Saturday, 6 December 2014

OMEGLE ISN'T JUST FOR PERVERTS! (it's still 90% perverts though) | Blogmas Bonus Post

Guys, guys, guys! I went on omegle text last night (yes, I know that was a fucking terrible idea, but I was bored out of my skull) and typed in 'music' as my interest. Anyway, I spoke to this guy who introduced me to pirate metal music, which is just as weird as it sounds. However, I then spent twenty minutes listening to some pirate metal music and actually enjoyed it. Props to whoever came up with the concept for pirate metal music!

This same guy introduced me to kawaii metal (I'm not kidding, look it up), specifically the band Babymetal. I honestly do not know what to think, just that I thoroughly enjoyed the music and desperately want to learn the choreography for their music videos. I've tried really hard to gain some context to their songs through the music videos up on Youtube, but I was beyond confused 99% of the time. I do know that their song, Megitsune, has something to do with kitsunes, but other than that I've got nothing bar the dodgy translations on their website. 

I tried to introduce these uninformed, ignorant beings, to Scarlett Seven and Versaemerge, but the only responses I got were "who the fuck are they?" and "eh". It's sad that they wouldn't even try listening to their songs, but hey, those poor souls don't deserve to hear the ear sex that is Blake Harnage. I didn't actually mention the ear sex to anyone on omegle, because otherwise I'd fall unto the 'pervert' category that most people on omegle seem to fall under.

I'm starting to realise that this blogpost is literally pointless and not at all worth it's "bonus post" status. Whatever, it can be whatever it wants to be. It has a dream. A dream to be the eagerly anticipated, golden blogpost that everyone has inappropriate lustful dreams of. Are you going to be the one to tell this poor post that it's nothing but a sham, a failure, an utter disappointment? I thought not. I've already done that for you.

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