Friday 5 December 2014

My Christmas Playlist | Blogmas Day 4

*not my tiny image* 
*not my image* 
*not my image*
*not my image*
*not my image*
*not my image*
The Spirit of Christmas (1998): This album has been well loved in my family, I'll tell you that much. I've listened to it (as well as the other old Chrissy albums in my family's house, most of them from the 80s & 90s) a shit-tonne of times, and I just bloody love it. My favourite song from the album is without a doubt Happy Christmas (War is Over) covered by Jimmy Barnes.

30 Days by Never Shout Never: I love Never Shout Never, so it was inevitable that one of their Christmas songs ended up here. I don't know why I like this single, but the music is just so sweet & makes me extremely happy.

The Xmas EP by Never Shout Never: Yay, more NSN! But really, this album is absolutely brilliant and I highly recommend you all go check it out right now. They've got a cover of Happy Xmas (War is Over) on there which makes me immensely happy!

Hoppipolla - Penelope Soundtrack: This isn't strictly a Christmas song, or a Christmas movie, but this instrumental is everything Christmas-y. It's stunning, sweet, beautiful, and gets me into the festive spirit every time I listen to it.

Santa Baby by Versaemerge: Versaemerge being one of my favourite bands, of course I'd add this song onto my Christmas playlist. I'm not a huge fan of the song Santa Baby, but this cover is amazing. Yes, I am very biased, but I don't really care. Go listen to this song right now!

Last Christmas by WHAM!: This is a Christmas classic, and I have loved it since my first Christmas I swear to god. I sing it whenever I'm alone, and it just generally makes me really happy, despite my friends thinking it's utterly depressing. How is this song depressing? 

Well, there's my Christmas Playlist for 2014. I hope you all found some fabulous new music to check out, or found that we have similar tastes in music (recommendations, anyone?). Please feel free to leave your Christmas playlist in the comments, and spread some festive cheer! Love you all, little pixies. 

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