Friday 14 February 2014

Miscellaneous Friday: Secrets to Being Happy

Being happy is a great feeling; it's like a high that you don't ever need/want to come down from. Not exactly a great analogy, but you know what I mean. Everyone wants to be happy.

Everything we do in life; getting an education, going out with friends, staying home and relaxing, eating delicious food, laughing until you want to throw up. All these things are us wanting to be happy because we think we need these things to be happy. And to a certain extent, that's right. Being happy requires some form of motivation because sometimes it's hard.

To me, happiness has always gone hand in hand with being whoever I want to be, being outside (unless it's summer, screw that), and basically doing all the things that make me happy. If I'm happy, then why should I let others bring me down?  

Although it's admirable that a lot of people always put others' happiness first, it's not good for you. There comes a time when you've got to look in the mirror and see that you're an awesome person who deserves something awesome in return. The best gift is happiness, and that's easily achievable. 

Do the things you love as long as they're not illegal. See new places and and expand your world. You don't need a reason to be happy, you don't need a reason to do things that make you happy. This is because happiness isn't about the start or the middle, it's about the middle. About that big chunk of your life that gets you to where you want to be; happy.

Being happy is fun, so as long as you're happy then you'll continue to have fun in life. This got deep, and I'm kind of out of my comfort zone but I'm being honest. Being happy means discarding the negative, or turning that negative into something positive. Take the time to do things that make you feel happier, that way the negatives can't affect you and you'll just feel so good. There's nothing better.

~Au Revoir!~

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