Hi, everyone! August is almost over, which means it's time for me to talk about the books I've been loving this past month! I know this post is long overdue, seeing as I've not done one in quite a while, but I hope posting every weekday this month has compensated for that. I'm actually really proud of myself, seeing as I'm awful at posting twice a week. Shall we make this an annual thing, posting every weekday in August? Let me know in the comments!
☆Something Old☆
I just finished reading (as in I finished 'em this afternoon) the first two books in the Finishing School series by Gail Carriger, Etiquette & Espionage and Curtsies & Conspiracies. The next book comes out later this year, and I can't express how excited I am! This series is a 19th century steampunk spy concoction of pure genius, and it has revived the steampunk genre from the grave I unceremoniously tossed it into. Sorry, steam punk! I'd also like to mention how awesome the names are in this book; Sophronia, Dimity, Sidhead, Pillover. P.S hot guys everywhere (although they are kind of young).
☆Something New☆
☆Something To Look Forward To☆
Along with Article 5, I ordered Hard Bitten and Drink Deep, the 4th & 5th book sin the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill. I'm not even going to hold back, and I'll most likely start them tomorrow. This worries me, because I just want that series to go on and on, never ending. There's a lot of tears, but so far there's only been happy tears! If this pattern continues, I'll be happy. It's nice to cry over a book when there's good news, not when every character you love dies a painful death. Stacia Kane I'm look at you.

I hope you all enjoyed hearing about what books I've loved this month, and I'd also enjoy hearing about what you guys loved reading this month as well! Comment below, and I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Love you all, little pixies.
~zì jiàn!~
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