Wednesday 3 December 2014


Alright, so I'm starting to realise that this blogmas thing was a fucking awful idea. Let's be honest, I don't know how I'm going to post every week day in December, and I don't know what monstrous beast possessed me when I made the decision to do so. What on earth was I thinking? I'll tell you what, I totally wasn't thinking, because we all know that I have commitment issues. 

I wasn't sure where I was going with this post, but I knew I couldn't miss out a day literally 3 goddamn days into blogmas. Commitment issues? I don't think I could call 'em that, but that's what I'm christening these beautiful things (???). I just can't dedicate myself to one thing for more than a day, and lose interest before I can complete said thing. For example; I tried to do a quote jar DIY for Gypsies & Pixies, but totally fucked up all three of my attempts. I have since scrapped that idea, so I'm very sorry to any of you who were eagerly anticipating the day I'd post a DIY - although, really, who is that stupid? 

What was I talking about? Commitment issues, right. My evidence for those is pretty circumstantial because I don't have any proof of them, but I promise you they are there. Look at me, trying to convince you all I'm dysfunctional. I really am, and I just can't seem to commit to anything I try to put my mind to. I have at least fifty unpublished and unfinished blogposts just wasting away because I lose interest in them and can't seem to finish them. Why? I have no idea. 

This blogpost was a train wreck, and I hope future editing Jesse will manage to get something salvageable out of it. What have we learned today, kids? That I have commitment issues, although said commitment issues don't have anything to do with actual relationships, and that I shouldn't write blogposts on a caffeine high. Did you know I'm not even supposed to drink caffeine? Apparently it's really bad for my mental health, oops. 

NOTE: Hi, this is editing Jesse. I really tried to turn this post into something interesting, intellectual, and good, but god dammit I have failed. I'm posting it anyway, though. Only because I don't want to miss out a blogmas post, and it's not like the quality of said posts are going to get any better. But if they do, then let's keep those expectations real low. 

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