Friday 19 April 2013

A little intro to Gypsies and Pixies

Hi there!
If you haven't been living under a rock, or in a tree trunk (which, when you think about it, would be kind of cool) then you'll know there a million blogs and bloggers out there. 
Now, there's a million and one. WOOHOO! 
There are also just as many different topics to blog about, and I'm completely clueless as to what I should write about. I've always loved clothes, I've always loved music, I've always loved reading and writing. But they seem like such generic answers to the question: What should I blog about? So, I'll be even more unoriginal and just blog for the sake of blogging. This is going to sound corny and a little cliché, but I have genuinely always thought it'd be a cool idea to start a blog. This way, I can... Um... 
I have no idea. 
I just love the idea of blogs. 
My next blog (insert cheer here) will be around the topic of confidence and how you can feel better about yourself, even when you're feeling your worst. I'm just going to write it straight after this one. 
Lots of love, a little pixie :)

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