Monday 19 January 2015


I didn't make any New Years Resolutions for 2015 because I always break them. Always. I feel like they're not a good enough way or reason to improve or better yourself. Instead, I scoured the internet for ways to make your life a little better and for ways to stay a bit happier. I'm not a very happy person, and often find myself spiralling into little bouts of terrible anxiety or mild depression (ugh, and I promised myself this would be a happy blogpost), so I really wanted to change that in 2015. So far, I think I'm doing a pretty good job. 

The main thing I want to focus on is being happier. I always let little things get to me and find it very difficult to get ahold of my negative thoughts and emotions. I found a Youtuber named Savannah Brown and her video, Happy Hacks #1. She suggested finding any ol' jar and every day putting a folded piece of paper in the jar (I always make sure to put the date on said paper). On this piece of paper I like to write anything good that happened that day. Maybe it's something I did that helped someone else, or a little thing that might seem insignificant but actually made me incredibly happy. 

It sounds a little bit silly and weird, and also lame, but I swear it's helped. I'm able to better focus on the little things that make me happy, rather than the little things that make me anxious or sad. January hasn't even ended yet, but I already feel that 2015 is going to be a better, happier year. 2014 absolutely sucked, so it's not going to be that hard to beat. I hope everyone has a very happy 2015 and tries to make the most of their year, just as I try to make the most of mine. 


  1. I've battled depression in the past. I don't write down the good things, but I've tried to foster the habit of deliberately reflecting on things which have gone well.
    My 2014 sucked too. Good luck for 2015!

    1. I hope 2015 is an amazing year for you, too!
