Wednesday 17 December 2014


So, you guys know how much I fucking love reading, right? Well, you do now. Anyway, I'm going to Minnamurra for a real shitty time lovely family holiday (with one of my brothers friends, yay) before Christmas. I am actually excited, because I love Minnamurra. I'm not so excited at the prospect of spending my holiday with one of my little brother's obnoxious friends, and probably being forced to do stuff I really don't want to do by the ever frustrating parental units.

To cope with this awful misery that I will endure, I'm bringing some books. We'll be on holiday for five days (I think?), so I've narrowed my list down to eight. Let's be honest, though; I'll probably finish these books within the first two or three days and then be extremely bored. I'm kidding, I won't be bored. Between the daily visits to the corner ice cream shop, reading, getting my tan on (I'm insanely pale, holy shit), and eating mass amounts of junk food, how could one be bored? Oh! And the ice cream shop in Kiama has the best ice cream I've ever tried. 

Am I exaggerating? I am surely not. I've tried a lot of ice cream in my time, but the highlight of my life will always be grabbing a double scoop from that lil ice cream place. Oh, and the cafe with the orange poppyseed cake & nachos! Notice how I don't call any of these places by name? Yeah, that's because I pay no fucking attention to anything. 

This post was supposed to be me talking about the books I'll be reading, and now I'm off with the goddamn pixies. Then again, I've posted some pictures, what else am I supposed to say? I can't very well describe books I've not read (well, I've read To Kill a Mockingbird, but who can explain that book?), so you guys got a fun little ramble-y post instead! 

P.S. Wanna see photos of my trip to Minnamurra? No? Too bad, you'll be getting them anyway! 

P.P.S. I'm pretty sure there's free internet where we'll be staying, so I'll be able to continue with Blogmas. But if there's not I pinky promise I'll catch up!

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