Tuesday 23 December 2014

FORESIGHT IS KEY | Blogmas Day 17

I had a tonne of ideas for this post, but I just got back from Minnamurra (I lie, I've been back for like 5 hours) so I'm too fucking tired to type out a good quality blogpost. I'm sorry, but you're stuck with a really half-assed post today. One of my stream of consciousness, whatever the fuck comes to mind posts. Click away now if you're easily bored, offended, annoyed, or confused. 

You guys know I went to Minnamurra for six days, right? Well, I didn't have any swimmers because I live in Canberra - at least two hours away from any beaches. Sure, we've got pools, but I just don't go swimming. So for the past three years or so I've not had any bathers, this holiday being no exception. I could've bought some while we were there, but when I went out shopping with my mum I couldn't find the ones I wanted. I'm a specific, picky little shit, and I refused to settle for second best. 

That doesn't sound too bad, and it really wasn't. It's merely the principal of the thing; I went to the coast where there's beaches and didn't bring fucking swimmers. Who am I?!? Although, it's not like I was going to go swimming anyway - I'm not extremely self conscious about my body because I know how to dress for my shape and I have quite a few tips 'n' tricks up my sleeve. But what am I supposed to do when I'm wearing a bikini swimming? Seriously. There's no point wearing a rashy or coverup in the water, because they cling to your body and show off all the sins I try to hide. I ain't comfortable wearing anything tight (hello muffin top) or revealing in the chest area (hello, boobs).

You know what else sucks (smooth transition)? Periods. I got mine yesterday, so I got to spend a four hour car trip sitting, completely unmoving, and praying to every fucking nonexistent god/goddess out there for nothing...unseemly...to happen. Nothing happened, don't be alarmed, but I was suffering awful cramps. I couldn't even do anything about it because I hadn't the foresight to grab some, and my little brother & his friend (who came with us, bleh) were in the car. That would've just been awkward, and I am anything but awkward. 

So, to recap, foresight is seriously key when going on holiday. If you're going somewhere with water, bring something appropriate to swim in. If you're worried about being on your period when trying to enjoy a holiday, keep all methods of pain relief on your person at all times. Hell will ensue if you don't, trust me. Anyway, Merry Christmas and all that jazz!

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