Tuesday 13 January 2015


Because of us, youtubers, celebrities, and anyone who puts themselves & their life out there for the world to see, have to justify said life to us. That's definitely not fair. Views and followers put so much pressure on these people that they actually feel like they have to justify their lives to us. And the second they do something we don't like, we pounce.

We're mean, we pressure them, we pry into their lives even when we have no right to, we push barriers that should never be pushed, and cross lines that are drawn for a reason. We have no rights to their lives, and to claim that we do is unacceptable. 

Who cares if a couple breaks up or gets together? Who cares if two people look cute together? Who cares if someone has gained or lost a little bit of weight? We are shoving human beings into a box without air holes, not giving a damn about the fact that we're suffocating them. If we're obsessing over fictional characters, fine, they're fictional. But when it comes to real people, what the hell is wrong with us? Why on earth do we insist on suffocating these people and being utterly disrespectful?

Imagine what it's like to have people talking about and judging you 24/7. Imagine being confronted with the ridiculous ideas posed by people that just because you put a tiny portion of your life on display for others to see, that you're expected to show them every part of your life. With absolutely no respect for your wishes or privacy, they'll keep you in that box with no air holes, picking it up and shaking it around for entertainment.

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