Saturday 25 May 2013

Funny Things People Do

Hi everyone!
As you can tell by the title of today's post, it's going to be around the topic of what people do.
But I don't mean normal things like walking their dog, or eating.
I'm talking about embarrassing things, stupid things, things you regret doing even while your doing them (...because that didn't sound dirty or anything...).

1. Brush your teeth before eating. C'mon, that's just silly. You know you'll be eating soon, or that there's some event you've gotta go to that involves eating a lot of food - yet you brush your teeth anyway. The taste of food/drink mixed with tooth paste just... isn't very nice... How do I know, you ask? Because I, too, am guilty of this ridiculous offence.

2. Watch your clock keep time, just because you can. This is more or less a sign of great boredom, or you're waiting for something important. Nonetheless, it's kind of silly because it's not like you can make time go faster. Now that I think of it, that would be insanely cool.

3. Wear your shirt backwards. I may or may not have done this when I was little, but I can't be blamed for that, right? Anyway, wearing your shirt backwards is just silly.

4. Living your life on social networking sites. You know who you are. Never eating. Never sleeping. Constantly re-blogging photos on Tumblr, messaging people at five am on Facebook. That's okay - I'm in the same boat as you, but what I just mentioned might be slightly over exaggerated.

5. Giving up is something we have all done at one point in our life. It's stupid and ridiculous and will only end up crushing your spirits - I've definitely done this though...

6. Forget why you walked into a room. Don't lie, we've all done it. Made a mental note to get your phone from your bedroom before going out, but when you walk in you just forget. Why? I don't understand, and every single time I do this I want to yell at myself.

7. Choke on your own spit while talking. Yes, this is really gross, but I've done it... When you're talking and all of a sudden... Uh oh...

8. The obvious one: pulling a door that said push and vice versa. I've done this, and your cousin's dog's sister's friend has too. It's okay, it's so common that it can't even be classified as stupid anymore

9. Wearing pants that are way to long. You got up this morning and thought about what to wear.
"I really want to wear those jeans! But they're too long, oh whatever. They will look sooo cool" Ha, that was a mistake. You walk through the school halls smiling and laughing with your friends when it happens. Everyone turns to see you flat on your ass, after tripping over those pants - not so cool anymore, eh?

10. Accidentally spit out the gum you're chewing. This one is a little gross, but pretty funny. In the middle of talking to [say, a crush], you spit out your gum... And it lands on him... Ick.

11. It's taken you forever to get a joke. This happens to me possibly every time someone tells a joke, and I mean every time. I'm not a very funny person, and although I appreciate someone funny, it still takes me a while...

12. After being told there's gum on the ground, you then proceeded to step in it anyway. I did this yesterday at school, actually. My friend [I'll call her Scotland on my blog] and I were walking around the school with no shoes on. Scotland pointed out some gum on the ground which prompted me to say "Yep, yep, I won't step in it".
Oh, but I did...

13. Getting a ring stuck on your finger after trying it on, even though you knew it would be too small. Not such a big deal, you'll just feel a bit silly afterwards. Thankfully, I'm a ring-stuck-on-the-finger-virgin.

14. Fallen off your chair while trying to pick something up off the ground. At first you're all nonchalant about this predicament, and think you'll be able to bend down to grab that stupid pen. No, the chair has other ideas, because when you're least expecting it the chair will fall and you will too. It's so funny though, even when you're the recent victim.

15. You've song the wrong verse to a song without realising it. This is fine when you're alone, because you'll just laugh at yourself and carry on. But when you're with a group of friends singing along to the latest NeverShoutNever song and sing the complete wrong lyrics... It's more or less hilarious than anything else.

16. Told someone the wrong age because you literally forgot how old you are. Why, as a matter of fact yes. I have done this - I believe I was ten. My band teacher asked me if I was ten or eleven.
I said eleven.
My best friend proceeded to correct me, and fall on the floor in a fit of laughter.

17. Said funner (or funnerer), and had someone laugh at you for it. Is funner a word? Or isn't it? Because every time I say it I get laughed at. Oh well

18. Forgotten how to spell your own name. This, believe it or not, is really common. It's not like everyone is unbelievably stupid - we just have a lot of trouble concentrating on spelling our own name. This is nothing to be ashamed of.

19. Started telling a really interesting story and then just lost interest in telling it. Hey, it happens to everyone!

20. Used someone else's tooth brush without realising it. There a lots of versions of this specific type of stupid such as drinking someone else's drink and wearing someone else's underwear. I've done both, but haven't used someone else's tooth brush...

Okay, that's all I can think of for now - I hope you all enjoyed this post and can relate.
Hopefully my next post will involve some photos!

~Au Revoir!~


Monday 13 May 2013

A Short Story...

Hi there! Here's a nameless short story I wrote about a month ago that I thought all you internet folks might enjoy. There's a little bit of swearing, so if that offends you in any way you don't have to continue.  


Most eighteen year olds spend their summers at the beach, getting drunk. Or buying too many pairs of shoes that you'll never wear. Or getting ready for University. 
My summer, however, hasn't been so crash hot. Most of my friends are off seeing the world or taking it by storm, my boyfriend is thinking about moving to a different state, and I'm pretty sure I'm mentally ill. 
After all, I see ghosts. 

I first started seeing them when I was ten, I don't exactly know what triggered it - but nonetheless for the past eight years I've stumbled through it the best I can. The ghosts usually just need someone to talk to, since being dead and completely invisible to the world is pretty lonely. I tried Google and a hundred different books and libraries, but I'm clueless as to why this is happening and even as to what I am. At the same time, I don't really mind, because the whole "I see ghosts" thing is kind of cool. Besides, the ghosts I have known and come to love are nothing like what you'd find in a Stephen King novel, they're just like a regular person. 
Except, you know, they're dead. 

As I was reminiscing, the aforementioned pain in my ass decided to show up. It was a new ghost, pretty damn creepy as usual, but had decided to show up when I was relaxed and happy. Usually ghosts appear to me when I'm panicking, when I'm in danger. However this ghost then thought it'd be fun to mess with my head, and disappear. 
Stupid-ass ghosts! I thought.
This was just the start of the more-crazy-than-usual things I'd be dealing with. 

"Okay, I love you and all, but I'm not watching Dear John again. If you make me watch another chick flick I swear I'll chop off my ears and stab a fork in my eyes," grimaced Dylan, running a hand through his light brown hair. 
I grinned at him, "Fine, how about a compromise? We'll watch A Good Day To Die Hard, if you don't move to Queensland. I can live with that."
"Emily," he sighed as he said my name. 
"I know, I know. It's such a good opportunity to study in Queensland for Uni and play footy etc. But the ANU is a way better university than any place in the sunshine state," I bargained. 
Dylan simply pressed play on the remote, having already put a DVD in the DVD player. 
It was Dear John. 
I guess I wasn't going to be able to change his mind about the move, no matter how desperately I pleaded with him. 
Half way through the movie, a pack of tissues, and two ice cream cones later I felt a shiver down my spine. I tried not to react to the sudden cold spell and simply ignore it. After all, a lot of people believe that it just means someone in the future walked over your grave. 
I, however, know that to be complete bullshit. It means there's a ghost trying to contact you, it means there's a ghost in serious need of a little chat. I wasn't in the mood to chat, I wasn't in the mood to do anything but lie next to Dylan on my second hand couch and watch a pathetic movie.
Ghosts are just so damn needy. 

Just because I was expecting all this, doesn't mean I don't freak the hell out every time it happens. 
"Hell… Hello…" the ghost started. The ghost's outline didn't give much away as to it's looks, but I could tell it was a girl by the voice. 
"I haven't met many of your kind before, necromancer," she commented. I stopped studying her tall, thin frame and looked into her eyes at the word necromancer. I'd heard that word a few times before, but I'd never thought it really fit… me… 
I wasn't a necromancer, I wasn't some tough chick that could save the world. 
I'm Emily, just Emily. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and also known for getting into a lot of trouble. Detention I could deal with when I was in school, but all the mysteries that accompany being whatever I am (a necromancer?) are things that I've had trouble with.
The ghost smiled at me knowingly, like she could see all the pieces of my mind puzzling over the name she'd given me. Distracted, I looked over at Dylan. 
Who in turn was looking at me like I was totally insane. 
"Babe, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking, you know," I was usually a skilled liar, just not around Dylan. 
My gorgeous, loving, boyfriend could see right through my facade and wrapped his arms around me. It gave me a sense of security to know that I had someone who was always there for me, even when we were miles apart. And here Dylan was, right next to me, but I nonetheless felt like he was already in Queensland. 

I wanted to tell him about the ghost I’d seen, after all he already knew that I saw them. Whether he actually believed me I had no clue. 
Tell him! My inner voice was a fucking pain in the ass. This ghost is different from the others, she isn’t so needy and annoying; she isn’t a psychopath either. 
This ghost was a mystery. 
Which is why I couldn’t tell Dylan - I had to work this all out on my own because this fucking ghost seemed dangerous. I just knew it would end badly, so shielding Dylan was my best bet, which made him sound not-so-very-manly.
Interrupting my thoughts, Dylan whispered, “I heard her too.” 
Maybe shielding him from the paranormal world was going to be harder than I thought. 
I had to make contact with that ghost again.
But believe me, I really didn’t want to. 
It had been a week since Jane Doe (my made up name for the stupid ghost) had made an appearance, and things weren’t looking that great. The ghost obviously wanted something from Dylan because whenever he was alone, she’d try to communicate with him. If Jane Doe was a living, breathing girl, I’d bet she was trying to get him in bed.
Fucking ghosts. 

I didn’t understand it though, what did she want? Why did she come to me, to Dylan? For a whole week I’d been shut up in either the library or in my room, with barely any sleep, trying to get some sort of answer to all these stupid questions. Despite the seriousness of the whole situation, I couldn’t help but giggle at the fact that I’d already finished school and was still fucking learning. Oh Joy. 

Lying on my bed, meditating (not as easy as it seems), my phone buzzed. Maybe it was someone telling me what the hell I should do. The text ended up being from Dylan, of course. 

I think I know what Jane Doe wants...? 

I didn’t bother replying and called him instead. 
“What the fuck do you mean?” I asked. 
“Wow, you’re cranky when you’re life is on the line,” Dylan joked. 
“Okay, she appeared to me once last night and said that you’re in her way. She kept talking about you screwing everything up, and that she wanted payback.”
“That’s it?” It made practically no sense, at least not to me.                                        
“That’s it.” 

I didn’t respond, because I knew that words wouldn’t help me - now I had to decide what to do. My life had always been scary and fast-paced, but this time I wasn’t so sure if striking hard and fast would work. Because Dylan, the love of my life, was right. My life was on the line, and now I had to choose whether to fight or fly. 
Fight or flight...


I hope you all enjoyed this, and I'll try to think up a decent topic for next week's post. I might not post in a while because I have a feeling my teachers will think it funny to drown us in assignments and homework.
Oh yeah, can't wait!
~Au Revoir!~

Tuesday 7 May 2013

A not-so-chipper topic: Regrets

Today's post (woohoo! My third in two days! *does a happy dance*) is on a similar vein to my "Confidence" post. However, it's a little less chipper.
We all have them. Even those way too upbeat people that say things like "I don't believe in regrets," because that's a lie. There are little regrets, like staying home from school and missing out on a great day; there are big regrets, like saying yes to a marriage proposal.

But what about those things you don't do, but don't understand why you avoid them in the first place? -- this is so so so annoying.
An (albeit, odd) example: I hate sports. I hate most physical activity with a passion, i don't know why, I'm just not a very sporty person. But the funny thing is, I really regret it. I regret missing out on the school sports carnivals and running around, and hanging out with my friends -- certainly not the first person to point it out. When I graduate, all my friends will be giggling over that one guy slipping over in mud during cross country - and I'll be left out. There was also my year 7 camp (we didn't actually go camping!), I went, but it was like I wasn't there. I didn't participate in most of the activities, didn't go to the disco or on the flying fox. Granted, there was a "friend" of mine that would literally not let me out of her sight (creepy and annoying!), but that's not much of an excuse.
I don't understand why I didn't join in, however.

It would have been so freaking amazing if I'd just said yes. I wouldn't be regretting it now! It's been close to two years since then, and I still don't know why I didn't have a go. Yes I hate sports, but I still would've had fun. I'm not afraid of the dark, or heights or anything similar - so WHY?
I'm totally clueless, and feel slightly stupid for missing out on such great opportunities during middle school and the start of high school. But, luckily for me, there's one thing I can try: just say yes! Similar to Zoella (links below), I'm shoving my regrets and worries away and saying yes to anything (legal...) that comes my way. It's completely worth it, even if i'm nervous at first.
I'd love to hear your stories about regrets and things like that so I don't feel so alone ;) Leave comments below, follow me, etc etc!

Au revoir!

Monday 6 May 2013

A Drake Chronicles Fanfiction!

I wrote this some time late last year... Thought I'd post it on my blog. This fanfiction is written in the character Hunter's P.O.V :-)

We kept walking... I didn’t even know where, all I knew was that two of my friends were practically dragging me through the outskirts of the Violet Hill Carnival at night. And with the Hel Blar (the worst vampires of all, with blue tinted skin and a mouthful of fangs) roaming the streets, this was the most idiotic plan imaginable. Jason had even made me dress up in brown wedges and a dark blue sundress, which complimented my blonde hair and blue eyes.
I knew I looked good.
Chloe hadn’t said much, but the glint in her chocolate brown eyes made me think they were planning something - something I so wasn’t going to like.
“Where are we going?” I asked, almost getting hit in the face by an oak tree branch. Damn.
“You’ll find out soon enough, Hunter!” Chloe was practically singing, which was way more scary than any vampire. I grunted a response and tested my friends’ grip on my arms by lightly tugging back. Of course, that only made them hold on more viciously. But I didn’t have time to do a decent roundhouse kick on their asses, or use their hands as leverage to flip them off me - because standing barely ten feet away from us, slightly obscured by trees, were Quinn and Marcus. Two of the infamous Drake brothers.

“The hell, you guys?” I practically screamed.
Quinn... Why was he here? He shouldn’t be, as a recently turned vampire (or not that recently) he shouldn’t have such good control over himself around all these people. If he’s here to try to get me back, I thought, the only thing he’ll get is my fist.
To his face.
Or maybe my wedges, to his balls.
I obviously had a very scary look on my face because my tough vampire boyfriend (ex?) was squirming. If only I had a camera, I would’ve shown a photo of that to Lucy - she would have loved it. Quinn had the nerve to look down into my eyes and eventually, slowly, step forward towards me, a Helios Ra agent in training.
A Helios Ra agent in training hopelessly in love with a vampire, cliché much?
“Hunter...” he trailing off.
“What?” this time I definitely did shout. I was angry at him, and my friends for leading me here - but looking into his blue eyes and at his long dark hair made it harder. At least he wasn’t shirtless, because there’s no doubt I would’ve lost that battle.
“Why are you here?” I shot him my best Helena Drake glare.
“Are you kidding? No matter how scary you are, I can barely go a day without hearing your voice or thinking about you. It’s like I’m bloody Logan!” he whispered furiously. Even when he was angry, he talked good. The whispering, however, was pointless because Marcus could here everything we said.
“You’ve gone four days without seeing me, Quinn,” I, too, whispered.
Jason looked uncomfortable, so Chloe made up an excuse about doing some surveillance and left. They weren’t normally so boring, maybe Jason would’ve stayed if Sebastian was here.
Fun times, I thought sarcastically.
“Obviously you’re not going anywhere, so talk fast. I’d like to salvage the rest of my night if I can,” I snapped. I could’ve been nicer, but I’d had a crappy day at the academy, lost three nights sleep over Quinn, and had been kidnapped by the some of the most powerful vampire families. Being a teenager just plain bites, no pun intended.

Marcus smirked at me, aggravating me to no end. The science whizz of the Drake clan must’ve been paying close attention to my heart rate and would’ve sensed my heart skipping beats. I can’t help it if Quinn is infuriating and hot.
“Why are you here by the way? Why didn’t Conner, you know, his twin come?” I asked sarcastically.
“Oh, Hunter, you wound me,” Marcus mocked, “Besides, Conner’s using his computer mojo to fix dad’s laptop.”
I nodded, then looked at Quinn expectantly.
“Shit, I’m sorry okay? Please don’t make me say it again,” he looked at his brother for help, but Marcus declined his request.
“Quinn Drake! If you don’t have the vampire balls to apologise to me on your own then fine. But do not use one of your brothers to get out of trouble with me,” I cocked an eyebrow and turned on my heal.
Three, two, one, like clockwork. He grabbed my arm and twirled me around to face him. I narrowly avoided smashing my nose into his chest.
Damn. Stupid. Vampires!
“I am saying sorry. Sorry for turning in Jenna and Lucy to the Raktapa council to save your very cute ass. I don’t regret it, but I know you want me to rot in hell for it.”
“No shit! I don’t care if they volunteered, okay? You turned in one of my best friends, as if that wasn’t bad enough. But then decide to throw your own sister’s best friend into the equation? Lucy is also Nicholas’s girlfriend, so you’ve seriously screwed up here. You do know that right? How Nicholas can stand being around you after almost losing Lucy again is beyond me,” I was babbling, but Quinn had that effect on me.
“You didn’t die, Jenna didn’t die, and nor did Lucy. So everything worked itself out in the end.”
“That is so not the point!”
“What is the point?”
I didn’t reply, partly because I had no answer, and partly because I didn’t really want to say anything. This whole thing was so messed up, and anything I say would just make it worse.
“I’m sorry,” Quinn reiterated.
“I know.”
“I just couldn’t stand the thought of you being, you know, dead.
Before I could think of something to reply with to that sad statement, Marcus interrupted with a wolf whistle. “While this is all well and good, I just want to say that I have never seen Quinn quite so hooked on a girl. You should probably forgive him and go make up,” the older Drake brother smirked a little.
“Oh shut up, if you help him I’m not going to have any chance of standing my ground. Two Drake brothers are harder to resist than one!” the childish comment slipped out before I could stop it.
It did, however, earn me a smile from Quinn - where had his patented smirk gone anyway? He stepped closer, being very careful not to touch me. Like I might singe him with the rage pouring off me.

“I really want to kiss you now,” Quinn stated.
“You’re off your game Lestat. Usually you just wrap your arms around me and give me a smouldering glance.”
“I’m trying something new, Buffy.”
The banter only eased the tension around us slightly, but at least we could slip back into our old routine. However, that old routine could hardly compete with the way he kissed. At first, it was light and gentle - but it soon turned darker and much more passionate. As his tongue caressed mine and our lips moved together, his hands trailed up my body to rest somewhere on my back.

“Have you forgiven him yet? Because Nicholas needs the bikes to pick up Lucy and Solange. They took a walk and ended up fighting off a few Hel Blar,” Marcus piped up.
I wasn’t embarrassed that Marcus had witnessed our kiss, more annoyed that he’d stopped it.
“I have to go too,” I pulled out of Quinn’s embrace reluctantly.
“Oh, come on. We weren’t done making up,” murmured Quinn.
I grinned at him before adding, “We’re in crisis mode.”
I hugged him tightly and walked off to find my two hunter companions. As I turned away I heard the brothers mutter, “Aren’t we always?”
I smiled to myself, and replied to no one, “Of course.”
But Quinn heard me, he always did.
No matter where I was, he was there for me.
I loved that, and no matter how much it mortified my Grandpa, I loved Quinn too. 

Friends.... or a Clique?

Hey everyone, it's Jesse.
Before I get into today's post, I have just got to point out how much school sucks. I don't necessarily mind hanging out with my friends, or my English class - but maths is....
Maths is just terrible... Not just because I suck at it, mostly because I suck at it.
MOVING ON - I thought I'd start an annual monthly advice column, last month's topic being confidence. I've been doing a lot of research on Google and other blogs, trying to work out the few things on young girls' minds.

We all want to have that group of friends just like The Clique, shopping together, laughing together, basically being together. Freakishly joined at the hip, as my mum used to call myself and my old best friend. But sometimes, those best friends whom you love so much can become just that: a clique. 
What's the big deal, right? Who gives a damn if your little group is known as a clique? 

YOU WILL! Trust me, because a clique comes with very specific rules.
1) If you hang out with anyone else you can't hang out with us anymore - for example, if you decide to spend even one lunch with another group, you can kiss your season pass goodbye! I don't know why this is, but a lot of the time it's because your clique could feel threatened by others or they're very possessive of you. Pathetic, right?

2) You aren't the boss of you anymore, wait, does that make sense? Eh, anyway, what I mean to say is that you'll have to learn that you aren't your own person anymore. Say goodbye to having your own opinions, say goodbye to free will. The leader of your clique will want everyone to be just like them, or at least have the same ideas - yet I still haven't much idea as to why. Is it because they'd feel threatened by someone different? Probably. That's just ridiculous!

3) The final rule is, don't expect to be treated how you want to be. If you're in a clique, it's a privilege - not a right. I don't agree with this at all, but really, this is correct. When you're in a clique, just being in it is enough, so there's no telling how that "leader" will wanna treat you. 

Now here's the three things you can do to combat all this ridiculousness:
1) Don't be afraid to speak your mind! It will be hard, especially when you're feeling accepted, but if you can't talk about how you really feel - are you sure these are the people you want to spend your time with? If you had real friends, they'd let you say what you want and wouldn't judge you. There will, of course, be times when you don't agree; but you'll get over it. It's much harder to get over a disagreement  with someone that doesn't really care about your opinion anyway.

2) Be careful who you trust! Girls have a tendency to be overly trusting, not in a creepy way, just an over-the-top way. Don't go around telling everyone your every secret - learn that some people really shouldn't be trusted, learn that some cliques shouldn't be trusted. I know it's hard, because there will be some days when you feel like complete shit and just need someone to talk to - you've got to wait for those right people to come along. 

3) Know the difference between having a bunch of friends... or being in a Clique. In life, there's trillions of things girls have to deal with; from waxing to boy troubles to juggling family and your career. A lot of the time we spend more time on our makeup than finding the right friends, which is something we need to change. The last thing on our mind is worrying if we've stumbled upon a clique, let alone navigating our way out of one.

I'm not sure if this helped, but it's mostly just my opinions on cliques/friendships etc. Nevertheless, let me know in comments of your experiences with friends and give me some tips as well! I'll try to do the same. xx

P.S There will be a time (eventually) when I start editing photos for my blog, but school's keeping me busy so my blog doesn't take top priority (sheds a tear).
~Au Revoir!~