Saturday 27 July 2013

A new musical discovery!

Hello everyone!
I'm really really really sorry for not posting that much (or you know... at all) during the holidays. It was just nice to not have anything to worry about so I neglected everything. I spent a few days outside despite the winter chills, but when I think about it, it hasn't been very wintery in Canberra. A majority of my time has been spent watching How I Met Your Mother on DVD! Anyway, I've made a discovery. 
A wonderful discovery. 
I was on iTunes looking for bands similar to Evanescence and I came across a certain group called Halestorm. They sounded familiar so I decided to check them out, and I'm so damn glad I did! 

From left to right: Arejay Hale (drums), Josh Smith (bass guitar),
Lzzy Hale (guitar, lead vocals), Joe Hottinger (lead guitar)

They're amazing, honestly. Halestorm has a very edgy style, but
Lzzy can still sing a haunting ballad.

Freak Like Me, Mz. Hyde, Love Bites & I Miss the Misery are
some of their hit songs.

Halestorm live. :)
This is kind of a short post, but I promise that I'll be updating more! I had to let you all know about Halestorm! Until next time...
~Au Revoir!~

Friday 19 July 2013

Something to inspire you

Hello everyone! 
I've been kind of down in the dumps lately because I've been fighting with a few friends; a few best friends. It sucks to fight with them because not only do I want to end it and just go back to being friends, but there's two different fights. I mean come on, being a teenager is confusing enough without your two best friends from 'two different worlds' fighting with you. Anyway, this isn't a sob story. 

It's something inspirational for you all, a bunch of quotes and my take on each of them. Enjoy!

Empathy is understanding someone; feeling what they feel. Just don't ever lose yourself when you're too busy trying to fix someone else.

Complaining and wanting more is apart of being human, but sooner or later, a time will come when we must choose. Do we want to make the most of everything we have – or risk it all for greed and selfishness, 'n' therefore lose? 

This is not thinking too much of yourself, it's finally realising that you're selling yourself short.

If your life completely falls apart, maybe you put the puzzle together wrong. All you must do is rearrange the pieces to make a work of art you can be proud of.

You have your own voice, 
Others can not speak at all. 
O! Remember this.

It's oh so hard to not give a rat's ass what people do and just focus on you. But this is oh so true. Measure your accomplishments against your own, not someone else's.

I tell people that crying is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of being strong enough and brave enough to show your emotions. Others (you know, those perfect bimbos you can't help but hate and love at the same time) aren't strong enough to show their emotions, let alone try to understand them. They're scared. You're stronger than them.

Inspirational & it's the truth. Sometimes your life will completely fall apart, but those broken pieces will be replaced by the pieces that were supposed to be there in the first place. 

This is inspirational and kind of amusing at the same time, but I don't have my own take on it.

There is always darkness and light, just remember that no matter what you choose – in a way it will always be right.

It's okay to be scared of the future, of not knowing things, of the dark. But if you want to overcome that fear all you have to do is exactly what Alice did: replace fear with curiosity. Alice was very curious about a rabbit hole and ended up going on adventures in Wonderland (sadly, we won't be going to Wonderland)

It's hard to be alone, but you have your beliefs. If you're standing alone, be strong and courageous. Don't sit back down to join the crowd, stand up and stand your ground.

*insert coughing, snorting & smirking* You get what you give... Sometimes you're a bitch to the world and karma thinks "You know what? They're going to give them self a hard enough time as it is, let that be their karma".

Corny, stupid & 100% true! Be a tree; draw your life from the earth, your energy from water, your soul from spirit, your fight for life and freedom from fire, and your hope from air. The elements surround you, old tree.

I've been told I inspire people, mostly by my friends. So I find it really hard to believe. But you know what? I'm kind of done second guessing everything people say. i just hope I'm worthy of being inspirational - as dumb as that sounds.

I guess this is true to a certain extent. Don't settle, because eventually you'll be wondering if you deserve more than what you end up with. You deserve what makes you happy, not what you think you should have.

I don't really get this... But just remember that darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good.

Make the best of what you've got. 
You might think you've been dealt the short straw,
But if you're happy, you've got so much more.

Corny, inspirational stuff. Have faith, don't lose hope, never stop yourself from loving someone.

This is something everyone knows deep DEEP down, but something that you just don't believe. Something you're told over and over, but something you just can't see.

Something I wish to achieve, no matter how scary and odd it is to hear.

Focus on who you are and who you want to become, not on what people think you should be. That way, you can achieve the highest, achieve the amazing things you're supposed to!

Don't give up!

 It's okay to be negative though... Sometimes feeling crappy is the one thing you need to do in order to accept the truth: things WILL get better. You WILL be a source of positive energy to those around you. It takes time, just don't waste the precious time you're given.

This may not be 100% true, but believe it is. The things you strongly believe in will always come through for you in the end - whether it's a quote, person, or something else. 

Don't let this quote fool you, ladies. You DON'T NEED a guy to be whole. But sometimes it's to know there's someone out there who wants to be part of your heart.

Well, that's all folks! If you want to contact me, go to the 'Contact Me' page -- until next time...
~Au Revoir!~


Sunday 14 July 2013

Shout out to missnise!

Hello everyone!
I thought I'd give a quick shout out to an amazing young woman I stumbled upon a month or two ago. One of the greatest little joys in life (for me, anyway) is reading blogs and looking at Pinterest really early in the morning. When I find a spectacular blog I fall in love with it puts a little smile on my face.

A blog I'd like to mention is missnise. Denise is a self declared drama queen and avid foodie, as well as quite inspirational. She does 'Motivational Monday' posts that always make me smile! Actually, it's not just her posts or recent Youtube videos that make me smile - it's her. 

I hope you don't mind me mentioning you on my blog, Denise, but I love you and I want everyone else to love you too! 

That's all for today guys, I'm sorry! I'm noticing that my posts have been short of late, but I'll be doing a much longer post very soon. Subscribe to Denise on youtube, follow her everywhere you can find her (links below)! If you have any bloggers or Youtubers you love, leave them in the comments - I'd love to check them out!

~Au Revoir!~

Links (just one, actually):
Go to her blog, look to the left, and you'll see little circular buttons linking you to everywhere you can find her, eg. Youtube, Pinterest.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Morganville Vampires Update! Morganville is a go!

Alright... Brace yourselves for the biggest announcement of our time... 
*insert scary music of your choice here*
Morganville Vampires is becoming a web series! It hasn't been announced officially, but with 32 hours left on the clock over $78,000 has already been raised! The crew (and fans) have surpassed their original goal by three grand, can you stand the excitement? 

I haven't really said hello yet, as I just jumped into it (excitement is contagious). 
Hello everyone! As you've probably noticed by my poor blog-writing skills today, I'm pretty excited. The Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine has been one of my favourite book series through 2012/13, and it simply thrills me to know that I'm actually going to be able to see the characters come to life on screen!





I'm not crazy... ;) I'm sorry that this is a really short post, but I thought I'd spread the word! Morganville is a go!

~Au Revoir!~

P.S I will be doing a lot more book reviews in the future!

June Favourites!

Hello everyone!
Here's another monthly favourites post for you all, so lets just dive right. But before we go for a swim I'll quickly apologise for being MIA the past week or so. I'd like to say I have an excuse, but I was just too behind in school work and I wasn't very inspired to blog. I hope I'm off the hook with that not-so-smooth apology... let's just continue... 

Favourite Movie
Alice in Wonderland, of course! It's marvellous, no exceptions (starts singing the unbirthday song). I know a lot of people might say "Haha, ew! You're too old for Disney!" NO, STOP RIGHT THERE! Nobody (and I mean nobody) is too old for a Disney classic.

Favourite Band/Artist
For this, I must say Evanescence. 
I have to, because this month it's like I've fallen in love with them all over again. I'm ashamed to say (well, write) that I did sort of stop listening to Evanescence for a few months... I know, I'm as upset as the next Ev fan. 

Favourite Song
This isn't a hard one, not at all. Obviously (well, it's obvious to me at least) my favourite song throughout the whole of June has been Khe Sanh by Cold Chisel (not counting My Last Breath by Evanescence). It's a brilliant song by a brilliant Australian rock band. I don't think I've mentioned on my blog but I love Jimmy Barnes, just love him. 
Is it weird that I'm in love with this photo?
Favourite Scent
I honestly don't change up my perfumes/deodorants/body sprays much because I can never find one that I like. But throughout June there was one stand out: Lynx Anarchy For Her. I'm terrible at describing scents, so CLICK HERE for some details.

Favourite TV Show
I don't know if I really have a favourite TV Show for May, at least not one that's really stood out. OH WAIT, YES I DO! The Big Bang Theory! It makes me laugh! I've been re-watching episodes on youtube and whenever it's on TV. Love, love, love. 
I found this on Google Images - isn't it just the coolest thing you've EVER seen?
Favourite Food
MINT SLICE IS THE GREATEST FOOD ON THE PLANET! I would die of happiness if I won an infinitive amount of Mint Slices (and of... you know... eating a ridiculous amount of biscuits). For those of you who don't know what they are, they're an Australian chocolate covered biscuit with minty flavoured goodness inside. 

Favourite Quote
Yes, I added a new little segment to my Annual Favourites. I thought it'd be nice to add something like this, but not just because I have so many lovely quotes I want to share! Okay... maybe just for that reason... Anyway! My favourite quote is "Cogito Ergo Sum" which translated from Latin means, I think, Therefore I am. It's a nicer way of saying if you think you're stupid, then you won't try to be smarter and you'll just end up stupid; if you think you're fat, you'll keep eating and end up fat etc etc. It's much more "dramatic" and philosophical then that but oh well!

Favourite makeup/skincare product
I actually have a favourite makeup product to share with you all! No, I'm not kidding! It's the Maybelline Full 'n' Soft Waterproof Mascara in black. Now, to a beauty guru this mascara may totally suck. However, I am not a beauty guru. I just wanted a nice mascara that made my lashes look a lot more fuller and darker, which is exactly what I got. The fact that it's waterproof is also a selling point!

Last but not least: Favourite Book
June (for me at least) was a month filled with the classics like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights & Sense and Sensibility. I also started reading Pride and Prejudice in audio form. But I decided to choose Vampires, a Bite-Sized History by Judyth A. Mcleod. It's a fascinating little book covering the vampire phenomenon!
Can anyone see my chipped nail polish? 
That's all for my monthly favourites! Apologies for the dodgy lighting & editing, it just wasn't a good day for photos, or for my camera. I hope you liked reading about my favourite things, but I'd also love to read about yours! Leave them in the comments! If you want me to review anything from today's post, let me know!

~Au Revoir!~

Monday 1 July 2013

My new Edgar Allan Poe book!

Hello everyone!

When I got home from school today, I was tired and just wanted to go on Facebook to talk to my friend Finn who wasn't at school today. No offence to my amazing best friend, but this was so much better. As I looked into my room, I noticed a book sitting on my bed looking rather neglected (my books look sad, can books look sad?)... 'Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems'.

Today really wasn't a good day for me, with three best friends fighting I really needed a pick-me-up. This book... Well this book is pretty spectacular and I'm so excited to start reading all the poems and stories within!

I had an Edgar Allan Poe poetry book before, but it was only a mini Scholastic edition; this is so much better! It's actually huge, probably the biggest book I own. The only thing that sucks is the silly dust jacket; I would've much preferred an artistic & pretty cover.
*can I get a woot woot for this book book?*

A little excerpt from 'The Assignation'
So that's all for today; not a very long post, I'm sorry! But seeing as it's the school holidays very very soon I'll make sure to post a lot. Maybe (finally) some photos of what I get up to, OOTD's (although probably not), a post on my nail polish collection, and definitely a post on my favourite books/authors! 

Also, look out for a few new series like Motivational Monday and I'll probably post a new short story/poem as well. 

~Au Revoir!~