Friday 12 December 2014

IT IS I, SUPER GIRL! | Blogmas Day 10

So, yesterday I spent a good six hours tidying & cleaning the house. I've been done with school for roughly two weeks now, and mum has been nagging me to pull my weight around the house seeing as everyone else is out at work/school all day. Normally, I'm all about the cleanin', obnoxiously so. I'm that one friend who's always going around cleaning other peoples' houses just because I can. However, I really haven't helped out around the house in for-fucking-ever. 

I have decided that I am Super Girl. I didn't give myself a break during the whole cleaning process, and I'm just very pleased with myself. Super Girl did a kick ass job of cleaning this house, and Super Girl is now sitting on the (very clean) floor against her bed doing that weird double chin position we internet people often do. Super Girl also treated herself to two bowls of delicious spaghetti & meat balls after her very long day. 

Why am I so happy about this whole cleaning thing, you ask? Because now I get to sloth around eating chocolate biscuits, reading, and watching Doctor Who for the rest of the holidays. And no one can say anything about it. I mean, my mum can, because if she asks me to clean or tidy the house I kind of have to. Other than that, though, I'm a free bird. Super Girl is no longer chained to the menial life she once led, her only obligation is to the people. The people she will save!

I legitimately have forgotten the point of this blogpost now. Shit. I wanted to be Super Girl, right? Yes, good, I'm making progress. Super Girl, as of yesterday, is my alter-ego. When I am Super Girl, I can do anything, be anyone (well, not anyone, I'm Super Girl). Super Girl has no fears, she is invincible, and will conquer the world with only her fierce (possibly sexy) glare and a hair twirl.

Well, this has been fun. I suppose I just wanted to let you guys know that I am now Super Girl and will eventually rule the world and/or own all the chocolate in the world. I'm not very sure about my priorities right now, but I feel like that chocolate thing is definitely less realistic. Seeing as I am the soon to be Queen of Earth, you shall all bow down to your Queen and worship Super Girl, saviour of all life on this planet. Anyway–

Oh, okay. 

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