Monday 17 February 2014

Book Nerd Monday: Confessions

Book nerds, bookworms, whatever we call ourselves, we really like books. More than people, to be honest. But just because we seem quiet, innocent and lost in a different world, doesn't mean we're not keeping precious secrets of our people (oh god, this makes it sound like some creepy skull 'n' bones cult).

Confession No. 1
As much as I love curling up with a good book and reading a whole series in the space of three days, sometimes reading can become a bit of a task. Don't try to deny it, fellow bookworms, we've all been there. We reach a point when no matter how many books we push ourselves to read, we lose interest. I don't like this, because reading is one of my favourite things to do - but sometimes I'm just so done with it.

Confession No. 2
Guilty pleasures. When it comes to pop culture, society, all that jazz, guilty pleasures can only ever mean something sexual. Where has everyone been? Seriously, what idiots are there in the world? In the land of books, every bookworm has a guilty pleasure that they just can't voice to other bookworms. For example, I adore classics, poetry, paranormal romances and certain YA genres. My guilty pleasures involve comedy and inspirational books. These books aren't necessarily bad, but they don't identify with the genre that a certain person is known for. Get my drift? No? It's okay, I'm honestly confusing myself while writing this. I'm reeeaaally tired. 

Confession No. 3
Reading isn't the only thing we do. Wow, that's just so hard to believe right? Sure, it's basically my life, but everyone needs a break from life sometimes. It's a nice feeling to just take a little break from books and watch some movies or TV or Youtube. Granted, when a bookworm isn't reading, she's usually doing something related to books - but whatever. Semantics. 

Confession No. 4
Most of us have book snob tendencies. What I mean by this is that someone makes fun of the books you like because they don't like them. We'll all do this once or twice, so it's okay. But it's still frowned upon in the book nerd community. I'm not gonna lie, when it comes to romance books and predictable plots I become the hugest book snob to have ever walked the earth. 

Confession No. 5
We are really really proud of ourselves. I don't mean that pride is a serious issue with us, it's just that we're proud of ourselves for broadening our horizons. Instead of just doing typical human things (I don't know, playing sport, gaming, talking about makeup all the time, learning the same stuff at school), literally all we want to do is absorb new characters and worlds. I'm not sure if all book nerds feel like this, but it makes me feel happy that I'm venturing into a new world instead of doing anything else. 

Confession No. 6
We are one massive fandom. Yes, we're divided into thousands of different sectors and there are riffs between different groups. But, ultimately, we're one big family who all love to read. Wow that sounds so boring, but it's really not. We cry on each other's shoulders if a character dies, we laugh at hilarious things a character says, we scream at them when they do something dumb. Just like any normal fandom. Book nerds and bookworms and book geeks are just one big collective fandom.

I thoroughly enjoyed writing today's post, there's just been a lot on my mind when it comes to bookworms and all that. It might seem a little lame, but we're a family because we bond over all these awesome books and brilliant authors. I'm extremely glad I have friends to talk to about books, and very thankful that there's lovely authors who bothered to write said books. Where would we be without them? Oh god that would suck so bad. I love you, little pixies!

~Au Revoir!~

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