There are many things that piss me off about the marketing of Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters. I enjoyed the Vampire Academy movie, don't get me wrong. But jesus f*cking christ, the marketing team made the movie seem like a whiny teenage flick. Hello, the series is about saving your best friend from absolute peril!
I was on Google images trying to find some VA movie posters I liked, and I realised that the only ones I did like were fan made. Then it struck me. I'm being 100% serious when I say that the fans should have designed the promo posters and anything else like that. You all have such brilliant talent, and instead we're stuck with fluro or neon coloured posters. No.

I love these, I think they capture what VA should be about very well when compared with the actual movie posters and promos.
After reevaluating my opinion on Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters, I've realised just how much it sucked compared to the books. I'm so sorry, but it's true. The Waters brothers were not the right choice for a vampire movie, making fun of the books rather than staying true to the source material.
After reevaluating my opinion on Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters, I've realised just how much it sucked compared to the books. I'm so sorry, but it's true. The Waters brothers were not the right choice for a vampire movie, making fun of the books rather than staying true to the source material.
~Au Revoir!~
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