Thursday 28 August 2014

Life Updates & Randomness | Think About It Thursday

Hello lovelies! I'm not going to lie, 2014 has been a bitch to me, with August being no exception. It was my birthday on the 20th (happy birthday to me), and I had a lovely day hanging out with friends. I even enjoyed work (once a week I work in the front office of my old school), which is a rarity. I had a lovely day, and not even my bitchy friends could ruin it. 

Except when they did. Last friday they slept over, and it reminded me how much I can't stand being with them for extended periods of time. I'm sounding ungrateful and ranting, so I'll move on to the whole point of this post. Updates on my life, and how I feel about it changing. 

I'm starting homeschooling really soon, seeing as the schools around where I live are really that bad. Plus that whole anxiety thing made going to school crappy, ain't gonna lie. However, it's not even homeschooling. It's 'distant education' run through the fucking government, with even more rules and stress than public schooling. This is literally everything I wanted to get away from, and I'm being forced into something ten times worse because no one can see or care that I don't want to do it. I'm desperate to do homeschooling because I know it's the best thing for me, but hey whatever. I'm just a kid, what do I know? 

Wow, I can go from zero to passive aggressive in under a second. What other updates have I got for you? Ah yes, bloggy stuff! Once known as FANFICTION FRIDAY, the last friday of every month will now be known as FANDOM FRIDAY. This is because I'm hopeless at writing fanfiction that isn't about the Drake Chronicles. Now, I can write about anything fandom related, rather than just stories. I sure do know how to keep you guys entertained, this post is riveting.

Should I even post this? It's seriously rubbish, but I can't not post this because I don't have many ideas for today's blogpost. I'm far too underprepared for this blogging thing, and I've been doing it for over a year (albeit not consistently). I wonder if anyone actually reads these posts. I hope people do, and I hope I help people in some way or another. I might make you laugh (yeah I'm so funny), or give you advice, whatever. I just really want to make a difference. 

Sorry about the lack of GIFs in this post, I'm lost for ideas. August has fried my brain, and I can't even think of a GIF. This is lame, Jesse, lame. Okay, I think that's enough for today. I'll talk to you all tomorrow! Love you all, little pixies. 

~zì jiàn!~

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