Saturday 25 May 2013

Funny Things People Do

Hi everyone!
As you can tell by the title of today's post, it's going to be around the topic of what people do.
But I don't mean normal things like walking their dog, or eating.
I'm talking about embarrassing things, stupid things, things you regret doing even while your doing them (...because that didn't sound dirty or anything...).

1. Brush your teeth before eating. C'mon, that's just silly. You know you'll be eating soon, or that there's some event you've gotta go to that involves eating a lot of food - yet you brush your teeth anyway. The taste of food/drink mixed with tooth paste just... isn't very nice... How do I know, you ask? Because I, too, am guilty of this ridiculous offence.

2. Watch your clock keep time, just because you can. This is more or less a sign of great boredom, or you're waiting for something important. Nonetheless, it's kind of silly because it's not like you can make time go faster. Now that I think of it, that would be insanely cool.

3. Wear your shirt backwards. I may or may not have done this when I was little, but I can't be blamed for that, right? Anyway, wearing your shirt backwards is just silly.

4. Living your life on social networking sites. You know who you are. Never eating. Never sleeping. Constantly re-blogging photos on Tumblr, messaging people at five am on Facebook. That's okay - I'm in the same boat as you, but what I just mentioned might be slightly over exaggerated.

5. Giving up is something we have all done at one point in our life. It's stupid and ridiculous and will only end up crushing your spirits - I've definitely done this though...

6. Forget why you walked into a room. Don't lie, we've all done it. Made a mental note to get your phone from your bedroom before going out, but when you walk in you just forget. Why? I don't understand, and every single time I do this I want to yell at myself.

7. Choke on your own spit while talking. Yes, this is really gross, but I've done it... When you're talking and all of a sudden... Uh oh...

8. The obvious one: pulling a door that said push and vice versa. I've done this, and your cousin's dog's sister's friend has too. It's okay, it's so common that it can't even be classified as stupid anymore

9. Wearing pants that are way to long. You got up this morning and thought about what to wear.
"I really want to wear those jeans! But they're too long, oh whatever. They will look sooo cool" Ha, that was a mistake. You walk through the school halls smiling and laughing with your friends when it happens. Everyone turns to see you flat on your ass, after tripping over those pants - not so cool anymore, eh?

10. Accidentally spit out the gum you're chewing. This one is a little gross, but pretty funny. In the middle of talking to [say, a crush], you spit out your gum... And it lands on him... Ick.

11. It's taken you forever to get a joke. This happens to me possibly every time someone tells a joke, and I mean every time. I'm not a very funny person, and although I appreciate someone funny, it still takes me a while...

12. After being told there's gum on the ground, you then proceeded to step in it anyway. I did this yesterday at school, actually. My friend [I'll call her Scotland on my blog] and I were walking around the school with no shoes on. Scotland pointed out some gum on the ground which prompted me to say "Yep, yep, I won't step in it".
Oh, but I did...

13. Getting a ring stuck on your finger after trying it on, even though you knew it would be too small. Not such a big deal, you'll just feel a bit silly afterwards. Thankfully, I'm a ring-stuck-on-the-finger-virgin.

14. Fallen off your chair while trying to pick something up off the ground. At first you're all nonchalant about this predicament, and think you'll be able to bend down to grab that stupid pen. No, the chair has other ideas, because when you're least expecting it the chair will fall and you will too. It's so funny though, even when you're the recent victim.

15. You've song the wrong verse to a song without realising it. This is fine when you're alone, because you'll just laugh at yourself and carry on. But when you're with a group of friends singing along to the latest NeverShoutNever song and sing the complete wrong lyrics... It's more or less hilarious than anything else.

16. Told someone the wrong age because you literally forgot how old you are. Why, as a matter of fact yes. I have done this - I believe I was ten. My band teacher asked me if I was ten or eleven.
I said eleven.
My best friend proceeded to correct me, and fall on the floor in a fit of laughter.

17. Said funner (or funnerer), and had someone laugh at you for it. Is funner a word? Or isn't it? Because every time I say it I get laughed at. Oh well

18. Forgotten how to spell your own name. This, believe it or not, is really common. It's not like everyone is unbelievably stupid - we just have a lot of trouble concentrating on spelling our own name. This is nothing to be ashamed of.

19. Started telling a really interesting story and then just lost interest in telling it. Hey, it happens to everyone!

20. Used someone else's tooth brush without realising it. There a lots of versions of this specific type of stupid such as drinking someone else's drink and wearing someone else's underwear. I've done both, but haven't used someone else's tooth brush...

Okay, that's all I can think of for now - I hope you all enjoyed this post and can relate.
Hopefully my next post will involve some photos!

~Au Revoir!~


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