Monday 3 November 2014

Is Homeschooling Right For Me? | Homeschooling 101

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my lil homeschooling series. Last week I just introduced the topic, talking about mainstream schooling and how it's not right for everyone. If you missed that post, click here! Anyway, onto today's topic. 

We know that mainstream schooling isn't right for everyone, and we know that homeschooling is a better alternative for a lot of people. But how do you know if it's right for you? Will you get something out of it? Will you learn a lot? Is homeschooling just a way for you to stay home and do no work? If you said yes to that last question, then homeschooling ain't for you. 

Factors that contribute to being homeschooling might be where you live; you're not close enough to a school, your parents might prefer for you to do homeschooling; they don't agree with the mainstream system. There are a myriad of different factors and reasons, but they won't apply to everyone.

I can't tell you if homeschooling would be beneficial for you or if it'd be a waste of time, so I'll just share my experiences. I have very bad anxiety and social phobia (I know that sounds like a copout, but I promise it's not), something I never did anything about until this year. My anxiety got so bad that I wasn't leaving the house, but that's not the only reason why I left the public school system. 

There were a shit tonne of reasons for me wanting to do homeschooling; I didn't feel like I was learning anything valuable to me, school sucked all the creative juices out of me because it didn't focus on the arts. There were many reasons, and on their own they didn't seem like valid reasons for doing homeschooling. To me, they were really important. To everyone at school, to my parents, I was being fucking pathetic.

Well, thanks mum & dad! Anyway, if you want to do homeschooling, but you don't know if it's right for you, then maybe it isn't. The best way to know if anything is right for you, is by noticing how much you procrastinate going forward or by how much you hesitate. 

Here's the thing; you have to be willing to try really goddamn hard. You don't have teachers chasing you if you haven't turned in an assignment, it's all you. You have to prove to everyone that you can focus and actually get something out of homeschooling. That's how you know if homeschooling is right for you. If you're not prepared to put in all the work and try your hardest, homeschooling will do less for you than mainstream school did. 

I know that doesn't sound helpful, but hopefully it will make you think. That's all I want to do with this series; make you guys think about homeschooling before you dive in. I'm a huge advocate for homeschooling, distance ed, online school, and all that kind of stuff, but I want you all to be prepared and really want to do it. I can't give you a lot of details on homeschooling because I do a slightly different variation on it; distance ed. It's basically online school at home.

Next week I'll go into a lot of depth on the type of distance ed that I do, and I'll also give you guys as many resources as I can if homeschooling is the path you want to head down. 


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