Friday 19 July 2013

Something to inspire you

Hello everyone! 
I've been kind of down in the dumps lately because I've been fighting with a few friends; a few best friends. It sucks to fight with them because not only do I want to end it and just go back to being friends, but there's two different fights. I mean come on, being a teenager is confusing enough without your two best friends from 'two different worlds' fighting with you. Anyway, this isn't a sob story. 

It's something inspirational for you all, a bunch of quotes and my take on each of them. Enjoy!

Empathy is understanding someone; feeling what they feel. Just don't ever lose yourself when you're too busy trying to fix someone else.

Complaining and wanting more is apart of being human, but sooner or later, a time will come when we must choose. Do we want to make the most of everything we have – or risk it all for greed and selfishness, 'n' therefore lose? 

This is not thinking too much of yourself, it's finally realising that you're selling yourself short.

If your life completely falls apart, maybe you put the puzzle together wrong. All you must do is rearrange the pieces to make a work of art you can be proud of.

You have your own voice, 
Others can not speak at all. 
O! Remember this.

It's oh so hard to not give a rat's ass what people do and just focus on you. But this is oh so true. Measure your accomplishments against your own, not someone else's.

I tell people that crying is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of being strong enough and brave enough to show your emotions. Others (you know, those perfect bimbos you can't help but hate and love at the same time) aren't strong enough to show their emotions, let alone try to understand them. They're scared. You're stronger than them.

Inspirational & it's the truth. Sometimes your life will completely fall apart, but those broken pieces will be replaced by the pieces that were supposed to be there in the first place. 

This is inspirational and kind of amusing at the same time, but I don't have my own take on it.

There is always darkness and light, just remember that no matter what you choose – in a way it will always be right.

It's okay to be scared of the future, of not knowing things, of the dark. But if you want to overcome that fear all you have to do is exactly what Alice did: replace fear with curiosity. Alice was very curious about a rabbit hole and ended up going on adventures in Wonderland (sadly, we won't be going to Wonderland)

It's hard to be alone, but you have your beliefs. If you're standing alone, be strong and courageous. Don't sit back down to join the crowd, stand up and stand your ground.

*insert coughing, snorting & smirking* You get what you give... Sometimes you're a bitch to the world and karma thinks "You know what? They're going to give them self a hard enough time as it is, let that be their karma".

Corny, stupid & 100% true! Be a tree; draw your life from the earth, your energy from water, your soul from spirit, your fight for life and freedom from fire, and your hope from air. The elements surround you, old tree.

I've been told I inspire people, mostly by my friends. So I find it really hard to believe. But you know what? I'm kind of done second guessing everything people say. i just hope I'm worthy of being inspirational - as dumb as that sounds.

I guess this is true to a certain extent. Don't settle, because eventually you'll be wondering if you deserve more than what you end up with. You deserve what makes you happy, not what you think you should have.

I don't really get this... But just remember that darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good.

Make the best of what you've got. 
You might think you've been dealt the short straw,
But if you're happy, you've got so much more.

Corny, inspirational stuff. Have faith, don't lose hope, never stop yourself from loving someone.

This is something everyone knows deep DEEP down, but something that you just don't believe. Something you're told over and over, but something you just can't see.

Something I wish to achieve, no matter how scary and odd it is to hear.

Focus on who you are and who you want to become, not on what people think you should be. That way, you can achieve the highest, achieve the amazing things you're supposed to!

Don't give up!

 It's okay to be negative though... Sometimes feeling crappy is the one thing you need to do in order to accept the truth: things WILL get better. You WILL be a source of positive energy to those around you. It takes time, just don't waste the precious time you're given.

This may not be 100% true, but believe it is. The things you strongly believe in will always come through for you in the end - whether it's a quote, person, or something else. 

Don't let this quote fool you, ladies. You DON'T NEED a guy to be whole. But sometimes it's to know there's someone out there who wants to be part of your heart.

Well, that's all folks! If you want to contact me, go to the 'Contact Me' page -- until next time...
~Au Revoir!~


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