Tuesday 26 August 2014

7 Deadly Sins of Reading Tag | Tag Tuesday

Prepare yourself for a series of unrelated Doctor Who GIFs.

Greed: What is your most expensive book, and what is your most inexpensive book?
My most expensive book is probably a leather bound copy of Dracula I bought from Booktopia (online Aussie bookstore). It was reduced from $54 to $36.50, and worth every cent. The cheapest book I own is definitely Sense & Sensibility, which I bought from a second hand shop for $2. Bargain!

Wrath: Which author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
I had to think long and hard (dirty) about this one, because the list is unfortunately long. I'm gonna go with Richelle Mead, because she can write brilliant, gritty, real series like Succubus Blues, then write some silly teen drama like Vampire Academy that isn't logical at all. In my personal opinion, her books can be quite hit and miss. Although I am excited to read Gameboard of the Gods as I think that will have a more mature storyline than many paranormal books tend to have.

Gluttony: What book have you deliciously devoured over and over again, with no remorse?
Do I even need to answer this question? Do I? It's obviously the Drake Chronicles series by Alyxandra Harvey. I could literally read all six books every week and never get tired of them because they're really amazing. Actually, any book by Alyxandra Harvey is worth reading a billion times, eg. A Breath of Frost. So excited for Whisper the Dead!

Sloth: What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
Um, a lot of books. One that really stands out is the Blood of Eden series by Julia Kagawa. It's a trilogy, and each time I buy the next book it takes me weeks and weeks to get through it. I've barely started The Eternity Cure, which is very bad of me. The series is actually amazingly written, I just have trouble getting into the books and put off reading them.

Pride: What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?
I don't really feel the need to show off when it comes to books, because there's no point trying to act superior for reading a certain novel. But there are books that I'm very proud to have read at a certain age, or books that make me feel like an intellectual reader. Books like Jane Eyre and Siddhartha are great reads, but no matter how great a book is, you shouldn't brag about it.

Lust: What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?
I just love Lucy Hamilton. Passion, a helluva lot of sarcasm, sticking to what you believe in, strong, determined. It's also a plus when the character's not really stupid and acts like the dumb chick in every horror movie.

Envy: What books would you most like to receive as a gift?
I'd love to receive a set of leather bound classics like Peter Pan and Pride & Prejudice from Dymocks, or the rest of the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill because I desperately need more. To be honest, any book on my Booktopia wish list is a book I would be extremely happy to receive as a gift.

I hope you all enjoyed this post, and feel free to do this tag as well! It was created by BookishlyMalayza on Youtube. I love you all!

~zì jiàn!~

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