I usually read in my room so no one can piss me off or distract me. If a person or pet thinks it's a good idea to interrupt me while I'm reading they are wrong, and they will die. I've watched so much Sherlock (not that there's much to watch) & Supernatural that I do know how to get rid of a dead body.
Question 2) Bookmark or a random piece of paper?
If I've got a bookmark on hand then I'll use that, but I'll just use whatever's closer. Sometimes I just have to doggy ear my book because I can't be bothered getting up. I'm a bit lazy...
Question 3) Can you stop reading anytime you want or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, part etc.?
It depends on the book. If I'm really engrossed in it, I just want to read the whole thing in one go. However, I do try to stop reading at a new chapter so I don't have to pick the book in the middle of something and feel totally lost.
Question 4) Do you eat or drink while reading?
No, unless said food or drink is super easy to consume while occupied with a book. If it means I have to put down my book and stop reading, then I'd rather starve. Oh well!
Question 5) Can you read while listening to music/watching TV?
It really depends on what book I'm reading and what mood I'm in. Sometimes I'm great at multitasking and can read while doing a million things, but other times I just need to sit down and let the world fade away.
Question 6) One book at a time, or several at once?
Several at once, for sure! I've gotten better as time goes on, but for the most part I could be reading ten books at once. I just never know what I'll be in the mood for, and it's kind of fun to say that I'm reading a billion books at once. The looks I get from people are always really funny!
Question 7) Reading at home or everywhere?
I bring a book with me everywhere I go, thanks to Rory Gilmore. You never know when you'll need a book or when you'll be in the mood to read. Plus, you should never postpone joy, so why wait until you get home to read? But there's no way in hell I'll read in a moving vehicle, I will throw up and it's not pretty.
Question 8) Reading out loud or silently in your head?
This is embarrassing, but if I'm reading Jane Eyre, there's a good chance that I'll be reading it out loud in an English accent. It's just so much more fun and authentic, making you feel like you're really there. Other than that, I read in my head because that's just what I've always done.
Question 9) Do you read ahead or skip pages?
I've never skipped full pages, but I do skip paragraphs when I'm bored out of my mind and just want to get to the really good parts. It's a bad habit, but if I feel like I've missed something important I'll go back and reread the passage.
Question 10) Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Breaking the spine! Books are meant to be loved! Don't get me wrong, I love the pristine look of a good ol' hardcover that makes you feel all giddy, but well loved paper backs are my weakness.
Question 11) Do you write in books?
It it's for school, then I sometimes will. I mostly don't bother, because I can't bring myself to deface my books in that way. I do have one Edgar Allan Poe 'Selected Poems' book that I've highlighted and written stuff in, just because I found some lines funny or related to them!
I hope you all enjoyed this tag, I know I really enjoyed answering all the questions. I found it here, so feel free to click over and check out other book lover's answers! I love you all, little pixies!

~zì jiàn!~
Question 7) Reading at home or everywhere?
I bring a book with me everywhere I go, thanks to Rory Gilmore. You never know when you'll need a book or when you'll be in the mood to read. Plus, you should never postpone joy, so why wait until you get home to read? But there's no way in hell I'll read in a moving vehicle, I will throw up and it's not pretty.
Question 8) Reading out loud or silently in your head?
This is embarrassing, but if I'm reading Jane Eyre, there's a good chance that I'll be reading it out loud in an English accent. It's just so much more fun and authentic, making you feel like you're really there. Other than that, I read in my head because that's just what I've always done.
Question 9) Do you read ahead or skip pages?
I've never skipped full pages, but I do skip paragraphs when I'm bored out of my mind and just want to get to the really good parts. It's a bad habit, but if I feel like I've missed something important I'll go back and reread the passage.
Question 10) Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Breaking the spine! Books are meant to be loved! Don't get me wrong, I love the pristine look of a good ol' hardcover that makes you feel all giddy, but well loved paper backs are my weakness.
Question 11) Do you write in books?
It it's for school, then I sometimes will. I mostly don't bother, because I can't bring myself to deface my books in that way. I do have one Edgar Allan Poe 'Selected Poems' book that I've highlighted and written stuff in, just because I found some lines funny or related to them!
I hope you all enjoyed this tag, I know I really enjoyed answering all the questions. I found it here, so feel free to click over and check out other book lover's answers! I love you all, little pixies!

~zì jiàn!~
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