Thursday 14 November 2013


Bullies are *ssholes.
That's probably one of the truest things to have ever been said by anyone, and I don't think people really recognise just how many victims are saying that.

So, out of the thousands of young people that are bullied - how many of them are listened to? Well, at my school, not many people are listened to. No matter how many times someone screams I'M BEING BULLIED, nothing is done. Teachers and pastoral care think that talking to bullies fixes things, but the mean that runs through their veins courses so deep that it's ingrained into their DNA (whoa). Putting it like that makes it seem impossible to stop bullying, but it really isn't. Teachers at my school say stuff like,  all it takes is a simple no, but that's a massive lie.

If we say no, we get mocked and bullied more.
If we say no, the bullies get us in trouble.
If we say no, people assume that we are just standing up for someone else. That there's just no way we are being bullied.
This makes me sound like a cynic, hypocrite, and like a big baby - but I'm not. I just don't understand how people can be so heartless, how people can just let things pass under the radar.

I want to spread the word, to let people know that while you think you're fixing everything and just being so good at it. You aren't. I do not mean this as a slam, but if you want to help stop bullying, just saying no and holding bullying seminars isn't going to help. It's bent (yes, I've been watching a lot of Dark Angel). I'm sorry to say all this, I really am, but what I do know is that it's going to be extremely difficult to solve the problem we've come to know as bullying. So why not call the bullies out? If you're a bully, there's a 90% chance that you will never admit to it unless you absolutely have to. You are all old enough to know what characteristics virtually all bullies share, so I won't bore you with those facts. 

However, I will say this: no matter how many times you've been on the receiving end, no matter how many times you've been the one dialling out punches, it's god to stop. To those that are complaining all the time, get off your *ss and stand up for yourself. Bullying isn't an excuse to act like a timid rabbit and blame the whole world for things that one person or you have done. To those that are hurting people, sit back down on your *ss and think about all the humans (and even animals) that you've hurt. No one needs to sit through all this mental and physical abuse like it's just everyday life.

What I want to know is why. Why can't bullies apologise? Why can't people affected by bullying stand up for themselves? If you are being bullied, blaming the whole world and acting like a timid victim, why? If you're hurting people being you've been hurt, why? None of this is going to help, and it's just going to hurt you more. 

I apologise if I'm offending anyone or if this seems a little psycho but I've got to say this. Like I stated before, you can be on the receiving end, or you can be dialling out verbal slaps and actual punches like there's no tomorrow. Some of this isn't even bullying though, if a guy calls you ugly - so what? If a girl stormed off while you were speaking to her - who cares? If a friend spoke their mind - good for them! No matter what side you're on, remember that in this day of age you can get help and actually try to stop bullying. No one wants to see their best friend turn into a bully, or see them get bullied. 
No one wants their friend to turn around and tell them that they don't understand anything, that they just don't get them, that they just lie down and let the bullies say whatever they want. My best friend said that to me, so to her and everyone else involved in bullying: let's help out all the kids, and young adults out there getting hurt when they really don't have to be.

~Au Revoir!~

P.S To everyone that has come out on top after being bullied, or after being a bully, I'm so proud of all of you. It probably means nothing coming from some girl with a little blog, but it means that you guys & girls didn't let bullying beat you. You beat it.

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