Friday 29 August 2014

Doctor Who | Fandom Friday

Hello lovelies! Today's post was going to be really insightful, deep, and interesting (about dealing with the likes of success and failure), but Doctor Who distracted me. Basically I've been having a Matt Smith Doctor Who Marathon, seeing as we just saw a regenerated Doctor in the new series. My marathon has been going for the last few days, seeing as watching shows online without downloading takes a long time. I just can't let go of Matt Smith yet.

He's another example of why Whovians continue to watch, and love Doctor Who. As with any regeneration, you hold onto the previous Doctor as long as you can, but eventually you start to realise that although this new guy can't ever replace him, this new guy can make his own legacy. That's what Matt Smith did, and although us Whovians have to respect each Doctor's decision to move on, it doesn't mean we have to like it.

Chris was fantastic, and I mean really fantastic. There's nothing better than sass wrapped in leather. And then we have David, who I really didn't want to go, because he was pure brilliance in a pinstripe suit. Now, we've said goodbye to Matt. Matt, there's about a 0.0000000000001% chance of you reading this, but hey I can dream. We will always remember when the Doctor was you. You and the Ponds brought a new side to Doctor Who that us Whovians have never seen before.

I'm kind of tearing up a little as I write this, because as thrilled as I am to have Peter Ca-fucking-paldi as the new Doctor, I can't forget about Matt Smith. We Whovians won't forget about any of the Doctors; New Who, Classic Who, companions, supporting characters. Whoever (or whatever, don't want to stereotype) you are, Whovians won't forget.

Unless you're the Silence. There's a good chance we might forget about you. Sorry.

What was I talking about?

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