Wednesday 26 March 2014

Something Old, Something New: March

I feel so sad at the moment. Because school has taken up most of my time and my head's been all over the place, I've had to stop reading. Even the books that I was in the middle of, I've had to stop reading. It's gotten so bad that books I started over a month ago are still sitting on my bedside table unfinished. I feel deflated, like I'm not worthy of my Bookworm title. I'm only half kidding, to be honest. As you can tell, I take books very seriously. I guess I should move on. As always, links to take you to the books' Goodreads pages are below.

☆Something Old☆
Most of the books from my last Something Old, Something New aren't finished, but I did have time to re-read Blood Prophecy by Alyxandra Harvey and my book of selected poems by Edgar Allan Poe. Both I've loved to death ever since getting them, and because I didn't have time to delve into a completely new literary world I thought it'd be okay to travel back to some old ones.

I can't properly express how much I love these books and how amazing the authors are. I've been a fan of the respective authors since I was ten or eleven and just. omg. I love.

☆Something New☆
I'm currently reading The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa, and I've got less than 60 pages left. It's similar to the Hunger Games as it delves into the dystopian world of different factions of people under the rule of those who essentially don't give a damn about you. Except, there's vampires. The main character, Allie, goes through the trials and tribulations of living on the Fringe of society and almost dying many times. One night, after being seriously injured, she's given a choice between dying and becoming the very monster she hates most in the world; a vampire. The rest of the book is about Allie leaving behind the world she knew, and leaving behind everything she knew about herself. I love it omg. I also love that although there is a love interest for Allie, that isn't the dominating theme in the book.

☆Something To Look Forward To☆
I've got a shit tonne of books on my shelves that I still haven't read, some of them have been sitting there for a long time. Oops? As much as I'd love to re-read the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R Tolkien, I know I have to devote the time I have reading to new books and new stories that I don't know off by heart. I definitely should read Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick. It's the third in the Ashes trilogy, something I started a loooong time ago. I haven't gotten round to it because to read this particular series I've got to be in the perfect mood, and lately I just haven't wanted to read it. Don't worry! I will review it soon!

Some other books that I'm definitely looking forward to reading the rest of the Blood of Eden series (The Immortal Rules), Omens by Kelley Armstrong, and a lot of others that were featured in my book haul post. 

~Au Revoir!~

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