Wednesday 13 August 2014

Book Cake Tag | Tag Tuesday

Flour: A book that was a little bit slow to start off but really picked up as it went along.
Personal Demons by Stacia Kane. It's a trilogy, but I'm talking about the first book alone. I had to force myself to keep reading, but it picked up about a third of the way through and I finished the book incredibly fast. The very hot demon love interest doesn't hurt either.

Butter: A book that had a really rich and great plot.
Definitely A Breath of Frost by Alyxandra Harvey. It's a historical fantasy kinda book, all about witches and romance and mortal peril. The hereditary aspect of coming into your powers was written so well, and I love that there were real reasons for the three main girls to be the 'chosen ones', if you will. Writers that just pick random characters to go save the world are my worst enemy (okay not really).

Eggs: A book that you thought was going to be bad but actually turned out quite enjoyable. 
I thought the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill was going to drown in a sea of my disappointment, but I couldn't have been more wrong! I've ended up loving the series because of witty characters, immortal peril, and drool worthy guys. It's also not as dark as other paranormal novels can be, so far no characters I care about have died (jinx back, double pinky, round the side, double pinky, jinx back).

Sugar: A sugary/sweet book.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. It's a YA romance novel (obviously), it's an easy read, but the characters and plot are rich and amazingly developed. Also the only YA romance novel I've ever fallen in love with (made me cry a lot).

Icing: A book that covered every single element that you enjoy about a book (funny moments, action moments, sad moments etc.) 
I know it says a book, but I'll name a series. The Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine is the icing on the cake. The loveable characters, funny moments, lots of action. Last Breath (book 11) is a tear jerker, although there's a sad lil moment in all the books. I love this series because when you first start reading, you kinda feel like our protagonist is going to endue with the guy who's mean to her and throws her outta the house, but then she ends up with another guy. Refreshing!

Sprinkles: A book series that you can turn to for a little pick me up when you're feeling down.
The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong is amazing. Firstly, it's a trilogy, so you don't have to devote as much time to it as a 15 book series (Morganville I'm lookin' at you). Secondly, there's a rich backstory as to how all these characters came about and how all the bad guys became bad guys. Third, the love triangle isn't even that bad. The hater of all love triangles (that's me, hi guys), doesn't mind this one. I don't know, it's just done so believably and isn't the main story arc.

The cherry on top: Your favourite book this year so far.
Will The Drake Chronicles is my favourite series of all time, hands down, a new favourite book I discovered this year would be Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey. Okay, why not just dedicate this blog to Alyx herself, seriously! I put off reading Haunting Violet because I wasn't quite ready to let go of The Drake Chronicles, but I'm so glad I didn't wait any longer. The book's about ghosts, and deceit, and disjointed families, and romance, and it's set in the 1800s. I want nothing more from life.

Feel free to do this tag yourself, it's lots of fun! 
Cake and books are both so intense, 
Put 'em together it just makes sense!

~zì jiàn!~

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