Friday 5 December 2014


So, today my mother sent me to yet another psychologist to try and talk about my feelings and anxiety and depression and god knows what else she thinks is wrong with her child. I've seen this particular psychologist once before, and it was fine, although she's pretty damn frustrating. Today, it was less fine, and just ridiculous. I mean, she used a white board. 

A white board. 

I know right? I couldn't believe it when she wheeled the thing closer and actually started writing on it - by the way, if you haven't gotten all the sarcasm by now, I don't know what you're doing on my blog. We made a mind map and it was all great fun; made me feel about three centimetres tall and totally inferior whenever she spoke (she said, do you understand what feelings are? I shit you not). Anyway, there have been myriad councillors and psychologists I've had to throw up all my feelings on, and I'll just add this lovely lady to the list of people who really didn't help me.

I'm not a horrid, ungrateful little shit, by the way. I do appreciate my mum not sending me off to the loony bin, as well as the people who I've seen the past year. I'm just really into the whole sarcasm thing today, and I'm also really goddamn annoyed. I'm not sure why I'm annoyed, I just felt this spontaneous need to be annoyed, so that's what I'm doing (annoyed, annoyed, annoyed, repetitive much?).

What else has happened today? Oh, yes. To bribe me into feeling better after the fail of a session I had today with the psychologist (the lady was actually fine and did mean well, but she didn't laugh at any of my jokes) my mum took me shopping in Civic. I was excited, because it meant I'd finally be able to find a BB cream that suits my pale-ass skin. I wanted to find the Innoxa BB cream in Buff, but of course the Canberra Centre Myer & Priceline don't stock Innoxa. I then proceeded to throw myself into a little bit of emotional turmoil, just for the hell of it, and ended up being quite the mopey shopping companion for the duration of our trip.

Okay, the mopeyness had nothing to do with the BB cream, I'm just a mopey person. I've kind of completely forgotten what the point in this blogpost originally was, and ended up about fifty kilometres from my destination. I think I wanted to talk about how I feel about seeing councillors and psychologists, but I really don't want to write about that. Instead, I've given you another abominable blogpost that's even worse than the last few blogmas posts. I am so sorry, but they're not getting any better. Buckle up for the ride, folks, it's the most uneventful & boring road trip you've ever had. 

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