Saturday 27 December 2014

THE NEW YEAR | Blogmas Day 20

Yes! I've done it! It's the final day of blogmas, and although I've skipped one or two days here and there, I've always made up for them. I'm genuinely surprised and very pleased with myself for actually completing blogmas 2014. Anyway, onto today's post.

I've always made New Years Resolutions, ever since I can remember. I'd pull out one of my many notebooks and flip to a clean page, and write. Who knows how much effort I put into making resolutions every year, or how much paper I've wasted. Truth be told, I don't think I've ever stuck to these dumb resolutions, and I hardly believe I'd be able to if I gave it another go.

What's the point of New Years Resolutions, anyway? The new year isn't even a big deal in itself, merely marking the end of a 12 month cycle (heh) and the cycle yet again repeating itself. There's literally nothing special about this, and yet we all make such a big deal about this one moment. That one moment when the clocks' will tick over to midnight. We party and celebrate until we simply can't do so any longer, we bring in the new year with fireworks and cheers. 

Why? Why do we insist on making so much out of such a little moment? As humans, do we really need another excuse to celebrate another supposedly insignificant moment, or is it something more? Is this silly idea of New Years Eve so important to us because it gives us a chance to not only look back on the year just gone, but also to give ourselves a clean slate? Maybe. I know I need a clean slate (although certainly more often than once a year), because I desperately want to start over. 

Starting over represents new challenges and joys. It might be terrifying to some, but it's also a breath of fresh air. Almost like you've been slowly suffocating, and you simply want to be released from this dank, dark prison into a new light. Somewhere with a dazzlingly bright sun, blue skies, and fields of prosperity and chances. 

I guess we do need that, and that's what makes New Years Eve, New Years Resolutions, and the act of bringing on the new year so special. You might not make resolutions, you might not care for partying on New Years Eve, or the aftermath on New Years Day - but we all need this ceremony of 'The New Year.' That breath of fresh air you take once the clock strikes midnight, the new eyes you see everything with, they are what makes the tiresome new year rituals so worth it. Even if it's only for a moment, we should savour that moment. Look behind you, see that cold place where you couldn't breathe, and then turn around. Face the beautiful stars, the sun and moon, rolling hills and joyous sounds–and embrace the new year. 

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