Monday 24 February 2014

Book Nerd Monday: Stream of Consciousness

As much as I love my blog and books, I'm kind of an idiot. About a week ago I had a "writing day", when I basically wrote a tonne of blog posts and book ideas. Unfortunately, I forgot to save them. 
I literally lost all my work. It's a little bit sucky to say the least. 

Which is why I thought I'd do a book related stream of consciousness post, because I'm just so original. You know what's not original? Almost every romance in literary history. For example; the paranormal universe usually stays on one vein. The girl has to choose between two guys but ends up choosing wrongly. Then when you think it's all over, she ditches one guy for the other. That's definitely not the only plot line for all romances, but man I'm sick of the same typical stuff. I don't know why I read books with so much romance, I guess I have high hopes for them. *she's got hiiiiigh hopes* 

OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, GUYS GUESS WHAT... Casting for the Morganville Vampires is underway! Which means it's that much closer to being a web series, and I can't explain how excited I am for it. I've adored this series since day one, and to have it turned into a web series is just the icing on the cake. I'd say cherry on the sundae but I don't like sundaes very much. I know, what's wrong with me? Sooooo much. 

#VAMovie. It comes out on March 6th in Australia and I'm super excited to see it. A tonne of paranormal book adaptions have failed, so I'm worried about it. But at the same time I know it'll turn out great because the cast is awesome and they've had very talented people working on it. It just sucks that the movie comes out a month later in Australia than it would in the US. 

I'll probably do a review of Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters as well as some other VA related posts. I've also got six book reviews in the works, plus I have like 20 books I have to read. School has been back for not even one month, and I'm already extremely behind in my reading. It sucks so bad because I value books way more than maths and science. Not just because I suck at those subjects, although that is a big factor. 

What's something else that sucks? The finale to Stacia Kane's Downside Ghosts series still not being released? I agree! But seriously, how much longer can we wait? I absolutely love the diverse world and characters Kane has created, so I really do need more Chess 'n' Terrible. How much do you guys love their names? OH MY GOD.

Alyxandra Harvey released a new book called A Breath of Frost recently, and although she's my favourite author of all time, I haven't read it. Please don't shoot me, but I haven't found any bookstores that stock it so I'll have to order it off Booktopia or something. But I will say that Haunting Violet is perfect. The Drake Chronicles is out of this world.

Can anyone tell me what Joy Preeble's Haunting Anastasia series is like? I'm fascinated with the lost princess and I'm trying to read every YA fictional book about her. 

Should I do a "to read" blog post? Like, a list of all the books I have to read? I'm tempted to, although that would be a fucking long list. Well, I should go write that now. Sorry this post was a little unconventional and not up to a great standard, but I really didn't want to miss a Monday post. I'll talk to you guys on Wednesday with a "something old, something new" post. Until then, I love you little pixies!!!

~Au Revoir!~

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