Wednesday 24 December 2014

SANTA'S GONNA GET YOU! | Blogmas Day 18

"He sees you when you're sleeping"

Santa Clause held his breath, although it wasn't really necessary. Gone are the tiresome days of checking in on each individual child - now he simply presses a button on his fancy new computer and can observe his precious children sleeping. He absentmindedly reaches out to the screen, the sleeves on his bright red suit riding up ever so slightly, and strokes the image of a little red headed girl. She's a pretty one, he thinks. 

"He knows when you're awake"

The red head - Cherry - tossed and turned as she slept. Eventually the little girl simply couldn't continue with this ridiculous idea of sleep; it was Christmas Eve and she desperately wanted a glimpse of the jolly man in the red suit. Last year Cherry came close, but Santa heard the stairs creak under foot and she had to hide from view. By the time Cherry was sure she was safe from being found out, Santa was gone. 

Santa observes the girl get out of bed, and wonders what sort of self control she possesses. Most children would've given up by now and snuck down to shake their presents, trying to gauge what special gifts had been left to them that year. Cherry impresses him, he decides. He is enamoured - in a way - by this young girl. But she's awake now, and that's certainly not a good thing. Cherry must be punished.

"He knows if you've been bad or good"

Cherry finally let go of her self control and pulled on a dressing gown to keep the nightly chill at bay. Silently (she'd been practising walking quietly for this very moment), she slipped out of her room and crept towards the Christmas tree. Cherry desperately wanted a new doll and some pretty clothes for it, but had she been good? Oh, to think coal might end up in her stocking! Why, she'd be simply distraught, even thinking about it made her shiver. Have I been a good girl? Cherry wondered. What would Santa do if she hadn't been good?!

"So be good for goodness sake!"

Santa shakes his head as he continues to watch the screen. Just like last year and the years before that, Cherry gave up trying to wait for Christmas morning and went downstairs. Honestly, why can't there be just one child who behaves on Christmas Eve? He's not known very many children to stay in their beds all night, and can count them all on one hand! The other hand he saves for using his computer, monitoring all the children he's expected to deliver presents to. That practise ended long ago, as Santa now preferred to send his elves and or a robotic Santa in his stead. Much more efficient, and it gave him a chance to admire all the sleeping forms (and the should be sleeping forms!) on his screen. 

Cherry is a favourite, so Santa pays more attention to her than any other children in Australia. She was also being awfully naughty trying to figure out the gifts that Robot Santa had left her. Oh well, it's simply too late to take her off the nice list. Santa would have to punish her in another, way. 
"Ho ho, ho," Santa Clause mumbled, "Merry Christmas, Cherry."

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