Friday 17 January 2014

What does 2014 mean for Gypsies and Pixies?

On almost every Youtube channel and every blog, in everyone's notebooks and in everyone's heads, 2014 means a new beginning. The bloggers are writing about how the new year will change their blogs and are being really profound about life, Youtubers are talking about all the wonderful opportunities there are in life, and virtually everyone is thinking about making New Years Resolutions that never stick. 

I'm no exception, I've already written my New Years Resolutions and have probably failed at half of them, and I'd like 2014 to be a fresh start for this blog. In April (was it April?) 2013, when I started Gypsies and Pixies I didn't really think about how much work it would be. I've only just designed my own header for my baby, and last year I barely posted because of school and lack of inspiration. I promise, I can CHANGE.

 ☆What does 2014 mean for Gypsies and Pixies?

1) I have decided to be a lot more devoted to my blog, instead of it just being a random hobby I'm going to really commit. I honestly don't know how I'll do this, but I'd like to post twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. I'm warning you all now that there's a good chance I won't be able to do this every week, but I will try my hardest!

2) FANFICTION FRIDAY. The last Friday of every month will be taken over by a book, movie, Youtuber or TV series I love and I'll get to share my obsession with you guys! 

3) The three Fridays that aren't being bombarded by fanfiction will revolve mostly around lifestyle and design. This day will be a little miscellaneous because I'm not necessarily going to stick to one specific topic. It'll be a surprise, and because I couldn't think of a name for it it will remain as MISCELLANEOUS FRIDAY.

4) Every Monday I'll post a BOOK REVIEW! The length and depth of the review won't depend on the length of the book or its popularity, but how much I'm able to write and how enthusiastic I am about the review. I'll try to do in-depth reviews as often as I can, but there will be that occasional book that only gets a small review. I swear I'm not a book snob! :) 

5) I'm um-ing and ah-ing about doing something on the first Wednesday of every month called ASK JESSE. It'll basically be an advice column where you can submit any appropriate question you like via comments or email and I'll answer them as best I can. I'll also look online to find common issues that could be discussed in Ask Jesse & Miscellaneous Friday.

I hope you guys like my ideas for 2014 and that this year will be wonderful for all of you! Let me know any of your ideas as well as your New Years Resolutions, maybe we can all fail at resolutions together! Or is it just me? No? Oh thank god.

~Au Revoir!~

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