Monday 27 October 2014

Mainstream Schooling? | Homeschooling 101

Homeschooling has become a lot more popular recently. Not too long ago, people assumed that only weirdos or hippies homeschooled their kids. But now, those people are realising that there's a lot more to homeschooling; it's a big deal, and for some it's a better deal. 

For whatever reason, the thought of going to school makes you want to throw up those pancakes you had for breakfast (or is that just me?). Maybe there are bullies, maybe you're not learning anything, or maybe mainstream schooling just isn't the right fit for you. 

A long time ago, when the whole concept of school was designed, it wasn't so each kid got an exceptional 1 on 1 learning experience. School was a convenient, practical way of getting a group of kids in a classroom to learn basic maths & English. Nowadays, the only thing that's changed is the 'basic' part.

I don't care if you disagree, good for you, but this blogpost isn't for you. It's for the teenagers who (like myself) don't fit the mainstream schooling mould. Going to a normal school (public, private, whatever) simply isn't right for everyone. How could it be? Let's stick a bunch of pubescent, idiotic teenagers in close quarters for most of the week until they're 18. Have 'em suffer in the competitive, stressful, anxiety & depression ridden world of high school. We'll take the amazing concept of learning new things and twist it until it's so distorted that creativity goes completely out the window. *insert cheer here*

This is where homeschooling comes in. That competitive, anxiety ridden environment disappears. You can tailor your curriculum to one that suits you; perhaps you want to focus more on art or history or music etc. It sounds like the best of both worlds, and for some people it is, but not for all. Homeschooling is certainly not for everyone, because it requires you and your parents' undivided attention and you have to motivate yourself to do the work. 

How do you know if homeschooling is right for you? I'll talk about that in the next part of my Homeschool 101 series! I like to think I know quite a bit about homeschooling, or at least the type of homeschooling I do, and I've got a lot of experience with the process of getting into it. However, please do not take my words as gospel, as I am only just starting out and can't give you a lot of the official details. I will try to talk about homeschooling as best I can, so if you have any questions please leave them below or tweet me (@gypsiesanpixies)! I love you all!

~zì jiàn!~

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