Wednesday 17 December 2014

RECEIVING GIFTS?! Oh, the Horror! | Blogmas Bonus Post

I enjoy receiving gifts. Shock horror. Don't give me shit for saying that, because I know you do too. I so also enjoy giving gifts, you know. Probably more than I do receiving them. Anyway, that's not precisely what this bonus post is about. 

You should definitely feel lucky and grateful if you've got a good life. If you've got the money to buy gifts for loved ones, or vice versa. But feeling grateful doesn't mean you have to show it by feeling guilty as fuck all the time because kids in Africa don't have the same luxuries we do. If you can, of course you should spare some change, time, or even a though for those in need, but don't forget that you should be enjoying your own life too. Enjoy the fuck out of Christmas, and the little spark of joy you feel when you see a gift under the tree with your name on it. It's not taboo, it's totally okay to be happy about gifts as long as you don't put that way above giving, and don't turn into a dick (there's a weird visual for you). Why should we feel guilty and upset over giving and receiving gifts when others can not? That's not fair, it's not someone's fault that they can afford to buy a loved one something for Christmas (or any time of the year, for that matter). We should be able to enjoy this whole idea of giving and receiving without feeling hollow and guilty. So do just that, simply enjoy it.

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