Monday 1 December 2014

The Christmas Tag #1 | Blogmas Day 1

Merry (early) Christmas everyone! As you can probably tell, I'm doing Blogmas this year. I'll be posting every week day from the 1st to the 26th of December! I thought I'd start off Blogmas with a lil Christmas tag to get everyone in the festive spirit, so let's get started. 

What's your favourite holiday movie?
Definitely The Grinch. How fun would it be to live in Whoville?

What are your favourite Christmas colours?
I have to say all of them, I can't pick a favourite. Christmas colours make Christmas bearable.

Do you like to stay in your PJs or dress up for Christmas?
Who gets dressed up? I stay in my PJs all holiday season long, because I can never be bothered to get changed. Come to think of it, I rarely get out of my PJs. Is that bad? 

If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
I'm going to be super original (not) and say my mum. She's absolutely brilliant, and I don't show enough appreciation for everything she does for me. I usually show how thankful I am by showering someone with homemade gifts and long letters and crap like that.

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
When I was a bit younger, I used to go to my aunty's for Christmas Eve dinner and spend that time with all my dad's family, so I got to open presents on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day. Sadly, we don't do that anymore, so I only open presents on Christmas Day. 

Have you ever built a ginger bread house?
I think so, but I'm not entirely sure. I know that I've eaten two before, but I can't remember ever making one. So, no, I have never built a ginger bread house (but I really want to). 

What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
Okay, in Australia it's not called Christmas break, just the holidays or Christmas holidays. That's the longest holidays we have, at the end of the year before the start of a new school year. Why do you Americans start a new school year in the middle of the year? Crap, I'm getting side tracked. I like to sleep and eat during my Christmas holidays. 

Any Christmas wishes?
That my family and friends will have a jolly ol' Christmas. I don't really enjoy Christmas anymore, as I'm always miserable during the festive season, so I hope that might be remedied this year, although I seriously doubt it.

Favourite Christmas smell?
Anything spicy and warm, like cinnamon. My actual love of cinnamon has nothing to do with Christmas, but it's a festive scent so there you go! I do also like forest-y scents, too.

Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
Seriously? I just love food, how can you expect me to pick a favourite? This isn't right! Okay, I do have a favourite; Trifle. The most delicious dessert ever, layered with custard and sponge rolls and all that good stuff. 

I hope this tag made you feel a little bit festive, I know I feel a lot more Christmas-y after doing it! I didn't create this tag, but unfortunately I can't find the original source. Feel free to do this tag yourself, and I'll be back tomorrow with more Blogmas (excuse me while I vomit because I sound so goddamn happy about Christmas. bleh)!


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