Friday 29 August 2014

Doctor Who | Fandom Friday

Hello lovelies! Today's post was going to be really insightful, deep, and interesting (about dealing with the likes of success and failure), but Doctor Who distracted me. Basically I've been having a Matt Smith Doctor Who Marathon, seeing as we just saw a regenerated Doctor in the new series. My marathon has been going for the last few days, seeing as watching shows online without downloading takes a long time. I just can't let go of Matt Smith yet.

He's another example of why Whovians continue to watch, and love Doctor Who. As with any regeneration, you hold onto the previous Doctor as long as you can, but eventually you start to realise that although this new guy can't ever replace him, this new guy can make his own legacy. That's what Matt Smith did, and although us Whovians have to respect each Doctor's decision to move on, it doesn't mean we have to like it.

Chris was fantastic, and I mean really fantastic. There's nothing better than sass wrapped in leather. And then we have David, who I really didn't want to go, because he was pure brilliance in a pinstripe suit. Now, we've said goodbye to Matt. Matt, there's about a 0.0000000000001% chance of you reading this, but hey I can dream. We will always remember when the Doctor was you. You and the Ponds brought a new side to Doctor Who that us Whovians have never seen before.

I'm kind of tearing up a little as I write this, because as thrilled as I am to have Peter Ca-fucking-paldi as the new Doctor, I can't forget about Matt Smith. We Whovians won't forget about any of the Doctors; New Who, Classic Who, companions, supporting characters. Whoever (or whatever, don't want to stereotype) you are, Whovians won't forget.

Unless you're the Silence. There's a good chance we might forget about you. Sorry.

What was I talking about?

Thursday 28 August 2014

Life Updates & Randomness | Think About It Thursday

Hello lovelies! I'm not going to lie, 2014 has been a bitch to me, with August being no exception. It was my birthday on the 20th (happy birthday to me), and I had a lovely day hanging out with friends. I even enjoyed work (once a week I work in the front office of my old school), which is a rarity. I had a lovely day, and not even my bitchy friends could ruin it. 

Except when they did. Last friday they slept over, and it reminded me how much I can't stand being with them for extended periods of time. I'm sounding ungrateful and ranting, so I'll move on to the whole point of this post. Updates on my life, and how I feel about it changing. 

I'm starting homeschooling really soon, seeing as the schools around where I live are really that bad. Plus that whole anxiety thing made going to school crappy, ain't gonna lie. However, it's not even homeschooling. It's 'distant education' run through the fucking government, with even more rules and stress than public schooling. This is literally everything I wanted to get away from, and I'm being forced into something ten times worse because no one can see or care that I don't want to do it. I'm desperate to do homeschooling because I know it's the best thing for me, but hey whatever. I'm just a kid, what do I know? 

Wow, I can go from zero to passive aggressive in under a second. What other updates have I got for you? Ah yes, bloggy stuff! Once known as FANFICTION FRIDAY, the last friday of every month will now be known as FANDOM FRIDAY. This is because I'm hopeless at writing fanfiction that isn't about the Drake Chronicles. Now, I can write about anything fandom related, rather than just stories. I sure do know how to keep you guys entertained, this post is riveting.

Should I even post this? It's seriously rubbish, but I can't not post this because I don't have many ideas for today's blogpost. I'm far too underprepared for this blogging thing, and I've been doing it for over a year (albeit not consistently). I wonder if anyone actually reads these posts. I hope people do, and I hope I help people in some way or another. I might make you laugh (yeah I'm so funny), or give you advice, whatever. I just really want to make a difference. 

Sorry about the lack of GIFs in this post, I'm lost for ideas. August has fried my brain, and I can't even think of a GIF. This is lame, Jesse, lame. Okay, I think that's enough for today. I'll talk to you all tomorrow! Love you all, little pixies. 

~zì jiàn!~

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Something Old, Something New: August | What's Up Wednesday

Hi, everyone! August is almost over, which means it's time for me to talk about the books I've been loving this past month! I know this post is long overdue, seeing as I've not done one in quite a while, but I hope posting every weekday this month has compensated for that. I'm actually really proud of myself, seeing as I'm awful at posting twice a week. Shall we make this an annual thing, posting every weekday in August? Let me know in the comments!

☆Something Old☆
I just finished reading (as in I finished 'em this afternoon) the first two books in the Finishing School series by Gail Carriger, Etiquette & Espionage and Curtsies & Conspiracies. The next book comes out later this year, and I can't express how excited I am! This series is a 19th century steampunk spy concoction of pure genius, and it has revived the steampunk genre from the grave I unceremoniously tossed it into. Sorry, steam punk! I'd also like to mention how awesome the names are in this book; Sophronia, Dimity, Sidhead, Pillover. P.S hot guys everywhere (although they are kind of young).

☆Something New☆
After speed reading through Curtsies & Conspiracies, I did a little happy dance because Article 5 by Kristen Simmons had arrived at my door after I'd ordered it from Needless to say, started the book almost straight away and as I'm typing this, I've only got 19 pages left. We learn about a dystopian post-war America and follow the lovely Ember and her love interest, Chase, as they escape from the government and various detention facilities. It's great, but I'm not too keen on Ember being so lacklustre, she's not really as feisty as I'd like a protagonist to be. The book also centres heavily on romance, which I'm not a big fan of. No matter, it's a great read, and I highly recommend it!

☆Something To Look Forward To☆
Along with Article 5, I ordered Hard Bitten and Drink Deep, the 4th & 5th book sin the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill. I'm not even going to hold back, and I'll most likely start them tomorrow. This worries me, because I just want that series to go on and on, never ending. There's a lot of tears, but so far there's only been happy tears! If this pattern continues, I'll be happy. It's nice to cry over a book when there's good news, not when every character you love dies a painful death. Stacia Kane I'm look at you.

I hope you all enjoyed hearing about what books I've loved this month, and I'd also enjoy hearing about what you guys loved reading this month as well! Comment below, and I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Love you all, little pixies.

~zì jiàn!~

Tuesday 26 August 2014

7 Deadly Sins of Reading Tag | Tag Tuesday

Prepare yourself for a series of unrelated Doctor Who GIFs.

Greed: What is your most expensive book, and what is your most inexpensive book?
My most expensive book is probably a leather bound copy of Dracula I bought from Booktopia (online Aussie bookstore). It was reduced from $54 to $36.50, and worth every cent. The cheapest book I own is definitely Sense & Sensibility, which I bought from a second hand shop for $2. Bargain!

Wrath: Which author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
I had to think long and hard (dirty) about this one, because the list is unfortunately long. I'm gonna go with Richelle Mead, because she can write brilliant, gritty, real series like Succubus Blues, then write some silly teen drama like Vampire Academy that isn't logical at all. In my personal opinion, her books can be quite hit and miss. Although I am excited to read Gameboard of the Gods as I think that will have a more mature storyline than many paranormal books tend to have.

Gluttony: What book have you deliciously devoured over and over again, with no remorse?
Do I even need to answer this question? Do I? It's obviously the Drake Chronicles series by Alyxandra Harvey. I could literally read all six books every week and never get tired of them because they're really amazing. Actually, any book by Alyxandra Harvey is worth reading a billion times, eg. A Breath of Frost. So excited for Whisper the Dead!

Sloth: What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
Um, a lot of books. One that really stands out is the Blood of Eden series by Julia Kagawa. It's a trilogy, and each time I buy the next book it takes me weeks and weeks to get through it. I've barely started The Eternity Cure, which is very bad of me. The series is actually amazingly written, I just have trouble getting into the books and put off reading them.

Pride: What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?
I don't really feel the need to show off when it comes to books, because there's no point trying to act superior for reading a certain novel. But there are books that I'm very proud to have read at a certain age, or books that make me feel like an intellectual reader. Books like Jane Eyre and Siddhartha are great reads, but no matter how great a book is, you shouldn't brag about it.

Lust: What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?
I just love Lucy Hamilton. Passion, a helluva lot of sarcasm, sticking to what you believe in, strong, determined. It's also a plus when the character's not really stupid and acts like the dumb chick in every horror movie.

Envy: What books would you most like to receive as a gift?
I'd love to receive a set of leather bound classics like Peter Pan and Pride & Prejudice from Dymocks, or the rest of the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill because I desperately need more. To be honest, any book on my Booktopia wish list is a book I would be extremely happy to receive as a gift.

I hope you all enjoyed this post, and feel free to do this tag as well! It was created by BookishlyMalayza on Youtube. I love you all!

~zì jiàn!~

Monday 25 August 2014

Steam Punk Genre | Book Nerd Monday

I've never been interested in the steam punk genre, because I didn't see what was so amazing about a world run on steam. How could that fictional world real me in, surprise me, thrill me, make me fall in love? Well, I don't know how, and I don't know if it did.

The 'steam' aspect of steam punk is the mean theme, and it's the most important, but while reading Lady of Devices by Shelley Adina I found myself not caring about steam engines and just wanting to know more about culture and the budding romances and everything else that went on in the book. Of course, our protagonist does use driving a steam powered motor vehicle as a way of overcoming sexism (the book's set in the 1800s). I highly respect characters that use seemingly male things as a big fuck you to the rougher gender. Hello? Mulan?!

Feminism aside, I don't think I'm hugely into the steam punk genre just yet. I definitely enjoy it, and it's really interesting to read, but I've not fallen in love just yet. The steam punk genre is (of course) all about steam punk stuff, but if I find myself skipping past everything to do with steam engines, I don't see the point in reading the books.

This happens a lot when I read books, actually. There's an amazing book with well-rounded characters, a rich plot, and a crazy setting, but it's in the wrong genre. For example, I read a book a while ago (for the life of me, can't remember the name) about werewolves that I really enjoyed. Except for the werewolf part. I hate werewolves, and like with Lady of Devices I wanted to extract the parts that didn't involve 'steam punk stuff' and put them in another book that I'd love to read. Is this bad? I don't know. But I'm definitely glad I gave the steam punk genre a go, and will read a few more books in the genre before I give up completely.

What's your verdict on the steam punk genre? Do you find yourself wanting to extract certain parts of books to make a newer, better book? Comment below!

~zì jiàn!~

Friday 22 August 2014

My Makeup Wishlist | Miscellaneous Friday

I like makeup. I like looking at it, trying it out, scouring the internet/stores to find exactly what I want. I don't actually own much, but that also means that my makeup wish list is kind of long. I've narrowed it down to products that I really want, or products I can easily buy (prices aside, of course).
Sleek blush in Rose Gold
Chi Chi 3D Magic Lash Mascara

Zoeva Naturally Yours story eyeshadow palette 
Chi Chi Mosaic bronzer in medium
Stila In The Light palette

Zoeva Vegan Prime brush set
Most of these products are quite expensive, which is why they're on my wish list, rather than owned by me. I've done a lot of research on all these products, and I think that if I can get my hands on them it'll be very worth it. Let me know if you own any of these products, and what you think of 'em! Also, feel free to share your makeup wish list in the comments! I love you, little pixies. 

~zì jiàn!~

Thursday 21 August 2014

Finding Yourself | Think About It Thursday

Every time I hear the words "find yourself", I inwardly cringe. Actually, if I hear someone say that I call 'em out on it.

Why, you may ask? Because that saying is dumb. I'm not in need of being found, I know exactly where I am. Sitting on the couch with the laptop at a really awkward angle, and that's probably what you're doing too (the exact piece of furniture & electronic may vary). It doesn't take some deep, magical journey through a jungle to find yourself.

I know I'm making light of this, so on a serious note I'll say something serious (such a way with words). Although the way people say 'find yourself' sounds ridiculous, it's important to do so. Understanding who you are as a person, knowing what your morals and values are, doing things that make you happier, they are the important things. That's such a mouthful, no wonder people've shortened it to 'finding yourself'. I still hate that term though. It sounds like something cheesy and deep, when really it's just describing growing up. 

As you grow up, you're still finding yourself. Although you're considered all grown up by the time you're 18, you never really stop growing up, thus you never really stop searching for yourself. There's always something you feel that you can improve on, something new you want to try, always something that you could maybe change. Change is good. Finding yourself is good. Just don't overdo it, like the idiots who came up with the term 'finding yourself'.

~ziì jiàn!~

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Happy Birthday to Me | What's Up Wednesday

I've never been one for birthdays because as much as I want to enjoy myself, I never really do. 
However, apart from one or two things, my birthday this year was really fun. I don't know if it was my attitude towards birthdays, or the effort my friends and family went to to make this day special, but it's been an amazing day! If I could, I'd relive this day over and over!

That GIF is kind of irrelevant seeing as that's not how I woke up this morning (I stayed in bed as long as possible, so not a morning person), but that's how I felt by the end of the day. It seems silly using how much attention you give a person on one day as a measurement of how much you love 'em, but hey. I'm not one to turn down cake.

Speaking of cake, two of my friends surprised me with a delicious chocolate cheese cake. My mum also baked some yummy cupcakes, which surprised me because she's not one for baking. The cupcakes were delicious! The Chinese takeaway I had for dinner was also amazing, as it is my favourite takeaway food ever

Before writing this post I genuinely did promise myself that I wouldn't make it all about food, and what have I done? God dammit Jesse! Anyway, like I mentioned before, I tried really hard to change my attitude towards the 20th of August to make the most of my day. I thought it would be hard, seeing as I'm so used to hating my birthday, but it wasn't! Looking forward to spending time with the people I love made everything awesome, and I appreciate the thought that went into making my day awesome. I say that like it was really extravagant and crazy, when in reality we did almost nothing. However, that's exactly what I wanted!

What are your thoughts on birthdays? Do you share the same mind set as me, or do you always make the most of birthdays? Leave your thoughts in the comments! I love you, little pixies!

~zì jiàn!~

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Book Junkies Tag | Tag Tuesday

Question 1) Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
I usually read in my room so no one can piss me off or distract me. If a person or pet thinks it's a good idea to interrupt me while I'm reading they are wrong, and they will die. I've watched so much Sherlock (not that there's much to watch) & Supernatural that I do know how to get rid of a dead body. 

Question 2) Bookmark or a random piece of paper?
If I've got a bookmark on hand then I'll use that, but I'll just use whatever's closer. Sometimes I just have to doggy ear my book because I can't be bothered getting up. I'm a bit lazy...

Question 3) Can you stop reading anytime you want or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, part etc.?
It depends on the book. If I'm really engrossed in it, I just want to read the whole thing in one go. However, I do try to stop reading at a new chapter so I don't have to pick the book in the middle of something and feel totally lost.

Question 4) Do you eat or drink while reading?
No, unless said food or drink is super easy to consume while occupied with a book. If it means I have to put down my book and stop reading, then I'd rather starve. Oh well!

Question 5) Can you read while listening to music/watching TV?
It really depends on what book I'm reading and what mood I'm in. Sometimes I'm great at multitasking and can read while doing a million things, but other times I just need to sit down and let the world fade away. 

Question 6) One book at a time, or several at once?
Several at once, for sure! I've gotten better as time goes on, but for the most part I could be reading ten books at once. I just never know what I'll be in the mood for, and it's kind of fun to say that I'm reading a billion books at once. The looks I get from people are always really funny!

Question 7) Reading at home or everywhere?
I bring a book with me everywhere I go, thanks to Rory Gilmore. You never know when you'll need a book or when you'll be in the mood to read. Plus, you should never postpone joy, so why wait until you get home to read? But there's no way in hell I'll read in a moving vehicle, I will throw up and it's not pretty.

Question 8) Reading out loud or silently in your head?
This is embarrassing, but if I'm reading Jane Eyre, there's a good chance that I'll be reading it out loud in an English accent. It's just so much more fun and authentic, making you feel like you're really there. Other than that, I read in my head because that's just what I've always done.

Question 9) Do you read ahead or skip pages?
I've never skipped full pages, but I do skip paragraphs when I'm bored out of my mind and just want to get to the really good parts. It's a bad habit, but if I feel like I've missed something important I'll go back and reread the passage.

Question 10) Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Breaking the spine! Books are meant to be loved! Don't get me wrong, I love the pristine look of a good ol' hardcover that makes you feel all giddy, but well loved paper backs are my weakness.

Question 11) Do you write in books?
It it's for school, then I sometimes will. I mostly don't bother, because I can't bring myself to deface my books in that way. I do have one Edgar Allan Poe 'Selected Poems' book that I've highlighted and written stuff in, just because I found some lines funny or related to them!

I hope you all enjoyed this tag, I know I really enjoyed answering all the questions. I found it here, so feel free to click over and check out other book lover's answers! I love you all, little pixies!

~zì jiàn!~

Monday 18 August 2014

10 Books I Want to Read | Book Nerd Monday

I always seem to find myself spending hours on Goodreads looking for new books to add to my To Read list. I don't even read them, I just really like having a long To Read list because it makes me feel like I'll never run out of books. Ignorance is bliss, and books are cool, so here are '10 Books I Want to Read'.

"Franny Banks is a struggling actress living in New York City, with just six months left of the three year deadline she gave herself to succeed." I love Lauren Graham, and I will hopefully love her book, too!

"Jayné Heller thinks of herself as a realist, until she discovers reality isn't quite what she thought it was." This book has been on my wish list for an embarrassingly long time, but I've never actually bought it.

"Rescued from the gallows in 1850s London, young orphan (and thief) Mary Quinn is surprised to be offered a singular education, instruction in fine manners – and an unusual vocation." Kick ass female spies, yes!

"She's wild, outspoken, trouble follows Carla Mainston wherever she goes. But what do expect from a purple outcast living in a green colony? She's the last girl on the planet who should be inheriting special powers." Carla is equipped with powers of freaking sarcasm I need this book now.

"Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren't always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother, it's hard to forget that people weren't always arrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark. It's hard to forget that life in the United States used to be different." YA Dystopian novel, what more do you need?

"St Petersberg, Russia, 1888. As she attends a whirl of glittering balls, royal debutante Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, tries to hide a dark secret: she can raise the dead." I adore books written around this time about Russian royalty, so this book was made for me. 

"What would you do if you were born to be a predator? Would you fight your natural instincts or give in to your nature?" This book sounds kind of creepy, which is always fun, and there's a little bit of romance thrown in for good measure.

"Lucy and Owen meet somewhere between the tenth and eleventh floors of a New York City apartment building, on an elevator rendered useless by a citywide blackout. After they're rescued, they spend a single night together, wondering the streets and marvelling at the rare appearance of stars above Manhattan." This is basically a cute story of long distance relationships. I've read one of Jennifer's books before, and it made me cry. I hope this one does the same. 

"Not just any nightmares – these dreams are too real to ignore, like she did three years ago. The last time she ignored them a little girl died." Creepy dreams, cute guys, crazy boarding school. Your basic paranormal YA novel.

"Gretchen is struggling with her newfound gift as a Whisperer; the constant buzzing in her ears from detecting spells is more frustrating than fun, especially when she is spending time with one of the Order of Nine Nail's Keepers, the icy but strikingly handsome Todias Lawless." This wouldn't be a Book Nerd Monday post if I didn't mention a book by Alyxandra Harvey. This is the second in The Lovegrove Legacy trilogy and comes out in October. Excited.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post, and maybe got some ideas about what books you'd like to read next! Leave some book chatter in the comments, and have a wonderful week - I love you all!

~zì jiàn!~

Thursday 14 August 2014

What Are You Doing With Your Life? | Think About It Thursday

When I'm on Tumblr or talking with my friends, they always ask "what are you doing with your life?" Usually I just laugh and say something sarcastic, but this comment really does affect me because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I get that they're usually just saying something offhand, but that's one of the few things that really get to me. 

I'm absolutely hopeless at the moment, because I really don't know what I'm doing with my life. It's like the whole world is passing me by and I'm not totally sure where I'm going. I know what I want to do; be a writer. I want to write books, short stories, my blog. I'd like to start Youtube, and my secret nerdy if I could be anything wish is to be a singer. Ah man, how original. However, I just don't do anything about it. 

Well, I could enter singing competitions or try and get my written works out there - but I'm terrified. I'm such a perfectionist and procrastinator that if I've already wasted too much time doing something, there's no point in doing it because I can't get it perfect. I know this is an awful attitude to have, especially as I'm still in school. But with the ridiculous pressure that I put on myself teamed with the pressure others put on me, I tend to just lose it. I don't know what I'm doing, and every single person I know keeps telling me that's a bad thing. 

We're treated like children and not allowed to make any of our own decisions, but all of a sudden when you reach a certain age adults expect you to have everything figured out. Wtf guys?!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Book Cake Tag | Tag Tuesday

Flour: A book that was a little bit slow to start off but really picked up as it went along.
Personal Demons by Stacia Kane. It's a trilogy, but I'm talking about the first book alone. I had to force myself to keep reading, but it picked up about a third of the way through and I finished the book incredibly fast. The very hot demon love interest doesn't hurt either.

Butter: A book that had a really rich and great plot.
Definitely A Breath of Frost by Alyxandra Harvey. It's a historical fantasy kinda book, all about witches and romance and mortal peril. The hereditary aspect of coming into your powers was written so well, and I love that there were real reasons for the three main girls to be the 'chosen ones', if you will. Writers that just pick random characters to go save the world are my worst enemy (okay not really).

Eggs: A book that you thought was going to be bad but actually turned out quite enjoyable. 
I thought the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill was going to drown in a sea of my disappointment, but I couldn't have been more wrong! I've ended up loving the series because of witty characters, immortal peril, and drool worthy guys. It's also not as dark as other paranormal novels can be, so far no characters I care about have died (jinx back, double pinky, round the side, double pinky, jinx back).

Sugar: A sugary/sweet book.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. It's a YA romance novel (obviously), it's an easy read, but the characters and plot are rich and amazingly developed. Also the only YA romance novel I've ever fallen in love with (made me cry a lot).

Icing: A book that covered every single element that you enjoy about a book (funny moments, action moments, sad moments etc.) 
I know it says a book, but I'll name a series. The Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine is the icing on the cake. The loveable characters, funny moments, lots of action. Last Breath (book 11) is a tear jerker, although there's a sad lil moment in all the books. I love this series because when you first start reading, you kinda feel like our protagonist is going to endue with the guy who's mean to her and throws her outta the house, but then she ends up with another guy. Refreshing!

Sprinkles: A book series that you can turn to for a little pick me up when you're feeling down.
The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong is amazing. Firstly, it's a trilogy, so you don't have to devote as much time to it as a 15 book series (Morganville I'm lookin' at you). Secondly, there's a rich backstory as to how all these characters came about and how all the bad guys became bad guys. Third, the love triangle isn't even that bad. The hater of all love triangles (that's me, hi guys), doesn't mind this one. I don't know, it's just done so believably and isn't the main story arc.

The cherry on top: Your favourite book this year so far.
Will The Drake Chronicles is my favourite series of all time, hands down, a new favourite book I discovered this year would be Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey. Okay, why not just dedicate this blog to Alyx herself, seriously! I put off reading Haunting Violet because I wasn't quite ready to let go of The Drake Chronicles, but I'm so glad I didn't wait any longer. The book's about ghosts, and deceit, and disjointed families, and romance, and it's set in the 1800s. I want nothing more from life.

Feel free to do this tag yourself, it's lots of fun! 
Cake and books are both so intense, 
Put 'em together it just makes sense!

~zì jiàn!~