Saturday 22 March 2014

Book Nerd Saturday: The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken


This isn't a review, this is an oh my god what do I do? post. I'm very tempted to buy The Darkest Minds because I've heard brilliant things about it, but I can't decide. This afternoon I've been looking around the blogosphere and sites like Goodreads to find more books that I really want to read. Most of the books I have at home that I haven't read yet, I'm not very interested in anymore. I'll read them eventually, but for now I want a book I can sink my teeth into. If The Darkest Minds was a vampire book that'd be a frickin' awesome pun.

Basically, I don't know what to do. I was very bad and researched as many spoilers as I could, but I couldn't find the book anywhere to read for free online. I read things for free online because if I'm not 100% sure about buying a book (unless it's cheap) then I often regret it. I know, I'm horrible, I should actually the books. But no one can blame me for not wanting to purchase the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. However, I think I'd happily fork out a tonne of money for The Darkest Minds. 

But will I regret buying this book? 

I can grasp the basic premise of the book, and I think I understand some of the characters. So basically if someone asked me a question about the book, I could answer them, albeit with not much depth. I haven't even read and the feels are already taking over. I know what happens at the end, and it's like my heart is the Wicked Witch of the West. It's melting, and not the good melting either. 

I'm going to bite the bullet! And once I read it I'll post a book review. Pinky Swear. *jinx back, double pinky, round the side, double pinky, jinx back*

~Au Revoir!~

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