Tuesday 6 January 2015


I started doing yoga recently because I want to feel healthier and better about myself, but I'm very confused. On what planet, in what universe, in what timeline, would yoga make me feel much better? I am being very dramatic about this, because I do actually feel slightly different and calmer, but my god yoga hurts. I'd forgotten how about the constant aching of your muscles until your body gets used to the funny yoga positions, and the strain your muscles can be put through if you're not used to doing any physical activity. 

My lower stomach muscles (don't expect me to know the scientific names, that's like asking me to eat seafood - a waste of time) and my shoulder & neck are killing me. Not only that, but my soul is hurting from all the stupid yoga. I'm gonna put it out there that I'm not very fit, and while I do enjoy going for a walk/run or doing zumba, that's about the extent of my sporty endeavours. This is why I'm in so much pain; I do almost no physical activity (I'm on school holidays, as if I'd do that) and my body certainly isn't used to the strains & pains of yoga.

If it hurts so much, why don't you just quit? Yes, I could, but I'm not going to. I'm too stubborn for that, and I want to see through the 30 Day Yoga Challenge that I'm doing. I found it on youtube, and it's pretty easy to do. It's just a shame that I can't even hold plank for very long before I shake so much and have to crumple up in a heap on the floor. 

But despite all this, I'm glad I'm trying out this yoga thing. I'm trying to be a little healthier, and yoga is seriously helping with that. I'll see it through because I can't stand the idea of just giving up. Again.  Yay for yoga (or something to that effect)!


  1. You do zumba & you complain about yoga? I'll take yoga any day. My yoga begins & ends with a session of relaxation. I always walk home from yoga feeling like I'm floating on air. Maybe it's not for you (like zumba sure as hell isn't for me).

    1. I know, right? It sounds mental! I'm not used to yoga AT ALL, I'd bow down to anyone who does it!
