Tuesday 30 December 2014


Anyone who says you can have only one OTP is lying to themselves and needs to get their head out of their ass. I have a trillion OTPs, all of which I love and will ship even after I take my last breath. I honestly can't imagine living without these fictional characters who are very real to me, whom I love more dearly than most people in my life who are made of flesh and blood.

I'd list my all my OTPs in this post, but I'm genuinely scared that this post would get way too long if I did that. So I'm going to turn this into a series; unscheduled and very random, but every now and again I'll obsess over a particular OTP of mine. Sounds fantastic – brilliant, even – right?

Rose and the Doctor, of Doctor Who, are probably the two characters that are on my mind the most (except maybe any Drake Chronicles character). I don't know how to explain my love for this pairing and their story, but I can try. Rose Tyler has always been my favourite companion, ever since I started watching Doctor Who all those years ago, despite my irrational aversion to female main characters with blonde hair (better left unexplained). Chris Eccleston is also my favourite Doctor (David Tennant isn't far behind, promise), so it seems fitting that I'd ship Rose and the Doctor as hard as I do.

When Rose was unceremoniously torn away from us at the end of series 2, then again near the end of series 4, I couldn't imagine being happy again. I never wanted her story to end, and I desperately wish we'd gotten a more conclusive (and happier!) ending to her story. I know the ending we got was perfect, especially because trapping her in an alternative universe with the Meta-Crisis Doctor was literally the only way to stop Rose getting back to her Doctor - that doesn't mean I have to like it. 

There is one event in Who history that pacifies my arguments a little bit, one specific episode that makes me giddy to think about; The Day of the Doctor. If you've seen it, you know the Moment takes Rose's (well, Bad Wolf's) form to try and convince the Doctor to do the right thing. If you haven't seen it, sorry, this is about to get hella confusing and spoiler-y. I love that the Moment took Rose's form; out of everyone the Doctor has met and ever will meet, it's always Rose. Rose Marion Tyler made the biggest impact on the Doctor, she's the girl he fell in love, the girl who eviscerated the Daleks with a simple thought, the girl who traveled from a different universe to get back to him. 

It was Rose Tyler, not Wilf, not Amy, not Sarah Jane, who helped the Doctor that day. The Moment chose Rose in the Doctor's most desperate time of need, and by doing so, immortalised Rose (and Billie Piper) in Who history forever.

I just...I l–

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