Sunday 11 October 2015


I suppose I should address the elephant in the room...
I have not actively posted on Gypsies & Pixies since February 2015. In the last 8 months or so I'm pretty sure I've only posted three times, and none of those posts were very substantial. I'm not exactly sure what this post is, but I suppose I'm finally acknowledging my blogging hiatus and apologising for leaving both my readers and myself in the lurch. 

This year has not been one abundant with creativity like the years before. I haven't felt as depressed or anxious as I had been, thus my need for creative outlets lessened. As much as I enjoy blogging, I simply had no craving and felt no need for it. Creativity is an outlet, one I utilise in times of crisis and inspiration, but it is never something I want to force myself to do. While the relationship I have with my blog and readers goes both ways, I simply haven't put any time into maintaining said creative relationship.

I enjoy blogging about beauty and books and such. I especially enjoy the freeform, fairly unstructured platform, seeing as it's a breath of fresh air from strict school work. It's just fun, you know? Although I still hold myself to a certain standard on Gypsies & Pixies, that standard is more of a guideline. A guideline that, as of late, I have altogether ignored. And I'm truly sorry for not putting out more content on this blog.

2014 Blogmas and then my blogging spree in January took a lot out of me, and it's taken a long time for me to have any desire to blog again. My hiatus has been a chance for me to take a step back from this platform, and I deeply appreciate that chance because after January, I almost despised this blog. I possessed an equal amount of love for it, too, don't worry!

Due to this being a hectic school year, I've also had a very heavy workload. You guys know those rumours you heard about homeschooled kids getting it easy? They are so wrong. Blogging and any sort of creativity have been put on the back burner while I focus on school. But, seeing as I'll hopefully be done with school mid-November, I'd like to think I'll be able to focus on Gypsies & Pixies once again. 

I can't promise that, and I'm not going to. I enjoy beauty and lifestyle blogging, but I've grown out of love with it this year. That's not to say I don't appreciate my blog and everyone who reads it, just that while I am definitely getting back into the swing of things as high school comes to a close, Gypsies & Pixies won't be my first priority. 

Now, after all this talk of not blogging, I do have an announcement. I've started a new blog. I still love Gypsies & Pixies, and I will start posting on here soon, but for now I need a different type of outlet. My new blog is called Candid Jesse.

Candid Jesse is a compilation of thought dropping, free thought, and all that good stuff. I've got a lot of material saved up from over the year that I didn't know what to do with, so I thought it'd be a good idea to make a blog out of it all. I've been posting for a week now, and will be posting twice a week until I run out of stock piled posts. Then, I hope to continue with my regular schedule, but I can't make any promises.

I love Gypsies & Pixies, and as soon as the school year is over I will get back on it's band wagon, but for now I would sincerely appreciate it if you all stopped by Candid Jesse and checked it out. 

As always, I appreciate you all and will talk to you very soon. I actually mean it this time! xx