"I should probably point out that my best friend, Lissa Dragomir, is a royal member of an ancient race. And yeah, like most creatures with fangs, they live off blood. My name is Rose Hathaway, and I've been sworn to protect the royal bloodline with my life."
Just to prove to us that yes, it is indeed nighttime and they aren't
messing with us. No, I'm kidding. It's an excellent way to kick off the
trailer (maybe the movie too..) |
"There's a bigger threat still out there!" |
On camera, it's way less awkward to bite someone there, rather than
on their actual neck. Ha. |
Gee, that's attractive, ladies! |
"The female, especially one who lives off of blood and magic, is going to
have her mood swings." |
"Bon Apetit" |
Since when is there a cave full of Strigoi in the first book?
Looks insanely cool, though. |
Ooh! The infamous charm necklace scene! Nice back, Danila. |
Gorgeous set! Albeit not what I was expecting. |
Can someone please explain to me what's going on here? |
Yum. Dimitri. Danila. Whatever, yum to both. |
Booooom! |
You go, girl. |
The little clip from this scene in the trailer is outstanding. The fear in
Christian's eyes, the coolness of the freaking fire coming out of his
hands. |
"It's good to see you!" |
That's it, Rose, protect Lissa. Wearing a leather jacket that I bet doesn't
exist in the books. |
"Insubordinate" *melts* |
I kind of can't wait to see this in the movie, I'm not sure why. |
Olga did an amazing job as Kirova! |
Ah, another little extra that was added into the movie. Jesse Likes :D |
This is perfect holy shit. |
"Look alive!" |
Nice fangs, honey. Now put them away. |
Welcome to Montana. |
"Are you nuts, what are you thinking? Trust me you do not wanna have to
get a nose job in Montana!" |
"Oh my god." |
"Rose Hathaway is wild, dangerous…" |
PSI Hound! |
"Right here, folks, right here." |
Rose finding church fascinating, or not so fascinating. I don't know. |
The Royal Court. |
"Everyone saw that I tried to take the high road… Sort of…" |
I don't know if I love this or if I hate it. No, I love it. |
"Lissa is a possible successor to the thrown." |
"Um, thanks?" |
"I don't know what's gonna happen tonight. At this point I can't remember
who loves us and who hates us. Let's make tonight our bitch." |
Training! |
"I heard you were pretty good at takin' on two guys at once" |
Holy shit, it's a helicopter. |
"How's that under-the-radar thing working out, Highness?"
"Not so much…" |
"You should know by now, with us weird doesn't begin to cover it." |
Oh, aren't I fancy? Walkin' like a model. |
I'm dying.
I can't handle this.
Oh my god.
I am so done right now.
So, about a month ago (because I'm just so damn uninformed), I found out about a little book being made into a little movie and got a little excited. I wanted to make a blogpost when I first found out but I just couldn't process anything, plus I've been swamped with school. However, now that I've had a nice amount of time to criticise the hell out of the Vampire Academy Teaser Trailer, I thought I'd do a little review of it as well as the Theatrical.
Needless to say, the Teaser Trailer left something to be desired. I think I speak for most fans of the book when I say that my excitement level for the movie plummeted when I saw it. For lack of better terms, it was just really really sucky. So, when the full length trailer popped up in my Subscriptions area of Youtube I kind of lost it. I saw it and was jumping up and down, squealing, grinning from ear to ear; all that fangirl stuff. I decided that I'd finish all my assignments (five, in case you were wondering) that weekend so I could watch it once I'd finished. I finished all of them bar one on Saturday, and gave in; watching the full length trailer anyway. I set the Youtube setting thingo to 1080p and enjoyed the greatness that is, Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters.
This trailer is in every way superior to the Teaser, and I really love it. Except for the whole Oscar-coming-to-the-academy thing. Wait, at the dance - isn't Rose's dress more black and a little bit poofy? I think the costume designers changed the dresses for the dance a lot, which I'm fine with. It just bugs me. Not to mention that, during the time of the dance, Lissa is extremely mad at Rose. That bugs me.
Blood Sisters captures the comedy, friendship, romance and darkness of the first book really well. A ton of fans have been freaking out because these trailers don't seem dark enough, but we should remember that book one isn't as dark as the others. It's not like it contains someone (cough Tasha cough) murdering a Queen, or an attack on the school.
Things I Don't Like About The Movie
1) Mia's appearance. The actress portraying Mia, Sami Gayle, is perfect for the role because she's a splendid actress - but couldn't the makeup department give her a wig? I know it's a trivial thing to be annoyed about, but I'm not the only one! I wig, that's all I ask for. However, it won't detract from Sami's performance!
2) Zoey Deutch. I've watched a trillion interviews and although she does have Rose's personality and will do a great job with the character, there are a few things that let down Rose Hathaway. Her physical appearance is very different, and she's just so… pretty. I don't mean that as a bad thing, but will she be able to pull off the badass/darker Rose later in the series?
3) The movie (although it was done to an exceptional level) has too much of a Mean Girls theme to it, and I'm scared the humour/sarcasm will override the darkness that's featured in the later books. For example, Rose punching Mia is nothing like how it happens in the movie (well, trailer).
4) And, finally. In the first scene of the trailer we see Rose & Lissa in the kitchen. Let me just ask this: why is it so clean? Why? Their housemate is a guy. Three young adults living together? As if it would stay that tidy! Also, Lissa bites Rose in the bedroom (ha, dirty). I know this is dumb to complain about - but I can't help it.
Things I Adore About The Movie
1) Two words: Dominic. Sherwood. Christian was cast perfectly, in my opinion. In the trailer, you can see that Dominic just pulls off that dark element that Christian has, but can also do a 180 and suddenly be kind and adoring of Lissa. Oh, he's hot too. And he can sing. It's just. OMG. I can't. No. Too much.
2) Lucy Fry! For one, she's Australian and I'm Australian. Therefore, I already loved her. Secondly, she's the perfect Lissa. I wasn't sure about Lissa being English, but Lucy makes it all worth it. I'm so proud of her, and extremely glad that she was chosen to portray the spirit wielding Moroi.
3) Chemistry. Whether this chemistry be shared with Rose and Dimitri, Lissa and Christian, Rose and Mason, or Lissa and Rose. As I said, I've watched every behind the scenes video and interview for VA, and it's so clear how perfect these couplings are. The actors and actresses connected on a level that wasn't just on-camera, and I think that's going to be what makes VA so… right.
4) Set Design! The Academy looks fantabulistically (it's a word…) gorgeous, well the parts we saw in the trailer at least. Nevertheless, I just love it so damn much. When I found out they were filming in England, I was scared that they'd completely overdo it - but my fears were unnecessary because everything looks so cool. Even the little chapel (at first I didn't like the set) grew on me.
5) Someone actually decided to make a movie out of Vampire Academy. If someone were to make movies out of The Drake Chronicles, my life would be complete (my ultimate favourite books). I'm just thrilled that a bunch of people actually took the time and money to write a script, cast, film, edit and all that jazz. It means the world to a lot of people worldwide that an amazing series has come to life onscreen - well, it will anyway. Really really soon!
"And this is Vampire Academy"
"Please don't say Vampire Academy, you know how I feel about the
V word." |
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ReplyDeleteIm going to share this to the rest of the Vampire Academy fans on twitter!
ReplyDeleteA great post, it's a great example that you can like and dislike certain things and understand the changes made without completely hating on the entire film! Thanks! -@VampAcademyAus