I always seem to find myself spending hours on Goodreads looking for new books to add to my To Read list. I don't even read them, I just really like having a long To Read list because it makes me feel like I'll never run out of books. Ignorance is bliss, and books are cool, so here are '10 Books I Want to Read'.
"Franny Banks is a struggling actress living in New York City, with just six months left of the three year deadline she gave herself to succeed." I love Lauren Graham, and I will hopefully love her book, too!
"Jayné Heller thinks of herself as a realist, until she discovers reality isn't quite what she thought it was." This book has been on my wish list for an embarrassingly long time, but I've never actually bought it.
"Rescued from the gallows in 1850s London, young orphan (and thief) Mary Quinn is surprised to be offered a singular education, instruction in fine manners – and an unusual vocation." Kick ass female spies, yes!
"She's wild, outspoken, trouble follows Carla Mainston wherever she goes. But what do expect from a purple outcast living in a green colony? She's the last girl on the planet who should be inheriting special powers." Carla is equipped with powers of freaking sarcasm I need this book now.
"Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren't always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother, it's hard to forget that people weren't always arrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark. It's hard to forget that life in the United States used to be different." YA Dystopian novel, what more do you need?
"St Petersberg, Russia, 1888. As she attends a whirl of glittering balls, royal debutante Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, tries to hide a dark secret: she can raise the dead." I adore books written around this time about Russian royalty, so this book was made for me.
"What would you do if you were born to be a predator? Would you fight your natural instincts or give in to your nature?" This book sounds kind of creepy, which is always fun, and there's a little bit of romance thrown in for good measure.
"Lucy and Owen meet somewhere between the tenth and eleventh floors of a New York City apartment building, on an elevator rendered useless by a citywide blackout. After they're rescued, they spend a single night together, wondering the streets and marvelling at the rare appearance of stars above Manhattan." This is basically a cute story of long distance relationships. I've read one of Jennifer's books before, and it made me cry. I hope this one does the same.
"Not just any nightmares – these dreams are too real to ignore, like she did three years ago. The last time she ignored them a little girl died." Creepy dreams, cute guys, crazy boarding school. Your basic paranormal YA novel.

"Gretchen is struggling with her newfound gift as a Whisperer; the constant buzzing in her ears from detecting spells is more frustrating than fun, especially when she is spending time with one of the Order of Nine Nail's Keepers, the icy but strikingly handsome Todias Lawless." This wouldn't be a Book Nerd Monday post if I didn't mention a book by Alyxandra Harvey. This is the second in The Lovegrove Legacy trilogy and comes out in October. Excited.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this post, and maybe got some ideas about what books you'd like to read next! Leave some book chatter in the comments, and have a wonderful week - I love you all!
~zì jiàn!~
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