ridiculous. I mean, she used a white board. 

A white board. 

I know right? I couldn't believe it when she wheeled the thing closer and actually started writing on it - by the way, if you haven't gotten all the sarcasm by now, I don't know what you're doing on my blog. We made a mind map and it was all great fun; made me feel about three centimetres tall and totally inferior whenever she spoke (she said, do you understand what feelings are? I shit you not). Anyway, there have been myriad councillors and psychologists I've had to throw up all my feelings on, and I'll just add this lovely lady to the list of people who really didn't help me.

I'm not a horrid, ungrateful little shit, by the way. I do appreciate my mum not sending me off to the loony bin, as well as the people who I've seen the past year. I'm just really into the whole sarcasm thing today, and I'm also really goddamn annoyed. I'm not sure why I'm annoyed, I just felt this spontaneous need to be annoyed, so that's what I'm doing (annoyed, annoyed, annoyed, repetitive much?).

What else has happened today? Oh, yes. To bribe me into feeling better after the fail of a session I had today with the psychologist (the lady was actually fine and did mean well, but she didn't laugh at any of my jokes) my mum took me shopping in Civic. I was excited, because it meant I'd finally be able to find a BB cream that suits my pale-ass skin. I wanted to find the Innoxa BB cream in Buff, but of course the Canberra Centre Myer & Priceline don't stock Innoxa. I then proceeded to throw myself into a little bit of emotional turmoil, just for the hell of it, and ended up being quite the mopey shopping companion for the duration of our trip.

Okay, the mopeyness had nothing to do with the BB cream, I'm just a mopey person. I've kind of completely forgotten what the point in this blogpost originally was, and ended up about fifty kilometres from my destination. I think I wanted to talk about how I feel about seeing councillors and psychologists, but I really don't want to write about that. Instead, I've given you another abominable blogpost that's even worse than the last few blogmas posts. I am so sorry, but they're not getting any better. Buckle up for the ride, folks, it's the most uneventful & boring road trip you've ever had. 

My Christmas Playlist | Blogmas Day 4

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The Spirit of Christmas (1998): This album has been well loved in my family, I'll tell you that much. I've listened to it (as well as the other old Chrissy albums in my family's house, most of them from the 80s & 90s) a shit-tonne of times, and I just bloody love it. My favourite song from the album is without a doubt Happy Christmas (War is Over) covered by Jimmy Barnes.

30 Days by Never Shout Never: I love Never Shout Never, so it was inevitable that one of their Christmas songs ended up here. I don't know why I like this single, but the music is just so sweet & makes me extremely happy.

The Xmas EP by Never Shout Never: Yay, more NSN! But really, this album is absolutely brilliant and I highly recommend you all go check it out right now. They've got a cover of Happy Xmas (War is Over) on there which makes me immensely happy!

Hoppipolla - Penelope Soundtrack: This isn't strictly a Christmas song, or a Christmas movie, but this instrumental is everything Christmas-y. It's stunning, sweet, beautiful, and gets me into the festive spirit every time I listen to it.

Santa Baby by Versaemerge: Versaemerge being one of my favourite bands, of course I'd add this song onto my Christmas playlist. I'm not a huge fan of the song Santa Baby, but this cover is amazing. Yes, I am very biased, but I don't really care. Go listen to this song right now!

Last Christmas by WHAM!: This is a Christmas classic, and I have loved it since my first Christmas I swear to god. I sing it whenever I'm alone, and it just generally makes me really happy, despite my friends thinking it's utterly depressing. How is this song depressing? 

Well, there's my Christmas Playlist for 2014. I hope you all found some fabulous new music to check out, or found that we have similar tastes in music (recommendations, anyone?). Please feel free to leave your Christmas playlist in the comments, and spread some festive cheer! Love you all, little pixies.