Friday 4 July 2014

Miscellaneous Friday: Screw Eating Healthy

We've always been told to eat healthy, that strict diets and rigorous exercise are the best ways to achieve weight loss goals. 
Um, how about no?

When you're following strict diet and exercise regimes, you end up under a lot of pressure and feel extremely let down when you don't achieve the weight loss you were promised. I feel really guilty for eating a piece of mouthwatering chocolate cake or having a slice of meatlovers pizza. It sucks, because as much as I love these foods, I'll end up judging myself for eating them. They aren't good for you, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy eating them every now and again. It's not going to kill me. 

It's the same with exercise. The idea of physical activity repulses me, and I avoid it when I can because I'd much rather relax. However, I know that it's good for my body, so when I feel motivated and positive towards going for a run I will. When I'm forced to do all this healthy eating and sports (by my parents, or in P.E), I associate it with feeling shitty and awful and I absolutely hate doing it.

I actually love going for runs and playing outside with my friends (for gods sake, we still play tips), and I also love eating healthy. Sometimes I just want to tell the infomercials and any other idiots that I'm allowed to pig out on junk food or not do any exercise for a week straight. 

It sucks that a lot of teenagers feel that they need to starve themselves or do crazy workouts to be accepted by society or be 'cool'. Yes, you should be healthy, but you don't have to miss out on breakfast and dinner to do so?! All the bullshit that magazines, TV, and annoying brats at school say isn't true. You don't need to be thin to be healthy & happy, you just need to be healthy and happy. If you're happy, it's a thousand times easier to be healthy. If you're healthy, it's a thousand times easier to be happy.

~Au Revoir!~

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